Viewing the 'spending' Category
January 23rd, 2007 at 10:43 pm
Jan. 23 - $ 3.76
Jan. 22 - $00.00
Week 3 total: $330.48
Week 2 total: $278.05
Week 1 total: $374.24
**4 no spend days**
Items bought new in 2007:
Nintendo DS accessories (2) (dh)
Packing Tape (for ebay selling)
Bubble envelope (for ebay selling)
Shipping Labels (for ebay selling)
Knee-his (for work)
Toy Bird
Items bought used in 2007:
Tire for Car
Decided to go to BK For lunch today - usually go out once a week - $1 or $2. But I remembered I had a deposit to mail off and the post office is over there too - but closer to the Pizza Hut. Work was so crazy I left so late and was starving I decided to splurge on pizza. I am not sure if it was the smartest after last night. Was up with the Little Monkey until 2am or so - then couldn't slip - it is amazing my eyes are still open.
I was going to try preschool storytime tonight at the library but who knows - missed last 2 weeks due to illness. Make it a 3rd perhaps - we'll see.
I am super grumpy today. Little Monkey had a hell of a time with teething and we did not sleep for MONTHS. Since about October 1 (yes I remember the day) he has been sleeping just PERFECT. So work is all crazy and he decides not to sleep any more. We went through this last tax season, it was impossible to work overtime. I Am praying this is temporary. Oh well, we will work it out. I just have to start going ot bed at 8 and dh and I are opposite so we can do opposite shifts. Problem is no matter who takes what shift a screaming baby will still wake each of us all night long. So I am pretty grumpy today. I felt like last night he wanted to be up because he hadn't seen me (at work all day and then the game - wasn't home at bedtime). But the more I have to work the less he sleeps, the more I have to work to make up lost time because I will either sleep in so I am at least productive, or bring work home because I wan't productive. SO I just started freaking out trying to get to bed last night. I can not take this - I do not know what to do.
Hopefully just 1 bad night and we can nove on. But he has had a few nights like this lately - and I can pin it all on me being busy. So the vicous cycle goes. Like the last thing I Wanbt when I am busy is to take 10 hours to get 6 hours of sleep.
Oh well, I told dh I was going to bed at 8 tonight. I might wake up at 2am but at least I can get a few hours uninterrupted sleep (I hope). I can't keep my eyes open anyway so who knows - maybe I will go to bed at 7 - hehe.
Not much else going on. Tired, busy, swamped.
Financially, I think I settled on GMAC for a new MMA. I am super picky and very pleased with VB (just shopping around because the rate is on the lower side). I was just about to give up because subpar service to me is not worth another 1/2 percent interest. But GMAC looks pretty promising. I am trying to avert my eyes from all the scathing reviews and just jump in. Overall heard more good than bad... & the good where it matters... WIll probably open it with my paycheck on the 1st, keep our allowance in VB for now and the e-fund and ST savings in GMAC - or a mix in both. Just wanted to complicate my already complicated system. Oh well, then I have 2 MMAs to move money back and forth as rates change.
I think this month is going pretty good. Pretty breakeven BUT with so much unexpected, so much sickness, the flat tire, extra daycare, everything, to have a breakeven month is super awesome. (Not to mention $1500 or so I added to my savings this month alone). Right now I have about $50 cash leftover for january (unless I forgot something) but I am not sure where our credit card will land. It looks okay with $250 left for gas groceries through the 1st or 2nd. But then I remembered diaper service payment $50 due and I am sure something else will come up!
Posted in
January 23rd, 2007 at 07:30 am
Jan. 22 - $00.00
Week 3 total: $330.48
Week 2 total: $278.05
Week 1 total: $374.24
**4 no spend days**
Items bought new in 2007:
Nintendo DS accessories (2) (dh)
Packing Tape (for ebay selling)
Bubble envelope (for ebay selling)
Shipping Labels (for ebay selling)
Knee-his (for work)
Toy Bird
Items bought used in 2007:
Tire for Car
Oooooh, today was fun. Was not too productive at work - blah - running around all day. But tonight we went to the Kings basketball game courtesy of my boss. It was a blast - went with my mom. Actually it cracked me up because my parents are so straight and narrow. But when we went in my mom has actually a pretty fancy car and as we waited in line she looked over to the emptier area up front and was asking why we can't park there. I am like, I Don't think so, but she is edging that way and the guy waves us in. LOL. So we drive in, says "preferred parking." I am like hello -we can not park here. Then we see "super preferred" parking - and this is where she decides to park. She is cracking me up. I told her if I drove my minivan it probably wouldn't fly but since her car is all pimped out I guess she passes - LOL. I Was sure her car would be towed but actually nothing happened. I'll have to remember that in the future. Nah, I Wouldn't be able to enjoy myself - I am too straight and narrow - LOL. Unfortunately super preferred parking didn't seem to help much on the way out - LOL. Oh well.
The game was fun. The team isn't as exciting overall as it was 5 years ago - the last game I Went to. In fact we were down about 20 points 3rd quarter, not the greatest. But they pulled it out the last quarter and won by ONE POINT at the last minute. What a GAME!!!!!
So we had fun. Though my brain is a little over-extended. You know I usually fast forward through all the tv commercials, I don't shop much. I don't think overall I am exposed to much advertising. More subtle advertising I guess than anything else. OMG I think my brain was about to explode there - just too much. It was like Times Square times 10. My word.
Oh well, it was fun.
My mom brought $30 for dh's birthday - brings his balance to $170 for his PS3. Spoiled boy - hehe. She also bought me $9.50 nachos and soda at the game. Guess I am spoiled too. Mommies are nice!
Posted in
January 22nd, 2007 at 03:35 pm
Jan. 21 - $ 25.09 Groceries
Jan. 20 - $ 82.00 dinner & movies & pie
Jan. 19 - $ 19.39 Knee-his/present for dh
Jan. 18 - $ 52.00 Lunch/library fine/Groceries
Jan. 17 - $ 00.00
Jan. 16 - $ 37.00 Gas
Jan. 15 - $115.00 Replace Tire & Groceries
Week 2 total: $278.05
Week 1 total: $374.24
**3 no spend days**
Items bought new in 2007:
Nintendo DS accessories (2) (dh)
Packing Tape (for ebay selling)
Bubble envelope (for ebay selling)
Shipping Labels (for ebay selling)
Knee-his (for work)
Toy Bird
Items bought used in 2007:
Tire for Car
Dh bought groceries yesterday. About 1/2 was a giant thing of disposable diapers. HE has been telling me all about he has been planning his meals with what is on hand. HE was thinking of making homemade salsa and realized he had everything but the peppers. So he picked up peppers. HE also noticed he had extra this and that which would be perfect for a couple of other dinners. I am proud of him - see if this really helps our bill this month. He also picked up baby wash for Little monkey. He keeps rubbing food in his hair driving us insane. We joke about shaving his head - but then maybe will be even harder to clean - LOL. So we keep using dish soap - finally got some baby wash just to keep downstairs. he HATES his daily (multi-daily sometimes) head wash in the sink with a passion, yet he doesn't learn.
MIL dropped the kids off yesterday around noon. I Was working upstairs and dh went outside and I heard her exclaim, "What did they do all day? They didn't clean the house and dh didn't get a haircut!" LOL. I didn't realize that was the deal. Well I Worked for 2 days and took a break to go to our date night. Dh played video games for about 10 hours while I worked. I relaxed a little too. But geez louise. At least she gets why I am not cleaning the house. she is the one who raised a son who does not do housework. Don't even go there with me. I am just grateful for all that he does because it is a lot. & I hire people for a lot he doesn't do. & I don't mind cleaning the house - I just don't do it every damn day - not a priority - LOL.
I think it is extra funny because her house is not very clean - in fact it is disgusting. But the part she can not get past is the clutter. You can eat off the floor, but thee is clutter - so we are filthy. Whatever.
Oh yeah I got on this rant because she was going off if we bathe little monkey because his hair is so dirty. wHatever. One weekend with him and you can't see why his hair is dirty? Actually he is squeaky clean but his hair is dirty - doesn't make him filthy. Geez. Of course she is into bathing every day and I am not. So it goes. So I only bathe him every 2-3 days - call CPS - his hair is DIRTY!!! LOL. & i have been washing his darn hair 1-2 times a day - what else can I do?
As the weather warms we'll consider the buzz - hehe.
Posted in
January 20th, 2007 at 06:06 pm
Jan. 19 - $ 19.39 Knee-his/present for dh
Jan. 18 - $ 52.00 Lunch/library fine/Groceries
Jan. 17 - $ 00.00
Jan. 16 - $ 37.00 Gas
Jan. 15 - $115.00 Replace Tire & Groceries
Week 2 total: $278.05
Week 1 total: $374.24
**3 no spend days**
Items bought new in 2007:
Nintendo DS accessories (2) (dh)
Packing Tape (for ebay selling)
Bubble envelope (for ebay selling)
Shipping Labels (for ebay selling)
Knee-his (for work)
Toy Bird
Items bought used in 2007:
Tire for Car
Yesterday could have been an easy no-spend day. But I was feeling bad about dh's birthday. Yeah sure we are doing dinner and a movie tonight. But I was annoyed at my non-creativity and wanted to get him a little something. So Big Monkey and I stopped by the store on the way home last night.
We picked out some jelly beans ($1.99 for the generic brand vs. $3.00+ for jelly belly), a little toy bird for $0.99, and a pinwheel for 17 cents). So we had a few small tokens I am sure he appreciated. I told Big Monkey how when dh and I first moved in we had we didn't have grass or trees or anything in the yard but dirt. So we put this large pinwheel in the middle of the yard, enjoyed just watching it spin in the wind (the wind can get pretty crazy). So I thought the pinwheel, though a much smaller version, was a little nostalgic, and maybe we could put it in the yard and let the Little Monkeys enjoy too. For 17 cents, what the heck - hehe.
I also bought a year supply about of knee-his for $10. Noticed while we were there and figured about time. Probably something I Could have waited for a bigger sale. But I threw out about 5-10 pairs with holes these last months - LOL. Probably time. Finally while I Was there I noticed a digital tire pressure gage - on sale from $20 to $5. Not sure how accurate it really is but picked it up. I have a really nice guage but with 2 cars it would be nice to have 2. I'll have to compare the 2 and see how the digital one really works. We'll see. Gave that one to dh too - LOL. He really could use it in his car. so goes $10 well needed to be spent and $10 just to feel like we got something for dh. I was not as creative as his 30 pictures and 30 treats and all, but oh well. I was also tempted to buy him a pie. I might. I notice I tend to spoil him - I really do. I guess that is a good thing. Like really finner and movies isn't plenty. But the pies are like $7 or $8 - MArie Callendars - for a DIVINE pie. I might just pick one up on the way home. (I wouldn't have a clue how to make a pie, nor the time, so convenience wins - hehe).
This week I Am probably working 7 days. Everyone sounds so sad like this is the worst thing ever (just clients and friends I talk to). Don't worry about me - I get to play with other people's money all day - I like it - LOL. Actually the truth is I have had a really hard time getting more than 8-hour days in during the week. WIthout feeling like I am neglecting my family, and myself too. I have been tending to work a few hours on saturday then (maybe 6-7) and then 2-3 hours from home Sunday. It is not a biggie - takes little time from my family sunday. Or saturday really. I rather have more time suring the week. So everyone feels really sorry for me and I am happy.
Posted in
January 17th, 2007 at 09:12 pm
Jan. 17 - $ 00.00 ????
Jan. 16 - $ 37.00 Gas
Jan. 15 - $115.00 Replace Tire & Groceries
Week 2 total: $278.05
Week 1 total: $374.24
**2 no spend days**
Items bought new in 2007:
Nintendo DS accessories (2) (dh)
Packing Tape
Bubble envelope
Shipping Labels
Items bought used in 2007:
Tire for Car
Cars are gassed and groceries replenished, family is healthy and well. Maybe we will come up on some no-spend days, eh???
I am actually having a pretty luxurious weekend! Dinner out and movies Friday, better yet without kids!!!! Going to our favorite Indian Restaurant - Gaylords. We used to go to this wonderful cheapie place and they went out of business last year. I would have taken back all the coupons if I had known - we ate there 2 for 1 every so often, plus good lunch buffet. But we also are in love with this big Fancy restaurant in the Bay Area - Gaylords by Fisherman's Wharf. The budget rarely allows such fine dining, but the head chef apparently moved to the Sacramento area and opened one up here (there is a Gaylords in Australia and Japan too I believe - quite a chain). Anyway, but WE in lowly old Sacramento get the HEAD CHEF. Oh, it is DIVINE. I think the last time we went was June. I remember we went then. We have to go a little more often and keep them in business I think!
It is the same old story- everyone sick of Bay Area prices spreading out. Sacramento is feeling more like home every day to us. Though we really do need more Indian restaurants here please. We used to be able to walk to a little affordable Indian place from our condo back home. Miss that indeed.
Well, Monday we are going to the Kings game (basketball). I am not a big sports fan, but a game is always fun. A friend took me once back in the year we moved. Taking my mom and she is so EXCITED. My boss gave me tickets - we have pretty good seats. have actually tried and tried to get playoff tickets every year to no avail. So it's been a while.
So I actually have a pretty luxurious weekend planned. I have been to 1 Kings game and I Told dh since the game is free and all, I had to get NACHOS. HE was teasing me like - about how he hears everyone goes for the nachos. Well yeah, what's the point otherwise? LOL!!!
ETA: Phew - the ICE is officially gone today. Woohoo!!!!! Hopefully it stays away.
You don't how happy I was to see running in water in the gutters today instead of ICE!
Posted in
Just Thinking
January 15th, 2007 at 09:09 pm
Jan. 15 - $30.00 Replace Tire
Week 2 total: $278.05
Week 1 total: $374.24
**2 no spend days**
Items bought new in 2007:
Nintendo DS accessories (2) (dh)
Packing Tape
Bubble envelope
Shipping Labels
Items bought used in 2007:
Tire for Car
Well, I almost fainted at the sight but dh changed the tire. Okay, it turned out to be so easy too - LOL. I laugh that he talked me out of it (complicated) but then he decided to do it. IT was easy. & Big Monkey had SO MUCH fun helping him.
HE took it in today and the thing was shot - a big gash. I have NO IDEA when and where it happened - weird. I was feeling bad it just sat for days and figured that would ruin the tire. Guess it was already ruined so no matter. So dh picked up a used tire to replace it. $30 for a tire, they replaced it, and put the spare back, etc. Not bad!
I know I had a warning not to buy used tires but we always do (like I said my last car attracted flat tires like no problems - lots of nails for whatever reason). I hesitate at saying we never had a problem because I don't want to jinx myself at all - the last thing I need is that - but from what I understood these are not retread tires or messed with, they are simply used from the junkyard. & I have bought a lot of nice car stuff from the junkyard believe me. As usual - used has a negative conotation, but if you shop right it doesn't have to be really used. I like to aim for barely used, if used at all. Just titled "Used." & serves us just fine. We have a trusted mechanic who watches out for us and gives us the seal of approval for the cheapo place, so be it. I throw that out though so if people get the idea from me, to buy used tires, to be careful out there. If you end up with a bad tire it is extremely dangerous. But that is why a trusted mechanic is so beneficial to keeping car costs down - I've said it once and I'll say it 1000 times. I know people who won't buy a used car that is 2 years old because of "oh the repairs." but we have driven plenty of $1k cars that were great and needed little in repairs. Just have to know what you are doing - or know and trust someone who knows cars...
So anyway - I had my first item to add to my used category - trying to track what we buy used vs. new.
In other news I saw the reference to paycheckcity.com and I use it for work a lot. I did not remember, or know even, you could put in your exmptions and calculate your check. So I did. I almost fell over because my check showed a $450/month increase (for my $300/month raise). After playing with it I realized my paycheck was calculating my state withholding at 0 exemptions. 0!!!!!! When I take 16 for Fed. Anyway, I knew it was way over-withholding, but with tax rates so LOW I figure I Would leave it another year. Just a hedge against getting to used to lower taxes. BUT it is ridiculous. I Am losing $150/month with my new raise. So I finally decided I Want the money now. Shot a quick e-mail to my boss since we get paid tomorrow - see how much he can fix it.
I just found me $150/month. OR at least $100. I told him just to make sure it wasn't withholding more than Federal. I am not sure if he will get it perfect - obviously the software is not right on (though it was for fed - weird). So I Am just jumping with joy. Was trying to save $350 month going forward ($315 raise plus $35 I had been trying before raise) and when the car is paid off will be $550. & if I Can squeeze out another $100-$150/month on my state withholding I feel so FREE. I told dh I would just leave it for now as a "cushion." I was not even sure I Could really commit to the $300/month - seems there is always something. But I was going to try darn hard. But the added cushion just makes this next year look so EASY. I am so stoked.
So it is official, last year I was putting away little - maybe $300/month on a good month for the big bills. Today I am putting away $1350 every month for long-term (e-fund) and short-term savings (the 1-time big bills) and so that is 25% of my check I am no longer touching for day-today expenses.
That is insane.
What have we given up? Some eating out? Some toys? Not much! (& the raise helps too...)
I feel very well with the financial universe today!
PS - my boss said he will withhold whatever I want to I am taking the extra $100/month out - woohoo. I got a nice big fat cushion - I am so happy today.
Posted in
January 15th, 2007 at 03:00 pm
JAn. 14 - $11.46 Shipping Supplies
Jan. 13 - $21.29 Chocolate fix/Another dh toy (replace scammed one)
Jan. 12 - $93.00 Groceries & Gas
Jan. 11 - $59.00 Daycare & Toddler Class
Jan. 10 - $77.00 Health copay, drugs, fast food
Jan. 9 - $00.00
Jan. 8 - $16.30 Groceries
Week 1 total: $374.24
**2 no spend days**
Items bought new in 2007:
Nintendo DS accessories (2) (dh)
Packing Tape
Packing envelope
Shipping Labels
Items bought used in 2007:
Posted in
January 12th, 2007 at 05:25 pm
Jan. 12 - $27.00 or so - gas
Jan. 11 - $59.00 Daycare & Toddler Class
Jan. 10 - $77.00 Health copay, drugs, fast food
Jan. 9 - $00.00
Jan. 8 - $16.30 Groceries
Week 1 total: $374.24
**2 no spend days**
Items bought new in 2007:
Nintendo DS accessories (2) (dh)
Items bought used in 2007:
Still driving dh's car - flat unattended to. HE decided to brave the kids today - so phew. Still not 100%, still hoping it goes away without further doctor visits though, of course. WOuld be nice!
My mom bought us Togo's for dinner last night, watched the kids, and paid some money towards Big Monkey's extra preschool day. She actually offered more and I refused. If I put it in savings I Would have added it to the challenge, but I didn't and probably won't. It's been such a spendy week, I won't even reach my original savings goal this month probably. But yay for moms!!!
Today looks like it will likely end up another fast food night I guess - we'll see... I'll be happy with mac n cheese from the box and we have enough food laying around but dh is a little more picky and having bigger withdrawals from lack of home cooking.
Oh yeah, so dh's car was pretty much out of gas and so I had to stop on the way to work today. All I can say is oh my goodness!!!!!!!!!! I don't spend a lot of time outside and don't have really wintery clothes, the weather is so mild for the most part. But I got out to pump gas and about froze my butt off. Thank goodness it was the small car and a quick fill up, though I guess I could have stopped at a few gallons and saved more for later - LOL. IT was COLD!!!! I just checked the weather and it said 37 degrees, but 28 degrees with wind chill. OMG! I am standing out there pumping gas with nothing but a light layer of clothing and a light sweater.
Thankfully it is nice and toasty inside!
Reminds me we got the gas bill - $100 for December. IT is usually our worst bill and more like $130 - I think it was a little lower than usual. BUT at this rate our next bill won't be any better. Brrrrrrrrrr...
We have been keeping the house at 68 and the last few days I felt a little chilly. I finally realized in front of the windows was a little extra chilly. My mom commented yesterday she felt cold which was wild because she is always hot and so I lowered the blinds in the family room to help insulate the windows a tad. We usually leave them up so the kids don't mess with them, so we'll see how that goes. But maybe it will help a bit. Anyway, now I See why - a little colder than usual outside too. We have double paned windows and all that - very energy efficient house, so when you feel cold in front of the window you know it is COLD out there - LOL.
I also got an e-mail about a freeze warning this weekend. I guess we really should have changed the flat yesterday - like we want to stand outside at all this weekend - brrrr. We are such whimps when it comes to the cold - us whimpy California folk!
Oh yeah - I took the baby to the toddler class yesterday and he LOVED it!!!! Same one big monkey used to go to and is basically discount gymboree - same thing but $8/week (used to be $7). Money well spent. I love to see him do so well with other kids. I just worry about him a little more because he is shy like me. HE is lucky he has a big brother and somewhat of a social outlet, I really wish I had more opportunity to learn socially younger, looking back. You know my mom was shy so I didn't get a chance to interact with other kids, so the cycle goes. I was really impressed how quickly he warmed up and felt comfortable there and how well he did with the other kids. IT was cute because we just wrapped up gymboree and maybe because the kids were a little younger at that point, but the parents REALLY hover and don't give the kids much room. I am more likely to sit back and let him explore, when he was ready, encouraging him because he was a lot more timid and clingy originally. Anyway, these parents yesterday were just sitting back letting the kids play, all about the same age, and it was so cute to see him interact with the other kids - he didn't get that so much with the hovery parents. SO overall I Was quite pleased and he had a blast until we had a leave and he SCREAMED all the way home - was not happy. That was the downside - LOL. But well worth it. Dh needs to get out of the house too so will be good for them.
Posted in
January 11th, 2007 at 07:30 am
Jan. 11 - $59.00 Daycare & Toddler Class
Jan. 10 - $77.00 Health copay, drugs, fast food
Jan. 9 - $00.00
Jan. 8 - $16.30 Groceries
Week 1 total: $374.24
**2 no spend days**
Items bought new in 2007:
Nintendo DS accessories (2) (dh)
Items bought used in 2007:
For whatever reason I am in a good mood which is good because this has been a REALLY crappy week. The funny thing is I remember last year starting out REALLY crappy. Luckily it improved greatly, I remember it being a pretty good year overall, but it seems to be the same phenomenom.
Today was a very spendy day and tomorrow isn't looking better. $50 to go to the doc, some vertigo medication, and about $12 for Carls Jr. Dinner. & oh my gosh!!!!! I don't remember the last time I bought a soda at a fast food place, but I wanted fries and the meal was really cheap so I figured I'd just get the meal - cheaper than just getting the fries too. So they gave me this big huge monster soda. I put in the straw and it got swallowed up by the cup - LOL. Then I realized they had given me a super long straw for that one. I drank about 1/3 of the soda (too much) and tossed the rest. Dh's reaction when he saw it was pretty funny too. He is like what in the heck is THAT? It could feed a small village... But I got the jalapeno burger and it was REALLY good. Got my veggies...
When I got home I realized I had a flat tire though - going along with the whole crappy week thing. The worst is my last car was in a constant state of flat tire and I was just discussing flat tires with my co-worker, must have been Monday. & of course I open my big mouth - oh yeah my Saturn attracted flat tires and I haven't had any since getting rid of it - phew. Could I have jinxed myself any better??? I don't even know how long it has been flat. That is the worst. To make a very long story short I think I will call AAA Friday to come change the tire ("free") and have dh either get it plugged or get a new used tire at the cheapo place- depends how bad off it is - I have no idea. But it seemed to be sudden, so I am thinking maybe the tire is shot. A plug would maybe be $10, used tire maybe $50. Nothing huge either way, but still a PITA. I was going to change the tire myself but dh talked me out of it. I feel kind of silly calling AAA to my house but dh said he had done it before to change his tire - LOL. What the heck - might as well get my money's worth from AAA. I haven't used them in 5 years.
The other expensive thing this week is preschool. IT is already expensive but Big Monkey will probably go Thursday & Friday to cut dh some slack and she even had an opening for Little Monkey Friday. I don't know how necessary it is, but if dh could rest a little more would be great to do a trial run. Certainly when he turns 2 he can go in on a drop-in basis for emergencies and dh being sick and such. I think to some extent we will have to evaluate the cost-benefit for those times dh is sick for 1 day. But it would probably be good for him and for us, and nice to have more options. Ah, it is nice when they get older. Well we'll see how it goes. If he is miserable I Won't put him through that. HE is funny because he is shy but some places he just feels "at home" right away. So when we picked the big one up Monday he looked terrified and freaked out when the teacher, frankly the nicest lady I have ever met in my life, said "hi." He just started bawling. "Okay," I think, "not good!". So today we pick up big Monkey and he acts like he owns the place. So if he is in that kind of mood friday he will probably have a blast. IF not, I will save some money I guess and turn around and take him home. I guess my spending (& ability to work) friday will come down to the mood of a toddler. So be it!
Oh yeah but my mom who is having back problems insisted she will drive 2 hours to watch the kids tomorrow. She is crazy! So at least I get some free babysitting tomorrow (told her I'd send the older one off to make it easier on her) and a few hours in at work - phew. Though I am not holding my breath, as she may rethink this idea in the morning. But man, what would we do without family!!!
Posted in
Just Thinking,
January 9th, 2007 at 11:42 pm
Jan. 9 - $00.00
Jan. 8 - $16.30 Groceries
Week 1 total: $374.24
**2 no spend days**
Items bought new in 2007:
Nintendo DS accessories (2) (dh)
Items bought used in 2007:
Still sick sick sick here. Little Monkey was up all night, lord knows why, but after about 2 hours I did notice his little crib aquarium which soothes him to sleep, was all messed up, dying batteries. Dh didn't see the big deal, but this is the 2nd night this week and he seems just fine. Just his aquarium is not as soothing as usual. So at 3am I made dh change the batteries - LOL (I couldn't figure it out). After being up 2 hours he still screamed a good 15 minutes before he finally fell asleep - oy vey.
Just hoping batteries will solve that problem.
I know he has not been feeling 100% but the last 2 nights he woke up he was just full of beans and wanted to play. On the other hand he has been sleeping perfect for 3 months. At one point in time I was used to no sleep, but these days, not in the least. I can hardly imagine anything worse than my sleep being interrupted!!!! Lack of sleep is my kryptonite...
Big Monkey was dry heaving this morning. Everyone was asleep when I finally felt like I had gotten enough sleep and should really go to work. But not long after dh called to say he had woken up and was not feeling so hot.
I hadn't taken lunch to work because today was so hectic. But went to one client, and then dh called to say he threw up. So I moved my other appointment before noon and got it out of the way (I was not getting all dressed up again this week - LOL!). So went home and ate leftovers for lunch.
(Reminds me I found another dress for tax season that suddenly fits again - woohoo).
The kids seem okay but dh is miserable. Kids are napping but I am so exhausted I can not get any work done - just too many distractions. Did laundry, dishes, etc. OF course if the kids sleep until 5 I will feel bad, but I just can not start to get sucked into something just to be interrupted. Like all day Monday. I give up. Taking a big break today. I might just have to work Sunday... I would work after the kids go to sleep at 9 but I am so exhausted I will probably crash at 9 too.
I am still scared to go to the store and don't want to try a big fancy dinner. I think we will either find leftovers or I will make mac n cheese or something. I am not sure about dh - he can probably fend for himself I guess...
Day # 3 of me cooking- my poor family - hehe. I am thinking scalloped potatoes (box) and hot dogs or something...
Ooooh - I think we may have some canned salmon. I like to mix those with eggs and blended (crushed) saltine crackers. Make little salmon patties. Brown the meat and serve with apple cider vinegar - so yummy. Maybe canned peas to round it out. It's my mom's recipe, I have been playing with adding veggies and spices, but I think tonight I will do the lazy version. Dh hates fish so its a good night to indulge in something the rest of us enjoy. Beats mac n cheese I guess...
Posted in
January 9th, 2007 at 06:15 am
Jan. 8 - $16.30 Groceries
Week 1 total: $374.24
Items bought new in 2007:
Nintendo DS accessories (2) (dh)
Items bought used in 2007:
Groceries: Dh was sick today so I ran home around noon and popped by the store since we were all out of milk (Seriously like 1/4 of our grocery budget is MILK and dairy (yogurt, cheese) - we are going to start mooing soon - though it is getting better as kids age and rely less on milk. I just look forward to in 6 months when baby switches to 2% so I can stop buying whole, 2% and fat-free since we all drink something different - it is ridiculous! Then it will be fat-free for us and 2% for the kids I guess - a little better).
I got food for 2 meals (dinners), splurged on some sourdough bread on sale, and about $6 for milk. All for $16 - I was pretty pleased overall...
I also had to run back to get Big Monkey by my work at 5 and I didn't get much done so it was a bad spend day. Likely no OT this week with 1/2 day off today and the gas today was a bit much. So it was a spendy day.
Dh never gets sick, but man, this last year has not been good. I do not know if I should be worried. Compared to normal his immune system is so compromised. Then again he never stays sick very long or gets very sick, so it seems to be working okay. ????? But it is crazy when I am the healthy one and he is always sick - it is bizarro over here.
Posted in
January 7th, 2007 at 05:52 pm
Jan. 7 - $26.74 Checks & Deposit Slips
Jan. 6 - $30.11 Junk Food & Dh's toy
Jan. 5 - $95.88 Gas & Groceries & Underwear
Jan. 4 - $85.74 Gas & Lunch & Dh's Toy
Jan. 3 - $74.00 Celebratory Dinner + Health Copay
Jan. 2 - $61.77 Groceries
Jan. 1 - $00.00
Week 1 total: $374.24
Items bought new in 2007:
Nintendo DS accessories (2) (dh)
Items bought used in 2007:
Just bought like a lifetime supply of checks and deposit slips. Wasn't the cheapest ever, but I Was pleased with the extra deposit slip option. I am down to using maybe as many checks as deposit slips every month (2-4/month each) so I just wanted a big pile of deposit slips - I never really go to the bank for the most part. Was whining to dh why check printers did not include MORE deposit slips because seems more and more people use bill pay. But then I remember more and more people use direct deposit. I don't have that option so oh well. I ordered a life supply of deposit slips instead. Wasn't terribly frugal, but VERY convenient.
I confirmed dh's purchase ysterday was an allowance item. I keep teasing him about it too - hehe. His balance is -$5 right now, mine is $82 (I bought a jacket last week for $18).
I am frustrated because he was going to save save save, so I put it in our high-interest savings. Oh well, this month is a wash - nothing to add since he took it all out, will move the $5 loss from his allowance to the EF - found $5! In the meantime he is giving me an accounting headache. I will just keep it in checking or something until it hits a limit, like $200, and maybe move over to ST savings. Not worth this high-interest savings back and forth, and keeping track.
Posted in
January 6th, 2007 at 04:41 pm
Jan. 6 - $30.11 Junk Food & Dh purchase - memory card
Jan. 5 - $95.88 Gas & Groceries & Underwear
Jan. 4 - $85.74 Gas & Lunch & Dh's Toy
Jan. 3 - $74.00 Celebratory Dinner + Health Copay
Jan. 2 - $61.77 Groceries
Jan. 1 - $00.00
Items bought new in 2007:
Nintendo DS accessories (2) (dh)
Items bought used in 2007:
Keeping track, keeping track, not sure how long I can keep this up - LOL. I really would like to compile 1 whole year - but who knows if this is just the over-zealous NEw YEar thing or if I am really that dedicated.
Yesterday was a big spend day. After dh bought his new game thing (I am not even sure what it is - ordered it online) he tells me yesterday he needs to spend money. He says it in that way when he needs to make a large purchase and I start getting exasperated with him. But he is just teasing, he needs underwear because they are all covered in holes - LOL. HE does his laindry so I hadn't really noticed. Frankly mine are getting holy too but I hate shopping and I Am lazy. IT could be a frugal thing, but truthfully it is more a LAZY thing. LOL.
But I am super proud of dh. Wal-MArt sucks, not so much the store itself as a whole, but the worst parking lot every imagines houses Wal-Mart - we both pretty much refuse to go. There is one way in, one way out, a HUGE parking lot and many box stores, and top it off, I have not figured out why, but people check their brains when they drive in there, it is an alternate universe or something. I just drive in there assuming no one is going to look, 1000% defensive driving. People drive around like imbeceles. My favorite is when they are coming out of a parking lane and they look right before they turn right, but they don't look left to make sure no one is coming. but frankly most nobody looks at all.
But anyway, since dh had the luxury to go dueing the day he decided he would because he saw our granola bars on sale there for $4 a giant box (or $16 cents/granola bar). Um yeah, you can not beat that - that is my breakfast often times. So he went and checked out the food aisle and told me he would maybe brave Wal-MArt hell because they had some good prices.
He also handed me the $40 grocery bill and I am super impressed. Everything bought was on sale. EVERYTHING!!!! Stocked up on apple sauce (my other breakfast standby), hash browns, juice, meat, soda, some fruits and veggies.
As for me, I got gas. I noted how much I paid the other day when I had to unexpectedly fill up. Got 2.5 gallons at about $2.60 per gallon. Well it was great I Waited to fill up all the way. I made it to the gas station barely last night with my discount and paid $2.43/gallon - for 17 gallons. Woohoo. & the place where I filled up 2.5 gallons I went out of the way too because it is a "cheaper" one. My word. However, while we were there I Decided to get a car wash - $4. I don't do car washes that often - another lazy thing. But I keep having ot open the back and it is caked with dirt and I figured it was probably time... Total spent - $46.
Oh yeah today I am working and I had intense craving for chocolate. I tend to treat myself on saturdays since I have to work but am making OT - what's $2, eh. I hope to resist more in the future, but today was just one of those days - ran to the convenience store for chocolate cupcakes.
Here is to many tax season saturdays (and lots of overtime too - cheers!)
ETA: dh just spent $28 on a "micro secure digital card." I am not sure if this is allowance or not - probably. I think it is for his Nintendo DS. LOL. Spent 2 months allowance ALREADY!!!!! What a dork ("I am not going to buy anything all year because I want a PS3 that bad!!!" yeah that dh...) YEah right *whatever.*
Posted in
December 8th, 2006 at 10:02 pm
Aha, updated December and I See part of the problem. I forgot the gardener and the $20 extra I intended to tip him for Christmas I guess. So $100 short before bonus, probably pretty breakeven with bonus. If I get around to selling those baby items I will put all of that money in the e-fund then.
I just went shoe shopping - phew. Kind of funny and roundabout, but I was looking for a Starbucks mug, or nice mug for co-worker for gift exchange. I Am not very creative and probably about the 3rd year in a row of drawing a man (though no men work here - gah) and getting them starbucks giftcard and a mug. LOL. They are all starbucks fiends... But I was perusing ebay for a deal and I Saw the FUNNIEST thing. A heated travel mug that you can plug into your car lighter OR a USB computer input. LOL. Perfect!!!!! I found one eventually at shop.com for $25. The original store would not let me buy it because my order was only 19.99 before shipping. Whatever. But through shop.com, no problem, I bought it through them from that original store. I then perused their shoes and found the cUTEST little black boots. About as close to my beloved shoes as I will get - black and in a WIDE SIZE. Hallelujah. I then found the cutest grey tennies for about $30. So I got about 2 of the same styled shoes for $30 each, shipping was much cheaper. & both in wide size. We'll give it a whirl. One of them did not have 1/2 sizes so I took a risk getting a 9W. We'll see. The width might make up for the 0.5.
I also saw the cutest Doc Martens. THey still make those? I think if I get Christmas money, and these shoes end up being subpar, I may get some. I got a pair when I Was 16 or something and I just tossed them a couple of years back because my feet grew in pregnancy. Seriously I must have worn those things every day for years. Maybe I just threw them away because they were thrashed. I don't know. But I Remember them being tight in recent years. I Wish I remembered what size I had before. I am thinking of ordering some. IF I can wear them 10 years+, $90 won't scare me. But I saw them after I found these perfect shoes so I figure I would give the cheap ones a try first. If not, Doc Martens here I Come.
Oh yeah!!!! & my purse is falling apart - bummer. I am pretty sure I bought it a little over a year ago and it looks FANTASTIC. Not shown much wear or tear. But today I noticed the handles are pulling apart from the purse - does not look pretty. I think for christmas I am getting a new purse. Bummer because I am not ready. I hate purse shopping - blech. I will ask my mom if she thinks she can mend it first. I Swear I save hundreds if not thousands over my "poor" friends who buy a new handbag every week. In turn they think I Am pretty deprived, but I don't feel deprived. LOL. Don't even ask me about diaper bags - I use the free ones from the hospital. We did buy a couple for different purposes, but the hospital ones win hands down - they are nice. I have friends who went gaga over those $250 dipaer bags. I Can't even imagine. I bought a $20 knockoff but it fell apart after 2 years. Oh well, I Am almost done with diaper bags. If I have to buy 2 knockoffs for my diaper career, I Saved $210 in the end. $225 if you count sales tax. It's stuff like this how we really saving money. Trying to limit what we buy to what we "need" and not replacing them until there is no hope.
Posted in
Budgeting & Goals
December 7th, 2006 at 07:13 am
I made 2 mortgage payments this month - phew. No - didn't prepay a dime. I just had been planning to make 13 payments this year since I got out of whack last year and was paying after the first of the month. Got back on track - paid before, but then I got lazy - since there is no penalty until after the 6th or so I figured what the heck. I have been paying on the 6th - simply to keep my money longer.
Anyway, I just realized as my mortgage payment cleared today that I needed to make another one before the 30th - I had planned on it for tax. Phew. Glad I remembered. It is the sort of plan that sounds good, but then I forget to execute the plan because I get so used to paying the mortgage on a certain day - hehe. Just set it up to be paid on the 29th - phew. I only paid 11 payments last year, and this year 13, we are back to normal now. 12 per year is good.
I am thinking of upping my tax exemptions to 16 or so. I think I calculated 14 but I always get a huge state refund. There seems to be no way around it (like $1500). I don't really mind - it isn't the worst to get something back, since I keep most of it and plan the federal pretty good down to the penny - hehe. But I am thinking of claiming an extra exemption or 2 and earning some interest on that money. Would help. Especially now that I Am more on track and can handle a small amount due. I have no idea why California is so difficult. Basically I never owe any money and I get a full refund every year. Can't claim exempt for state unless you can for federal, so I suffer. You think the 14 exemptions would be a clue, but California's withholding tables are whacked.
Since ds is out of preschool this month I was a little relieved since it is a VERY busy month at work. This last year has been nothing but sickness around here - all those preschool germs. BUT we went to a kiddie Christmas party Saturday and Tuesday I woke up with a slight sore throat and feeling a little blah. When I got home, kids were full on snotty nose and all. IT was then that it occured to me - Christmas Party!! Those little stinky germs!! I guess we should just barricade ourselves in the house - would be easier.
So far feeling better today, which is a miracle since I have been so stressed at work. Stress usually does me in. OF course I Should be resting up, but feel wide awake. Big monkey seemed quite fine too. Little monkey is really snotty and has a cough - poor thing. He is usually pretty tough but this one has hit him hardest by far. Dh is okay, I Want him to stay well for surgery on the 21st. IT is coming up fast!
Posted in
December 3rd, 2006 at 10:48 pm
This is what I get in the mail today:
Disability Insurance - $200
Due Jan. 1
I did not foresee that one was due in january since I purchased it originally in april. Guess I only paid for partial year? From $100 to $200. Yes, most of the increase was due to turning 30. Ack!!!!
My $200 surprise.
Then I got the $375 or so bills for our increased home insurance - Due Jan. 1. Ready for that one - phew.
December is not pretty in the least.
I've been really lazy but have renewed commitment to clean house this weekend. A few baby items to sell on craigslist, the wii on ebay, and a few things to freecycle. I just told dh I Would clean up everything tonight and start posting. Need it sooner rather than later.
& I am off right this second to help my neighbor with her quickbooks again. More money too- helps. Phew.
Posted in
Budgeting & Goals
November 30th, 2006 at 12:25 am

Ah, it is not terribly often I buy stuff for myself. But if I do - oh yeah - it will be CLOTHES. (well that and jewelry).
I told dh not to buy anything through the end of the week - it is tight with his stupid Wii purchase. Credit card will probably cut off monday so trying to defer defer defer. Then I got another wish list e-mail from his grandma so I thought - bah - and looked up some slippers for the list - to get her a better idea.
& then I came across the shoes - I fell in love with them. They even carried my size. I am not much of an online shoe shopper because my feet are such a weird size but I figured I'd give it a whirl.
I guess the upside is these were from Land's End and they have an overstock store that had jeans for $7!!! I didn't see anything near my size, but interesting to keep an eye on - a lot of deals.
I was good and checked Ebay before purchasing and then I laughed - oh yeah - plenty - but none in my size of course - nowhere near. Thank you big feet. You are useless for ebay shoe shopping. Oh well, who wants to be average.
It is good - spent $30 on those babies. I love them and just what I need. I don't have any casual shoes - just my walking shoes which I have been feeling self conscious with of late. I Wanted some cute black shoes or something. & these will be a little sporty but nice too. I got all black. OF course - black is my color!
I also bought some grey tennis shoes because they were on sale - $25 or something. I don't even know. With shipping I spent $70 or so. Most of my birthday cash. So it is okay. I just have to hold out for christmas money for work clothes which I probably *need* more. SO I feel a little bad. Very um, impulsive. Well now I own 2 cute pairs of shoes. Long overdue really. No more just high heels or walking shoes - something in between - woohoo.
I usually shop Payless but lately all they are good for is work shoes. Even that is hit and miss. I think I am getting too old. They have all the hip shoes, I just want some good old DocMartens or something like that! Plus my big feet don't help with the selection, I usually just hit a few of the stores around here every once in a while and stock up if I see something I like. So I rarely spend more than $10 or something on shoes. Nice to splurge once in a while. Anyway, it has been a year or 2 since I found anything but a few black shoes for work - LOL. I just dread going to the shoe stores - Payless is cheap and carries wide sizes. I thank goodness for them with the kids and their square feet too. THey have wide sizes for the kids which is awesome. Impossible to find at such reasonable prices otherwise. Well, I get so frustrated I haven't really shopped around in years - maybe it's gotten better out there...
But knowing all these cute shoes exist online is very bad. Must not look...
I am really pleased with the quality for the price though, believe me I will wear these forever if I can!!! We'll see how they fit...
Posted in
November 23rd, 2006 at 03:30 pm
Ah, I was looking at the budget and everything figuring just one more week and not much going on. A good month!!!
Then dh reminded me that I was going to go shopping to get Big Monkey some warmer pajamas. He just has some cheap ones that are all warped and that I am not happy with. Forget being warm in the least. He reminded me anyway around dinnertime and I hadn't gotten dressed and I didn't feel like going out and the idea of going out shopping at all the next few days sounded like hell on earth if you ask me - LOL. So I decided to pop online and be lazy. I couldn't really find any PJs below $25 - overall is is apparently warm PJ Season. Unfrotunately all the cozy 1-pieces were dire cheap - didn't hardly see one for more than $8, but figured that just doesn't really work since he is fully potty trained at night. Bah. I am not sure if he could get thos off. This is super ironic too because in the past I can never find those 1-piece footed pajamas in bigger than a 1-year-old size. But they were EVERYWHERE. Anyway, as a last resort I did pop by Children't Place Website and saw they were having a pre-Thanksgiving sale - phew. I usually only buy socks and the famous footed PJs there because they are the only places I can really find them at a decent price. So they had a bunch of PJs in the $8-$10 range. I got 2 pairs for Big Monkey, 2 pairs for little monkey (since he didn't have much in the particularly warm variety - pretty worn). & then I remembered he needed pants and socks so picked up some of those. They had a ton of shirts for $5 and I was extremely tempted, but nothing particulalry exciting (solid colors) and I figure he probably doesn't "need" any shirts. Oh but I did buy him a sweatshirt for $5 - just remembered that one. Something of the warmer variety for outside. All that was about $70 with tax & shipping, but I looked last minute for the online web coupon codes. Sometimes those can be pretty hit and miss but I lucked out - just googled coupon code and found a 15% off right away. Woohoo. Total was more like $63 for that pile of clothes. I knew I had just thrown out a coupon too knowing I wouldn't use it so was super happy to retrieve the code online after all. Anyway, I usually don't spend that much on clothes - but man, not having to leave the house - I was VERY happy - I think I did good.
Oh yeah - I also saw the cutest PJs on ebay which I did win but ended up $14.50 with shipping. Oh well, Big Monkey will appreciate having some nice PJs I hope - especially as it gets chillier. "As of now I would say the boys are pretty set for winter. Little Monkey could maybe use a jacket and a pair of shoes, but he doesn't really go out much so he may not need them - who knows. We can put on his christmas list I guess. It is so funny to me to see people bundle up their kids in coats just to walk from the car to a house or a store front. I dropped off my son at preschool the other day - it might have been in the high 50s/low 60s, and a lady was bundling up her kids in coats to walk them to the door. I am looking at my son in his thin shirt wondering - hmmm - am I missing something here??? I have noticed that a lot since. Since the kids generally don't go outside much in the winter they don't have particularly heavy coats or anything. Carrying the little one from the car to a store or front door, I think he will be okay. 
Oh yeah - the other thing I got my Chase rewards card and they are SUPER annoying. I had to call them twice and I had to sit through their buyer protection plan whatever spiel - no no no no no. Then yesterday someone called. I NEVER answer the phone - I am pretty anti-social - hehe - but I had just gotten off the phone with a friend and I assumed it was her again. Picked it up - stuck listening to some speil from Chase - not sure what they are saying. Trying to be polite, but when I Say no I am not interested they keep saying "but you can cancel in 30 days." & so I say well, I don't want to cancel in 30 days - I Am saying NO NOW. SO much for being polite - next time I will probably hang up on them - gah. So annoying!!!!!! Luckily I Am usually not home to answer the phone - dh will tell them to buzz off if he answers. HE's good for that. But the only other credit card I ever had directly from a big cc company was MBNA and they were super annoying as well. They called me once to send me a new card and asked me all this personal info + my social. I called to report this "fraud" and they were like, oh yeah, that was US. You are sitting here scrazthing your head - HELLO??? Who gives that info over the phone and why don't you have it??? Oh well, a matter of time before I get so p.o.ed I Decide the rewards are not worth it.
Everything around here is good. I only stayed up until 10:15 cleaning house so I think we did good. Not too much last minute hubaloo. Cleaned for 1/2 hour - 1 hour after kids went to bed. This morning I have to vacuum and make deviled eggs. That's about it. Our ice breaker broke a while back, but the dispenser in the freezer still works. So I have been making ice for days - pouring it into the storage bucket in the freezer, and then into bags for the cooler and drinks. Almost there. We could have easily whimped out and bought ice. I guess this is how people did it before ice machines - hehe.
Not sure what is on the menu today - besides turkey, beans, spinach, cranberries, pie, cheesecake, soda, mashed potatoes, etc. Probably much much more. Our parents are coming and dh's aunt/uncle/cousin & her family. Just one other little one for the kids to play with, bummed dh's sister and my niece couldn't make it. Oh yes and grandma too and another of dh's cousins. A full house, but not a BIG year since we are missing 3 of the usuals. Great-Grandma is going to do the stuffing and the turkey which is still thawing as we speak. My dad does the gravy, dh's dad carves, his mom does pies, my mom will separate all the turkey from the bones after/finish carving I guess. Everyone has their little part. I love doing deviled eggs - yummy. My dad is also making his homemade salsa when he gets here - something to munch on until dinner at 2.
Ah, there is so much to be grateful this Thanksgiving. I hesitate to do a list because it is all boring and the same as everyone's - hehe. But I am just super grateful that we can afford to live in such a nice place close to family so that we can see them. There was a big part of my life I thought we could never afford to live in California. So I am grateful to be here, to have an abundance of food, for us all to have our health, and such wonderful healthy kids. Dh's cousin has been completely unable to have kids of her own, and so seeing her and her little adopted boy today is always a huge reminder how lucky we were so easily to have kids of our own. I am mostly gratfeul for food, warmth, a steady job. Everything else is just gravy. 
Have a wonderful Day!
EDITED: While I Was typing away I got an offer for the freecycle item. A family in a new apartment who owns NO furniture or kitchen items. I remembered I have a pile of silverware and old stuff I had intended to give to my sister, but she didn't need. I Will add to the pile. I think I will go through the house and see what I have. An EASY purge - I LOVE Freecycle!!!! Doesn't get much easier than that - will probably show up today to take this stuff off my hands!
Posted in
Just Thinking
November 20th, 2006 at 03:58 am

Oh yes, yesterday was quite a spend day.
I didn't really intend to spend much, but a day in a tourist trap adds up pretty fast I guess.
The good was one of our bus rides was free (broken money-taking machine?) and at the carousel after going through much to get stupid tokens they didn't even take them. So I have some for next time. So hey we got a few free things - hehe.
Big Monkey had a blast. A day in San Francisco was as much fun as Disneyland to him. Frankly, he looked more fascinated. HE was a handful at times, but overall it went pretty good. The ride went quite well. My only regret is we left the house closer to 10. Since we didn't get to SF until around noon, I wish we had planned to leave early in the morning. We were a little crunched on time, but next time we will leave earlier. We just did not get in near as much as we had wanted, but I think that was good for the pocketbook.
We ended up going on a $5 boatride too. I thought my friend was crazy when she saw some lady hold up a sign that I didn't see. I thought - yeah right - what's the catch???? I wasn't too enthused when she drug me over to check it out. IT turned out to be the highlight of the day. Very funny tour guide, great tour, and the kids both got to steer the boat, though my monkey not for so long because he kept spinning the wheel left and veering for Alcatraz - LOL. So my friend's son got to drive all the way back - he wasn't so wild with the wheel - hehe. Anyway, I totally recommend the $5 boat tour if you ever make it to San Frnacisco and Fisherman's Wharf - money well spent!
Well - here's the breakdown:
Fancy Lunch - $25
Dinner @ Subway - $7
Cute chocolates for the kids - $6
soda - $2
water - $2
donuts - $3
Food $45
Boat tour for 2 - $11 (includes tip)
Juggler - $1 (tip)
Souvenirs - $10
Carousel (2 rides) - $10 (what racket, eh?)
Toy - $7 (don't ask - had to buy something to get stupid carousel tokens that we didn't need after all)
Entertainment & souvenirs $39
Subway - $9.50
Bus - $1.50
Gas - $20
Tool Booth - $3
Transport $34
Grand total of $118 spent, plus $7 for a christmas present for my dad. That was in the christmas budget though.
Oh well, I don't think I would have spent as much if I hadn't of been with my friend - I think I would have stayed out of the stores altogether. But I got my son a couple of little tokens as a result. Food is always the killer on these types of trips, eh?
Oh yeah, besides all that, no time to read blogs or forums today - this week doesn't look so hot. Got a little done around the house today - MUCH more to go...
Tomorrow is a day off work, but I am helping a neighbor with quickbooks, hopefully will not take ALL day. Also meeting with my insurance agent, hope the damage is not too high. I checked my dh's car on blue book and had no idea it was worth so much - has hardly dpereciated at all in 5 years - I guess we did get quite a steal. IT is worth like $4k trade-in & $8k (what we paid) by dealer??? I will discuss the whole comprehensive/collission thing as well. We really don't have a ton of money to replace it at this point. Is worth $4k and we could probably, BUT at the same time not without clearing the rest of our cash. So I am considering it, depends on how much it cost of course!! I figure odds are I won't bother because I know I could find a sweet car for $1,000 if need be. No biggie. People throw away cars like water so it is easy to find a steal. I really assumed dh's car was worth squat at this point. So I am impressed with our buy today though kind of annoyed - hehe. It will be a tough decision...
Ah, and the true test. I just checked craigslist and there are 30 of them for sale, most ASKING under $3k which means you can find one for $2k easy. Go stick shift and its even less. Blue Book can be deceiving I guess. I thought $4k trade-in was pretty pie in the sky...
Posted in
November 19th, 2006 at 04:53 pm
Why get a job when you can wait in line all night and buy a toy you can sell for 200%+ profit????
Oh yeah - my hubby decided againt all that racket for the PS3 BUT silly me didn't realize there was another game system coming out this week. When we got home last night he told me he was thinking of going. Though I think it is insanely silly, I actually encouraged him to go last night. Why, because our neighborhood is extremely terrible for auto theft AND the kids rooms are right above the garage. Big Monkey and I got home so late we couldn't park in the garage, without risk of waking the light sleeping little monkey. So when I Walked in and dh told me his crazy plan I said, whatever. I Rather him take our most expensive possession to the Best Buy parking lot in his sight all night then sitting in the driveway. This turned out to be a good choice because though I did not turn on a light in the van and I KNOW for a fact I locked the doors, dh said when he went outside a light was on in the van and the driver side door was unlocked. VEry strange but there is no doubt I would have met bad news with such a "come get me" sign on it. Frankly I am not sure if someone was tampering with it I have no idea how the door could have been unlocked or a light on otherwise. Strange. The other reason I did not mind so much is the Wii is a mere $250 vs. the $500 playstation. Though if dh does not make a nice profit I will not doubt be annoyed. Time will tell I guess - I am sure those things will flood Ebay for a while. Maybe closer to Christmas - the last minute shoppers - will be what we wait for.
& yes I am annoyed that dh's sleep schedule will probably be ALL Screwed up all week. Not worth it if you ask me - geez. Today he will be useless, that is for sure. HE is still not home yet - it is 9am. He told me at 8 he got a ticket to buy one so he was "in." I will be curious to hear how many people behind him got tickets and if it was worth waiting in line from midnight.
ETA: looking at the thousands on listing on ebay I am not too keen on this today, BUT I noticed Play Station is still going strong. I Was just tempted to list the thing today because guaranteeing shipping tomorrow might be our only edge. But we decided to wait it out - dh can return it if it doesn't pan out. Imagine waiting all night in the cold to just return it. I am having a bad feeling it may stay in our house for a long while - like forever. We'll see...
Oh yeah, I called dh again and periodically people were yelling "wii." I asked what was going on and he said anytime someone walked out of the store with one, they all yelled "wii." OMG! LOL. What a bunch of crazy people... He said only 4 people in line behind him made it, the rest camped out for NOTHING!!!!!
I have no words...
Posted in
Just Thinking
November 17th, 2006 at 07:59 am
Um, well, first I Spent too much time here today so I am vowing to myself not to come online tomorrow. I wil break this vow unless I spell it out here to be accountable to myself - hehe.
I tried to read everyone's list, but might have missed a few. Hopefully I will catch up. I like Tina's idea to make a category for 'list.' I hope more people do so, so we can catch the lists we missed more easily.
I think I Added 3 items to mine and I think I don't want to add any more. I imagine you can easily get your list out of control this way. IT is what it is and I think it is closed - hehe. I reserve the right to change my mind.
Today was super cool because I know on that thread about giving things away some people had said that when you give you are rewarded. I totally believe in karma and all that and probably why i am a "lucky" person overall. But frankly lately I am tired of giving and giving and giving, and other people being so UNgiving. Just for example, we lent and gave away all of our babys tuff to SIL, and the only thing I Wanted to borrow from her with my second son was a baby bathtub, since her child was 1 at the time. & she wouldn't let me borrow it. What the hell?????? Reminds me she would not give me back something she had borrowed and I needed back, as well. I Will give someone a ton of hand-me-downs, but they are trying to sell something I would just give away and they won't even budge on the price for me. Stuff like that - I am SO fed up with people. BUT today karma hit fast. Ds's preschool teacher called and was clarifying how much of a refund she owed me. I thought she had already sent the check in the mail, but since she hadn't I told her to keep $100. I figure things were tight for her and she is super awesome. It's for christmas but I figure it was silly to wait a few weeks - she probably needed it now. She was super grateful. & then later I met a friend for dinner who I hadn't seen in years, and I figure I would swing it however, but he offered to pay for my dinner - insisted really. I didn't expect it at all and it felt really good. So my spend day today turned into a no-spend day like that - woohoo. Though I guess maybe in a sense I spent $100? Nah, I just decreased my refund...
Oh well it is nice to be grumbly and think why bother being nice. & then to have someone be nice on a day you are feeling that way. Know what I mean?
Anyway, it was quite strange today hanging out with someone I haven't seen since having kids and stuff - reminding me of my carefree youth - aaaaaahhhhhhh. I guess he moved to San Francisco recently and I have a really good friend who lives over there but I never visit in the city because she lived in such a bad neighborhood. But she just moved, so we were making plans to hang out in the City soon, and I Was thinking cool now that I know 2 people there. But I was thinking back and figuring this other girl is like my best friend and I have seen her a few times back home and such but I don't think I have hung out with her, without the kids, since I had my first son over 3 years back. That is just sad. Everything is so crazy and the distance doesn't help, but it just feels so weird to talk about plans to take a day off for myself and go to a museum and out to dinner and all that stuff the single people do - hehe. Anyway, we are trying to plan a visit in December, we'll see how it pans out. This weekend I Am taking my son to the city on the rapid transit - kind of a dry run - I guess we'll see if I Will be up to taking the route alone. I Am sure I will be. When we moved here I figured we weren't relaly that much further from SF, but have since learned driving is not an option. I rather drive 2 hours home and then another hour into the city, then get into the city from this isde, over the bridge. IT is the worst thing ever if you ask me. I used to take the train from the other side, just less familiar with the area on this side, and it is annoying because it is a good hour drive to get to the train - it is a pretty large trip all the same - though probably faster than driving and sitting ont he bridge for 1 hour waiting to get past the toll booth. I Talked to my friend today if it was possible to get those fast passes even if you only use them once or twice a year - the electronic chips so you can zoom through - you know. He said probably possible, but not always faster, since he traveles a lot for work and gets stuck on the bridge all the time, fast pass and all. Bummer.
I guess I Am excited because just as I Was gaining independence from my first son I got pregnant all over again. I don't intend to do that again anytime soon -hehe. I See some freedom in my future - woohoo.
Oh yeah, I Was going to say I have been trying to meet other people around here, but it is always so mom-centric - people I meet for playdates, or even on a night out all we do is talk about the kids. I look forward to spending time with people that know me pre-kids, and talking about something else. Though I will probably bore them and talk about my kids the whole time, huh? Anyway, I am super excited at the prospect.
Oh yeah - I forgot to say why I felt so overwhelmed. Work is crazy tomorrow since I intend to take next week off. YAY! But next week I am preparing for the big feast here AND doing some freelance work. Plus I have a few appointments thrown in to keep me on my toes. Saturday is the big trip to the city. I Figure Friday night I could do all my last minute planning and such. But then I just came online and saw I have a playdate tomorrow after work. OMG! I totally forgot. I am officially overwhelmed. This is why I have to keep off the internet - I have much to do!!!!
Posted in
Just Thinking
November 16th, 2006 at 02:59 pm
Oh man - I Was gonna leave my home loan entry on top a while, but yesterday we faced financial ruin. Okay, a little dramatic, but feels like it.
I have been waiting for our 2007 health insurance premiums. We have private insurance because we are really attached to our HMO for one, my hubby and I have had our whole life and I think it is stellar. & frankly it is cheaper than anything else out there. my boss would cover me, but it would cost me the same to cover dh & kids as it is just to put us all on private insurance. & frankly his insurance SUCKS. My industry in general doesn't provide good benefits, and I Put up with it because I get 10% profit sharing, it all evens out in the end. THat is about how much my health insurance is, and no where else is going to give me 10% profit sharing OR Decent benefits. I figure I have it as good as it gets. I Can't afford to save any money for retirement with these insane health insurance premiums, but at least I know 10% of my pay is getting contributed to my retirement every year - phew.
Anyway, every year the premium increases freak me out, but this year I have been a little extra nervous because I turn 30 and that means a big increase for "old age" - hehe. We considered going to the high deductible plan which is 1/2 as much per month, but after digging deeper, I didn't feel comfortable doing this without a lot more cash in the bank. If something catastrophic happened we just couldn't afford it. We decided to suck it up one more year until dh gets his surgery and I get my IUD out, etc. Once the chance of pregnancy is almost nil maybe I will get onto my boss's plan, see if it is any cheaper now - can keep the rest of the fam on HMO. & frankly after next year dh can get a PT job with beenfits to cover at least him. I can handle the kids coverage at $300/month or so. But in the meantime, suck it up another year...
So I have been anxiously awaiting our new premiums. I read premiums had on average gone up 7% this year, lower than the last few years. We pay $631/month now and I knew the premiums would be $715 today if I Was 30. So factoring all I Read I just budgeted for $800/month - figure that is like worst-case scenario.
& then yesterday I get the mail. No new premiums but a flyer was sitting on top with an ad for our HMO And rates. I Was glancing at it, curious if they would be 2007 rates, but not really expecting it. OMG it was and I Almost passed out then and there I Swear. $865 a month!!!!!!!! Are they insane??? THat is a 20% increase for turning 30 AND a 20% increase over that. I have been sick of the 10%, 12%, 15% increases everywhere. So NOW this year they decide a 20% increase is in order??????????? Oh MY GOD!
Frankly, after calming down, I Was not even that upset for our family. You just wonder how in the HELL anyone can afford health insurance these days. I know I freaked out at $631 and I know we will adjust. But I am just super disgusted with the system.
There is a silver lining too. The $50 copay plan is only $673/month which I can stomach. IT doesn't really differ too much from our current plan, except bigger copays, BUT it does not provide any drug benefits for whatever reason. I think that is why I wrote it off before. Today it is a no brainer, forego the drug beenfits so we have semi-reasonable premiums. That is what we decided on for now. I updated the budget and it is pretty darn breakeven for the year. I squeezed out $50/month to save. Lately I have been saving by being under budget and making extra money, so I am sure we will be able to save more than just $50/month. & I am happy that we won't be paying $800/month. Though don't even ask me about next year - I can't even think in the future with these kinds of increases. IT's enough to paralyze you with financial fear.
Oh yeah, but lucky us, it appears they completely restructured their rates so that you don't really pay any different if youa re 30 or 49. Gee great, the year I turn 30 they start charging like we are 40 or something. Which frankly looking at the rates I told dh we have to find an alternative before we turn 40. I guss the time has some sooner thatn I Thought - paying those insane rates.
For the long-term we do plan to get a job with some good beenfits. We live in the state capitol and there are a lot of great state jobs with good benefits - they offer our HMO As well. THe best is they offer full benefits if you work part-time so that is my goal down the road. I Am almost hoping dh can find something he really enjoys with the state because I don't really dig government accounting or being an auditor, and there is now ay in hell I Would work for the IRS, but I am sure I Can find something. & I know dh can find something he would enjoy. We have a plan. For now dh isn't working and I love my job too much. But my boss is a sole proprietor who is retiring in a few years so I know in a few years I am either going to work in healthcare (probably a better idea) or government to get some benefits. I had the idea to get a job at the HMO, because I figure if you can't beat them, join them! In the meantime, the next couple of years will be rough.
Oh yes, and beyond all this I get my annual raise in January. I think I Will stick with the $50 copay plan no matter what. But hey maybe I can save some money for retirement this year too if I get a raise. I Will get a raise, how much is the question I guess. Our budget isn't too dire yet.
That's my health insurance rant, I will try to lay off the griping for another year - LOL.
Hey I got an AWESOME haircut yesterday. Woohoo. IT is always so hit and miss, but for $14 I can deal with the hit and miss. But I recognized the stylist right off and remembered she had done a great job before so I got her name. Hell, I should have gotten her home # in case she leaves in the meantime. i have really unique hair (don't we all) that is usually so flat and she gave it so much body, she is like a miracle worker or something. I LOVE her. She actually did the entire haircut with a razor blade or something of the sort, I love how that leaves my hair. Forget the scissors....
Posted in
Just Thinking
November 14th, 2006 at 02:35 pm
I really dislike the end of the year.
$3000 to IRS
$1200 to estate lawyer
$1100 to house insurance, which BTW is undervalued - will probably pay more - have an appointment to review next week - BAH!
$2200 property tax
$500 car insurance
$150 bird poop cleanup
& then there is Christmas!
Yes, not all of the end of the year bills - just the ugly and unusual ones. I am sick of Bills!
I REALLY like spring. I work like mad but generally we don't have much in the way of big bills due and I get paid overtime. So yeah I work my ass off a few months, but around may I am generally rewarded with a slight tax refund and a nice overtime bonus. Then summer is super slow - no big bills - and then fall hits and it feels like it will never end.
Oh well, just a few more weeks of this. This was my third try to pay all the big bills, keep getting interrupted - so I just wrote them all. While I Was at it paid all the bills for the month. Still think I can save $500 by Dec. 31. Wow, imagine what I can do without all these big bills coming due!!
Oh the IRS & estate lawyer are just one time things, but it is giving me a hernia - such a chunk of change. *sigh*
I also wrapped a few christmas presents and dh ordered our older son's gift. I think he just has to find something for his dad and leaves December to pay for all the potlucks and gift exchanges. Cash for boss, gardener, etc. Christmas has hardly made a dent in our budget so that is the upside I guess. With a lot of planning anyway!!
Dh got $100 cash for the guitar and we are getting $130 cash for that bounced check today. I took the check out of the equation when paying the bills so that is $230 cash. We are going on a little road trip to San Francisco this weekend so with the cash I think we will splurge a little. Certainly not all of it - plenty left for savings too. Woohoo.
Frankly I hate cash because I can't just transfer it to the E-fund, or track very easily where it all ends up. Was thinking of having dh use it for grocery shopping or something but then we would lose our 3% cash back.
Oh yeah - paid all the bills but also got a $100 cash rebate from our old card. Just a matter of time before we earn $250 on our new one though. I love getting "interest" on our purchases!! Now that is the best!
In the realm of "free entertainment", dh is taking the kids to a tour of the police department today. Think the toddler will like it - planned through the parents' group. They have library storytime thursday too. The world is not ending without preschool - LOL.
& oh my gosh, the baby is starting to talk - so CUTE! He was sitting next to me and kept saying "Ball-y" or something like that when I realized he was saying "Belly." He just kept saying it over and over last night and lifting up our shirts to look at our bellies - so CUTE!!! LOL. This is the time I feel horrible as a parent because I could never pick up on what my kids were saying 1/2 the time - I feel this is a huge disadvantage as a working parent. You know it's bad when other people understand your kid more than you - LOL. & I wasn't sure if my older son would be ruined because the only thing worse was dh was even worse than I and he was the caregiver. BUT my older son turned out okay, in fact he kind of just started out talking in full sentences and everyone says he speaks extremely clear for his age. Probably because that is the only way we could understand what the hell he was trying to say - LOL. He seriosuly completely skipped baby talk for the most part. So I feel less panicky this time around, but it stresses me out not knowing what else I am not picking up on, all the same. I am sure he is saying way more than I can grasp right now. For now, I do a lot of smiling and nodding. Whatever you say - baby!
Posted in
November 14th, 2006 at 03:40 am
I know flowers are pretty extravagant - especially the lazy just buy them online angle - LOL. But ds's preschool teacher is so wonderful - wanted to do something special. Ds even helped me pick out a beautiful arrangement of yellow and white daisies and roses in a yellow happy face mug. Yellow is his favorite color and he is so happy I knew she would appreciate it - would remind her of my super cheery son. Plus he picked out one of the cheaper arrangements - all the better - hehe. I would have swayed him if he hadn't.
So I go to check out and apparently I bought flowers from this site about 2 years ago, and I had a $10 coupon. They just automatically applied it. So my $40 extravagance turned out to be only $30. I think that is pretty sweet!!
I know I have been online way too much, but popped on to order flowers and change my credit cards for as many vendors as I could think of. Since I Switched to a bigger/better rewards card. Good thing too because I realized I never got either my phone bills. By some strange miracle I Was under my minutes on the cell. I had kind of decided a little extra money to call my mom from the car which is the only time I have any peace and quiet - was okay. & yet I managed to stay under minutes too - cool!! ANyway, I have been getting so much JUNK in my e-mail I deleted my 2 phone invoices AND also an e-mail from that lady who had realized her check had bounced and had offered to meet me today to give me cash. I Called her today and since she would see dh tomorrow just said give it to him. She felt bad and had a reasonable excuse - I feel better about it. Phew. I thought she was lying that she had e-mailed me because I did not see, but I really dug deep and finally found it. YEah, at face value it had looked like junk and I Deleted it. oops!!!
Anyway, darn e-mail, I will have to look closer before I hit delete - amazed how much I missed this last week!! The junk has just gotten SO out of control. I Am super anal about all of my bills so unlikely I Would miss one completely. But who knows...
Posted in
November 7th, 2006 at 03:11 pm
Oh well, my Tuesday update.
Got the electric & gas bill - $30 for last month. Woohoo. You don't know how refreshing it is to come to a site where this is the norm. I have been appalled on other sites I frequent - when gas/electric comes up - people's average bills are $500/month. Seriously. You hear how bad utilities have gotten and I wonder if this is somewhat norm BUT most of these people admit to keeping their house 72 degrees day and night in the winter, etc. The idea of conserving energy has apparently never crossed their mind. As for us, $30 is about as low as it gets, I can mostly thank the weather. We turned on the heat a day or two this last week, and right now it is 73 inside and no heat on for a few days. Next month will be a lower bill than usual probably too - yay. But overall with a new baby we tended to conserve a little less. This year so far I haven't been too quick to turn on the heat - the kids are running around like banshees, keeping warm, and the baby is a lot tougher now and can handle the cold a little better. We'll probably set it to 68 during the day and who knows at night, maybe 60 - it rarely turns on at night at 60 I believe - trying to remember. When the kids are a little older we'll just turn it off altogether at night like we used to!
I just renewed my AAA membership and was surprised looking through all the discounts available. I remember looking through in years past thinking it is all stuff I never use. But I noticed supercuts, payless shoes, a lot of restuarants, and even Pier 39 in San Francisco where we were going to go next weekend. I'll have to check that out. I am bummed though my not too smart with money friend who was going with me might bow out because she can no longer afford it. Am working on dh to come with me. Oh well, maybe it will be a little adventure with just my son and I. You know, just looking at $10 for the train and maybe a lunch out. So it is nothing huge.
Oh yes - and one more thing on saving money - was just paying all my bills and thinking in my head how much I am saving on stamps with online bill pay. I Am sure all you savvy savers use it, right? I used the service through my old credit union and it SUCKED. It was free. But they debited your account immediately even though they just wrote thec check for you - it would often take 2 weeks to clear. It drove me mad. Sometimes checks disappeared and they would want a stop payment fee to cancel it. They drove me mad. Talking to my co-worker who is a bookkeeper she said she worked somewhere before where people with online bill pay were always getting screwed like that. So I thought this was normal. But I was at a very small credit union and I just switched. OMG - my new online bill pay is still free but it is AWESOME. I just set up all my credit cards (before I did not trust the payment would get there in time). A few bills come directly to my credit union, and they do quite a few electronically. For the ones they actually write a check - they don't post it until it clears. HAllelujah. I love online bill pay. I post this because if you have a sucky service, shop around. The difference is probably that this is a much bigger credit union. More resources I guess. Well since I am using it a lot more, not just for the little bills I don't care if are late - LOL - I am now really saving on stamps. The only thing that is annoys me is I run through deposit slips way more than checks. Can I just order deposit slips I guess? I need to.
Oh well, I figured I was good on jewelry the rest of the year and did not intend to spend much this month. Nothing on the horizon, I haven't spent any money in about a week or so. & then yesterday I saw some new cookiee lee jewelry and I absolutely HAVE TO have it. I will probably spend $20 and it is well within budget, but it is annoying me. Darn Cookie and her cute jewelry. LOL. I'll just have to work on sellin gsome to pay for it...
Well, off to vote. Dh was cute when I said I Was going after work - he said - "But the lines will be SO long!!!" Is he serious? Bah. LAst time I went around 5:30 and I was like 100th to vote all day - something pretty dismal for a big city. So he is telling me - remember the RECALL election??? The line was huge. I don't particularly remember, BUT you now, it was the recall election. I think this year will be a little more quiet. I just find it extremely ironic, besides annnoying and frustrating, that Arnold has done everything that his predecessor did 10 times worse. His predecessor took a lot of contributions and had a lot of debt. That was their argument against him. Then Arnold came in and did it 10 times worse. ?????? I tend to vote 3rd parties, and I Was going to this year and thought better. I do not like the democrat in the least and feel he is very budget-responsible. But if I really think about it, I do not foresee him just using billions and billions in future bonds to pay for today's expenses, as arnold likes to do. I want Arnold out. *sigh* Not counting on it, but it will be interesting to see what happens. It would be nice if someone fiscally responsible ran for governonr - but that is just dreaming I guess... Oh well, my political rant for the day. 
Posted in
Just Thinking,
Budgeting & Goals
October 27th, 2006 at 05:10 pm
I don't think we'll save much this year. This month's extra to estate lawyer. & next month to clean up bird poop. *sigh*
The pigeons love our house and we paid upwards of $1k a few years back to pigeon-proof the house. The guy was awesome though, he put spikes up all around and CLEANED UP the mess that was accumulating. We seriously had a hill of bird poop accumulating in the backyard - disgusting.
All was fine but the pigeons were starting to move in again. We had our house on the market earlier this year, we thought with prices falling was a good time to make a lateral move, since it has been too expensive otherwise, but quickly gave up after looking at houses for another $100 to $200k, sellers not budging on price, houses that weren't even NEARLY as nice as we already have. We decided to wait it out in the meantime. But during that whole thing I had called the Bird Guy, thought it would be could for a cleanup, and never heard back.
Forgot about it, because the bird situation wasn't too bad back then, but just looked out the window last night and saw a mountain of poop accumulating on our roof. I Also noticed the driveway was looking pretty icky. Gah!!!! So I Called today and the guy answers. Unfortunately he is in Arizona now. Boo. HE recommended Clark PEst Control. All I know is Clark charges you an arm and a leg for regular pest service, so I am wary. But I Can't find anything else so I Called. They said they don't even do cleanup. Oh well, what are you gonna do - *sigh*. They are going to come reinforce the area that the pigeons are hanging out and I guess we are going to clean up the mountain of bird poop. Honestly I don't mind doing it. I just am not sure if we will do a good job. Plus the other guy came out and cleaned ALL of our gutters, and scrubbed with the right chemicals, etc. I will have to do some internet research. Look up good bird poop removal techniques. At least this time is just localized to ONE area. Though I am not so sure fixing that one area will eradicate them. There are a few that like to sleep in our front windows but with the homeowners rules we can't put big spikes up front. Will talk to Clark about less noticable ones I guess... OR maybe simply sealing off the one area that have gotten back into it will eradicate the mess. I hope. There were a bunch of spikes AND it was sealed off but they wormed their way in. Pigeons are evil.
Oh well, Clark is coming out for the quote today. I hope it isn't too bad...
I know I know - need to start a bird poop emergency fund. LOL.
ETA: After doing a little research I don't think doing it ourselves is a good idea. I called another company for a quote after a lot of looking. IT is more of a hazardous waste issue - ick...
In other news my kids are making me work extra too. I noticed my older son figured out all the cabinet and drawer locks a couple of days back. Frankly I Am surprised it took this long. I have friends whose 1-year-olds were into everything. SO I Consider myself lucky. All the same, some items probably need to be moved, like steak knives and scissors. Actually that is how I noticed because he decided he needed the scissors and just went and got them himself. Ugh. Then last night after bath I put the kids in my older son's bedroom, closed the door, and ran out for a minute to pick up towels. Immediately the door opened and I start yelling, "DO NOT open your door" to my older son. I Am yelling/explaining that he can not open the door and for the millionth time that this is not for him, it is for his brother - he is too little to go out unattended, etc. After my tirade my older son yells - "It was the baby." LOL. I peaked in his room and yes my older son is playing quietly in the far corner where I left him. Indeed it is true that the baby, immediately after I left the room, got up and walked out the door.
Trouble I Tell you...
Damn lever doorknobs.
Overall it's okay - I Would not leave him alone in that room for more than a minute anyway, there is a big bed he likes to climb onto and he is too little to be careful not to fall off, but now my 1-minute upstairs holding corral needs some improvisation. Time to get the gate back out I guess. The second the 3-year-old graduates from all the gates, it is time to bring them back out!!!
But I must say I Am proud he opened the door all by himself. A milestone...
Posted in
Just Thinking
October 25th, 2006 at 09:58 pm
Cash Stash:
$35.33 cash for 2006
- 1.08 BK Lunch
-12.00 Bunco
$22.25 remains
But if history holds true I should win money tonight - LOL.
Actually I haven't spent much cash in about a week. Not since Friday anyway.
& $11 for bunco tonight. The one night a month I get to escape. 
The sad thing is that it is a Halloween theme tonight and I just realized my good old standby - cat ears and tail - are MIA. Probably in storage. Most of the storage is sitting in my living room in boxes, but I wouldn't have a clue where they would be and I have about 1/2 hour to drop off my son from preschool and get ready and turn around. Hmmmm, I may be a party pooper and no costume. Wish I had more time.
I did make super cool eyeball cookies, I wanted to post a pic later.
Oh yeah, I drove the van to san jose and back over the weekend, and then last night occured to me maybe I should get gas. Tank wasn't even empty! I pumped out about 23 miles per gallon - my word - a new record on this gas guzzling van. My husband told me when he got the oil changed they pushed the air filter change to increase gas mileage. I told him it was BS because we had asked our mechanic before. Not on this car, but one that has another 20k miles and has never had an air filter change. So I was annoyed dh fell for this and not sure why he would in the first place because I know they are always pushing this air filter thing. Anyway, that was a while ago and of course my gas mileage around town remains the same. But I am impressed with this whole freeway driving thing. Of course we rarely drive it to San Jose because dh gets all grumpy out gas mileage and so we pack into his Escort, which I Admit gets pretty awesome gas mileage, and 1/2 the time I wonder why I bought a minivan just to commute. Seriously, we drove 400 miles down to Deisneyland scrunched up in the Escort. Oh well, I Didn't mind so much because we didn't have the baby so I could lean back my seat a tad - just enough not to squish the baby carseat anyway which was still very much in the way baby or not. The Escort does get 35 miles + per gallon, what can I say. Yeah, it should be the commuter car in the family and dh with the kids all day should probably drive the van, but he doesn't do big cars is what it really comes down to. That and he doesn't want me to drive his baby.
So anyway, back to the topic, is there something to this air filter thing or is this just the first time I really drove the van on a long freeway drive? Hmmm...
Posted in
Just Thinking
October 21st, 2006 at 03:51 pm
Cash Stash:
$36.32 cash for 2006
- .99 Bag of chips
$35.33 remains
I pulled out a dolalr to pay for my tape. Dang sales tax gets me everytime. Blah. But I ran to Walgreens on my way home to pick up some tape on sale. Not bad.
In other news, on another message board I belong to there was discussion of ebay. The question was posed, "what do YOU buy on ebay?" If I thought about it in the last 3 years or so I have pretty much bought party supplies and gifts. Thinking harder I know I brought a new breast pump (why I signed up in the first place - a great deal). Also a diaper bag and some shoes for the baby. Some of those Robeez knock offs. They are soft shoes for baby - good for when they are learning to walk, etc. Oh well, I bought those like a year ago and he is still wearing them. I bought one pair and she sent 2 pair - so nice. That is what I love about Ebay, always seem to get some extra too, etc. But yeah I bought a super large size since big feet run in the family. I figure as a baby who cared if they were a little big, they just needed to cover his feet, and now that he is walking they fit pretty well.
I was kind of taking offense whenever I brought up ebay, because I am newly excited about it, and people say - oh - I find people who shop on ebay buy too much. overall. Stuff they don't need. I try to defend myself. Well, that is not how I am as a shopper overall. Um okay. I do admit I was tempted by a cute monkey sock purse - LOL - but I resisted the temptation.
But then on my message board the piles and lists of what people buy cam out. Oh my goddness!!! I see what you mean. All I have to say is that I don't buy stuff like that. I buy one thing I need and I keep it until it falls into shreds, and then I replace it. LOL. That is about it.
But I see what you mean. It gets old hearing people whine about their finances and how broke they are, just to see them spending hundreds of dollars on ebay every month because things are cheap. I will never understand why you need 20 handbags and 20 pairs of shoes, and why you spend hundreds on a night out of drinking and go to Disneyland every single month. LOL. Then I see why you are so broke. My word.
I don't know, my house is so full of excesses as is, I am no angel. I look around and wonder how we got so much crap. I don't feel like we buy much but what little we buy finds a way to overwhelm us. Oh well, I have been on purge mode the last year or so. One day I would like to get the crap down to a minumum. I have the boxes from storage to go through now. Most of which will inevitably GO. But I look at people buying all this crap and I truly wonder what do they do with it all???
Reminds me an article I saw a while back that the average american household has more THINGS than an egyptian pharaohah. (I know I spelled that wrong too). I believe it...
Oh well, gonna spend a lot of money today. I thought meeting with our estate lawyer friend may cost a few hundred. Now I hear could be THOUSANDS. My word. I didn't even ask because I Was scared. LOL. It is something that needs to be done and no one else will give us a better deal than a relatively newly practicing lawyer that is a friend. If it cost TOO much we just do the basics. This is why we are so low on cash these days. $3k for ROTH IRA conversion - thank you IRS - and now I am looking at my emergency fund wondering if we have to dip into that for something that is so awfully necessary, *sigh* BUT I think if it does end up a couple of thousand that we can swing it through the end of the year without touching the fund. We'll see how it goes. Both of these things are just so necessary for our long-term well-being. I have put this off long enough.
The worst is the birds are really doing a number on our house and we have to call back the bird guy. I think we paid $1k to him last time to clean up all the bird poop and put up spikes, etc. I don't think it will cost near as much this time, they just broke through the mesh he put up in one area and there is cleanup. But still, another few hundred easily that needs to be taken care of sooner rather than later - before the dang pigeons really damage our house. Who new pigeons could cost so much - blech.
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Just Thinking
October 19th, 2006 at 09:18 pm
Cash Stash:
$44.40 cash for 2006
- 7.00 Buffet Lunch
$37.40 remains
I know I wanted my cash stash to last until Dec. 31, but I Am cheating a little. My birthday is Dec. 1 & so I figured I would get some cash then to get me through. Hehe. In the meantime it is going fast. But I do allow myself $20 at the ATM every month - in the budget - which I won't need this month or next at least. Plus bunco is next wednesday, where I got my stash from in the first place. I am going to win at least $50 this month. YEah! (Okay, I wish anyway. LOL. Though my luck will probably run out soon. I am not sure I can pull off winning 4 months in a row!! If I win even $5 there may be a mutiny).
I made a lot of money yesterday and spent it all. Sold a bunch of jewelry and made $60. Spent $10 on a christmas gift and then $40 on myself. I figure my birthday was coming up, and since my jewelry was selling pretty well, I should get some new stuff to wear. Imagine if I actually WORE it - it would sell even better. I have been super lazy. $10 left when all was said and done. Oh well. I haven't bought any jewelry the last few months. Whenever I sell I usually use my profits to buy - that is why I signed up in the first place. But the last couple of months I sold a good amount and bought nothing for myself. That's my justification anyway.
Just met a friend for lunch and with our anniversary dinner, probably the only real eating out this month, besides me occasional $1 fast food run anyway. I don't feel like we usually eat out much more but looking in Quicken we have been averaging $100-$200/month. This month is load below. Yay!
My friend was also trying to help but in the end is not helping. LOL. My work decided this year to go out to dinner for christmas instead of the usual potluck. Knowing my boss we will be expected to pay, and they are looking at some fancy places. I was thinking dh probably couldn't go because they were talking friday night. Our family babysits often, but they live 2 hours away and friday night is tough. At first I thought, oh dh can't go. Then I Was thinking good because it will probably be pretty PRICEY. I mentioned something about it to my friend at lunch and she mentioned she would watch the kids. I had never mentioned babysitting swapping with her because she only has 1 kid and lives about 1/2 hour away. BUT she lived by my son's preschool and heck if we go out, we could go out to dinner over there, etc. IT was like a lightbulb went off in my head - we should totally do some babysitting swapping. IF she is cool with the unfairness of only having 1 kid. We'll work it out I guess. We joined a co-op and tried some swapping but I HATED it. But they were littler kids and I have said before I don't really like kids much. LOL. HEr son is much older, and watching 1 kid though maybe less fair, sure beats watching 2 on top of my own. Plus its my son's best friend really so it is a whole different thing. I Can handle toddlers better than babies at least and my co-op is all babies - ick. Oh yeah- but yeah that is really nice but will make our dinner twice as expensive. I'll think about it at least... If I don't take her up this time we have to work something out once a month or something. My dh and I keep saying a regular date night should be a priority, but something always gets in the way. First cost. Then the co-op was a bust. & now things are so tight we figure what could we do anyway. But if she could watch the kids and we could go for a walk in the mall, it would be nice. Doesn't have to cost anything. Maybe we will try to work it in...
Oh well - that's my update today. BAck to work!!!!!
Posted in
October 17th, 2006 at 10:20 pm
Cash Stash:
$45.48 cash for 2006
- 1.08 BK Lunch
$44.40 remains
It's going going fast. LOL. It was funny today I was telling my coworkers I Was only spending $1 on lunch so I Wasn't going with them for the gas station lunch. The gas station on the corner actually serves up some fresh food - rice and meat, eggrolls, etc. I have never been. But they invited me and I Asked if there was anything for $1. LOL. Beacuse I was going to BK for my $1 lunch while they had their high-class gas station lunch. Then someone told me if I Waited until 2 or 3, after the lunch crowd, that the gas station cuts its prices in half to clear out the food. My one co-worker apparently stocks up for dinner there almost every day. & they do give you good portions. I will remember that next time hubby is sick or needs a break from cooking duties. Sounds like a good deal overall - and convenient. I think she said $5 for dinner for 2 - really decent servings. Would probably feed us and the kids for $5.
In other news I got my first ebay bid - woohoo. So far it stands at my starting price - 29.99. But to get s bid so fast sounds good to me. We'll see what happens.
Gosh those 4 shirts I was looking at actually ended up going for $18!!!!!! I can do better at the thrift shop without shipping. BUT I am definitely going to put up some of the endless clothes with tags I have. Family has a hard time listening when I say size. They always second guess me. I didn't mind it so much with my older son because I Saved it for future children, and they have gotten well used. But now I am not planning on any more babies. I have given so much away, but if I Can put up 4 dinky shirts for $18 - I am in. LOL. I know for now he has a few cute outfits - 2 pieces or shirts with overalls. They are nice brands too - not like the target brand I Was bidding on. I see more extra income in my future - yippee. Next time instead of grumbling when I get the wrong size I Will turn it into cash, eh?
May be a good thing to put up before christmas too, huh? I was specifically looking for clothes with tags since it would be a gift. Maybe in the next couple of months clothes with tags get an extra premium. Maybe???
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