Home > No Spend Day

No Spend Day

January 9th, 2007 at 11:42 pm

Jan. 9 - $00.00
Jan. 8 - $16.30 Groceries
Week 1 total: $374.24

**2 no spend days**

Items bought new in 2007:
Nintendo DS accessories (2) (dh)

Items bought used in 2007:


Still sick sick sick here. Little Monkey was up all night, lord knows why, but after about 2 hours I did notice his little crib aquarium which soothes him to sleep, was all messed up, dying batteries. Dh didn't see the big deal, but this is the 2nd night this week and he seems just fine. Just his aquarium is not as soothing as usual. So at 3am I made dh change the batteries - LOL (I couldn't figure it out). After being up 2 hours he still screamed a good 15 minutes before he finally fell asleep - oy vey.

Just hoping batteries will solve that problem.

I know he has not been feeling 100% but the last 2 nights he woke up he was just full of beans and wanted to play. On the other hand he has been sleeping perfect for 3 months. At one point in time I was used to no sleep, but these days, not in the least. I can hardly imagine anything worse than my sleep being interrupted!!!! Lack of sleep is my kryptonite...

Big Monkey was dry heaving this morning. Everyone was asleep when I finally felt like I had gotten enough sleep and should really go to work. But not long after dh called to say he had woken up and was not feeling so hot.

I hadn't taken lunch to work because today was so hectic. But went to one client, and then dh called to say he threw up. So I moved my other appointment before noon and got it out of the way (I was not getting all dressed up again this week - LOL!). So went home and ate leftovers for lunch.

(Reminds me I found another dress for tax season that suddenly fits again - woohoo).

The kids seem okay but dh is miserable. Kids are napping but I am so exhausted I can not get any work done - just too many distractions. Did laundry, dishes, etc. OF course if the kids sleep until 5 I will feel bad, but I just can not start to get sucked into something just to be interrupted. Like all day Monday. I give up. Taking a big break today. I might just have to work Sunday... I would work after the kids go to sleep at 9 but I am so exhausted I will probably crash at 9 too.

I am still scared to go to the store and don't want to try a big fancy dinner. I think we will either find leftovers or I will make mac n cheese or something. I am not sure about dh - he can probably fend for himself I guess...

Day # 3 of me cooking- my poor family - hehe. I am thinking scalloped potatoes (box) and hot dogs or something...

Ooooh - I think we may have some canned salmon. I like to mix those with eggs and blended (crushed) saltine crackers. Make little salmon patties. Brown the meat and serve with apple cider vinegar - so yummy. Maybe canned peas to round it out. It's my mom's recipe, I have been playing with adding veggies and spices, but I think tonight I will do the lazy version. Wink Dh hates fish so its a good night to indulge in something the rest of us enjoy. Beats mac n cheese I guess...

1 Responses to “No Spend Day”

  1. monkeymama Says:

    Lucky Robin's recipe so I don't forget!!

    3 6 ounce cans of pink salmon
    3 scallions, chopped, both white and green parts
    2 jumbo eggs
    3 tsp minced garlic (from the jar)
    1/2 cup parmesan cheese (not from the green can, freshly grated)

    Mix it all up, form it into patties, fry in olive oil over medium heat (turning once) until done. Simple, easy, took all of 5 minutes, if that, to prepare and not much more than that to cook.

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