Viewing the 'saving' Category
March 18th, 2023 at 02:24 pm
Received $127 bank interest for the month of February.
Received $246 I Bond interest for the month of February.
Snowflakes to Investments:
--Redeemed $35 credit card rewards (cash back) from our grocery card
--Redeemed $108 cash back on Citi card
--Redeemed $10 cash back on dining out/gas card
Other Snowflakes to Investments:
+ $9 Savings from Target Red Card (grocery purchases)
TOTAL: $162 Snowflakes to Investments
Snowball to Savings:
+$1,250 MH Income
-$ 945 Replaced Tires
-$ 400 Over Spending
401k Contributions/Match:
Savings (from my paycheck):
+$ 250 to investments
+$1,000 to cash (mid-term savings)
Short-Term Savings (for non-monthly expenses within the year):
+$1,500 to cash
+$ 222 Insurance Rebate
-$1,380 Various Insurance
-$ 410 Vacation Expenses (beach weekend/college drop-off)
-$ 160 Dentist
-$ 80 Misc.
TOTAL: $2,322 Deposited to Cash and Investments
Pulled from Gifted College Funds
Hybrid Miles Driven: 699
Fuel Costs: $14 Electricity + $8 (Gas)
(assumed 50 miles & 14 KwH per full charge)
We drove my car to San Francisco. We decided to use up the gas that MH had put in the gas tank for the Oregon trip. (We ended up with two Oregon trips canceled due to weather). But the tank got so low, we did put a couple of gallons in when we got home. I like to keep 3 gallons in the tank. This should last me an entire year.
In March I forgot to charge once and it's been crazy cold, so we put some more gas in the tank (will see in March update). It was probably more the cold. (I took the EV to work when I realized I had forgotten to charge. Not worth going to a gas station *and* wasting an extra $5 on my commute.)
Week of 3/13: The cold is backing off. Instead of needing to burn through a few miles of gas to get home, I am now getting home with 10 miles electric range left. I feel like the car is over estimating at this point. But 70F degrees and sun is more optimal for the battery.
Electric (EV) Miles Driven: 1,146
Fuel Costs: $14 (home) + $5 (out)
(assumed 300 miles & 60 KwH per full charge)
Most charging (both cars) was done at home.
MH went to the Bay Area to help his parents look at cars and visited his grandmother. He did a lot of driving around and spent $5 at a fast charger. Went to the Bay Area another weekend to work on a movie. He did not need to stop and charge on that shorter trip.
With warmer temps, switching back to EV tires (both contributing to longer electric range), and the in-laws having a charger at their house now. We may be done with the bulk of our "out and about" charging.
Note: I am always lagging a month behind because any bills charged in January will be paid off February 1 and reflected in my February numbers. I charge in one month and the next month I figure out how to pay for everything (if I need to pull anything from savings). So this update reflects January spending & February savings.
My first impression of January spending (paid for in February)? Ugh! But I am letting it go. We were clearly feeling flush with cash and did dome splurging (after the Holidays). To the point I was about to subtract from January savings. But I had already transferred MH's January paychecks into savings. So I will just leave it be and will save less in February. & I mean, MH received a $100 check for his birthday and we did a $100+ dinner out. Then I put the birthday check into savings. Duh. (The overall theme is that I was too quick with dumping every extra penny into savings.)
Sometimes I scratch my head when things are really out of balance. But it's very clear and obvious this month. When I add up all the extras, it adds up to $400. MH spent $145. At this point he's probably contributed more than we received for crowdfunding. He's still feeling generous on that front (paying it forward). I spent $60 on gifts for MH's birthday. We haven't exchanged gifts in ~20 years, but I didn't think the kids were getting him anything and it felt appropriate to buy him a gift. Gifting is something we may resume (on some level) with adult kids and both of us working. It probably won't be all the time, but it will be more than "never". Misc. $186. Stuff like a school donation, replaced toothbrush heads, toll refill, annual backup expense, etc. A lot of this is more what I'd usually put to short-term expenses, but we ran through short-term early on last year. I am a little reluctant to pile up the misc. in months while MH is working. Would rather save short-term space for one-income summer months. But I am also reluctant to bump up the ST savings because I expect some expenses to fall off soon.
That pretty much sums up over-spending. We used our "breathing room" to do a little extra dining out. Everything else is accounted for above or is a fixed monthly bill. Or I guess I should say that the rest is within fixed monthly budget (things like groceries).
The college fund note is in regard to kids' money. But that money is in our name and I include it in our net worth. So it will continue to be a drain on our own assets, as we draw down those funds for college expenses.
Posted in
Budgeting & Goals,
Credit Card & Bank Rewards,
Electric Vehicle (EV)
January 2nd, 2023 at 02:16 pm
I am memorializing goals in my sidebar. I kind of like the format I used last year, so will stick with that.
Pay cash for college ✔
$10K to Savings ✔
Final tally was $11,412. The plan was to use this money to pay cash for college. At the end of 2022 we had roughly -$0- cash plus emergency funds. So that's about how it sorted out. That we had just enough to cash flow college.
$2K to Investments ✔
Funded with snowflakes.
I topped off with $100 from MH's income, to make the full $2K.
9% Income to Work Retirement Plans ✔
MH and I both contribute the minimum for 401k match. The 9% includes employer contributions.
$12,000 to IRAs 2022 ✔
Done. We won't fund until we do our taxes and the year is over. But we did end the year with an extra $12K set aside for IRAs. This is mostly thanks to annual cash gift from in-laws.
Bonus Goal that wasn't in my sidebar:
Extra to Mortgage ✔
We threw my bonus and gift money ($8,000) to the mortgage to pay down the balance to $99,999. Woohoo!
The $8,000 extra payment shaved off 1 year of payments and $4,600 interest.
Why $8,000? I did want to hit the psychological milestone of being done with six figure debt. But this also puts us down to a total of 32 years of mortgage on our current home. While my bare minimum goal is to knock that down to 30 years, the recent big chunks will allow me to put the mortgage on the back burner during these college years. I can whittle down the last two years with much smaller snowballs. I guess my bigger goal is to not (feel the need to) throw bigger chunks to the mortgage for a while. This goal was satisfying on many fronts.
This was just more of a hope or a wish, versus anything that we would have been able to achieve with our income. It wasn't on my sidebar, accordingly.
Edited to add: We ended up funding only one IRA in 2022 ($6,000). I used the other $6,000 for Invisalign for myself. It was a rather last minute decision in early 2023. I would have done this instead of the mortgage, if I had known sooner. I wanted to reflect in goals, but as I type it out, the money was saved. It was just redirected at the last minute.
Posted in
Just Thinking,
Budgeting & Goals,
Home Ownership,
Financial Independence by 50,
January 17th, 2022 at 03:49 am
I am memorializing goals in my sidebar. Unfortunately, this site is not allowing me to just cut and paste my sidebar goals. So whatever, will just put some in another format and type it out.
Pay cash for college ✔
In the end, MM(18) followed in his parents' footsteps and chose a public college that is impossible to beat from a cost/benefit standpoint. I always say that about my alma mater but MM(18) has chosen a similar degree/route (at a different CA State college).
I suppose we didn't have any idea where he would end up last January, but we never considered any colleges that we'd have to go into debt over.
$12K to Savings ✔
Final tally was $16,000. The plan was to use this money to pay cash for college. At the end of 2021 we had -$0- cash plus emergency funds. So that's about how it sorted out. That we had just enough to cash flow college (without tapping any prior years' savings/investments).
We probably would have fared better on this goal (with unexpected unemployment funds and stimulus, etc.) but it was a really expensive medical year. We basically saved $25,000 but spent $9,000 on medical, which nets out to $16K saved.
I hope this makes this our worst college year. For future years we have all of MM(18)'s college costs saved (already) and this was a really one-off medical year.
$2K to Investments ✔
Funded with snowflakes.
I had been feeling very "meh" about this goal. Probably stopped throwing our snowflakes into investments once college started. But I do count dividends and it was a really big dividend year. That was enough to encourage me and I threw something like $250 of our windfall to top off this goal.
$1,200 to Mortgage ✔
I hit this goal with a lump sum at the beginning of the year.
We then threw an extra $12,615 with the cash gift we received end of December.
Why $12,615? It was an even $20K mortgage paydown for the year and left just enough windfall to cover college expenses for the next 18 months.
The $12,615 extra payment shaved off 2 years of payments and $9,500 interest.
9% Income to Work Retirement Plans ✔
MH and I both contribute the minimum for 401k match. The 9% includes employer contributions.
$12,000 to IRAs 2021 ❌❓
Not sure on this one. We sent $12K to mortgage instead.
I was very happy to get a redo. We ended up doing 33% of my income to retirement in 2020 due to a nasty tax cliff. Then unemployment was made tax-free retroactively and we didn't need this tax break at all. No way I ever would have tied up so much money in 401K if I had known! So I appreciate the redo. Will average 21% to retirement both years, which is what is important. Anything more than that... Meh. We are way too retirement heavy.
We also don't need the tax break for 2021. Taxes ended up going way the other way in 2021.
To be re-evaluated in April. I left it as a question mark because I just don't know. Will see how things shake out the next 3 months. We have until April 15th to lock in this decision. (We are saving a lot, but MH's job is also very iffy re: pandemic surge).
Edited to add:
Also hit two longer term goals this year. What a year!
**$500K+ in retirement funds (by age 45) ✔
**$1 Mil+ Net Worth ✔
Note: I didn't have a timeline for the net worth goal, it's just a nice milestone. Retirement goal was extremely aggressive when made. I swear that "thinking it" is 99% of the battle when it comes to goals. Not to underscore the planning and hard work, but the aggressive goals seem to work in the subconscious background and find a way to work.
Posted in
Just Thinking,
Budgeting & Goals,
Home Ownership,
Financial Independence by 50,
January 16th, 2018 at 03:15 am
I am copying and pasting sidebar, to memorialize in my blog. Brief Commentary below.
2017 Goals
[X]$11,000 to IRAs 2017 (MAX)
...($11,000 @ 12/31/17)
...We save $900/month
[ ]$5,000 to savings
...($4,013 @ 12/31/17)
...We save $300/month, plus interest.
...Topping off with snowballs
[ ]$8,000 to investments
...($7,236 @ 12/31/17)
...$2,200 from monthly contributions; $2,636 snowflakes/snowballs; $2,400 tax savings
...We save $200/month, plus snowflakes
...Will also invest tax savings ($2,400) when contribute to Traditional IRAs
...Will top off goal with snowballs
[X]$3,000 to mortgage
...($3,225 @12/31/17)
...$3k per year to pay off in 20 years (from last refi); also ensures that we pay more principal than interest
...Funded with overtime
In addition, we save 100% of MH's income.
My goal has been to save 100% of MH's (take-home) pay. I think that's been a little hit and miss. But probably complicated by paying all of the income taxes out of my check (though we pay 6x as much tax on his income; my salary is almost tax-free and is why there is such a substantial difference). I know we have also been using to justify some splurges. Which I am totally cool and fine with. Just don't want second income to be going towards basics like housing and groceries, insurance, etc. Don't want to get used to it. We have always used the second income for more one-off expenses and larger purchases (while primarily invested).
I will have to re-evaluate with tax law changes and all that. I'll update my sidebar when I figure it out.
As to the rest, I fell about $1,500 short of savings goals. Considering we spent about $2,000 on random last minute London trip (over and above vacation budget), I think that pretty much sums that up. Considering we easily paid $1,500 less to go in 2017 (versus any other recent years) and we can now cross that off our list, it probably all evens out in the end. Which is why we take advantage of opportunities like this.
At the end of the day, I always find it hard to sweat these things when our assets are up substantially. I am happy with how 2017 turned out.
Posted in
Just Thinking,
Budgeting & Goals,
January 6th, 2018 at 03:55 pm
We did really well on net worth for 2017. Up $95,000 for the year. Our goal was to increase net worth by $50,000.
Mortgage: -$ 8,000
Home Value: +$25,000
Investments: +$62,000
TOTAL: $95,000 Increase Net Worth
Our savings rate was 30% in 2017. 25% of our income went to long-term investments and retirement.
If we paid off our mortgage, we'd be debt free and we would have $225,000 in investments. We'd have to cash out our cash and taxable investments to do this, as well as 2/3 of our ROTHs. We could leave college money and Traditional IRAs intact. I suppose it's feasible, but not wise. I don't think we would seriously consider this unless our mortgage was in the $50k range. & we wouldn't cash out (most of) our ROTHs to pay off our mortgage. So we have a ways to go. I just know that we will ponder more as this number gets bigger.
2017 was a very good income year for us. I mentioned last year that MH's income was offset by loss of other side income and that economically we were about the same as we were before, which is what I expected. (His income is more about getting a foot back in the workforce, more than any meaningful contribution to the household). But anyway, this year we had a banner year with the credit card rewards and I made tons of OT so our income (W2) increased by 6% this year.
Last year our W2 income matched our highest (two-income) year (2001). This year was a significant improvement and some forward movement. I know we have significantly more expenses in some regards (health insurance, kids) but we are also no longer saving up frantically for a house (with real estate appreciating faster than we could ever possibly save), so I'd say this "feels" the most financially comfortable we have ever been. I suppose we also have a wee bit more assets now than we did in 2001. (Net worth isn't drastically different because of the housing bubble and crazy home equity in 2001, but our investments are 15x what they were in 2001).
My long-term goal has been to get to a point where our net worth increases by our expenses every year. I figured if we could do this in our 40s that we would consider "financial independence" at 50.
Of course, this would be an average of a $60k increase per year, since our annual spending is at the $60k level. But I am fine with aiming for $50k since this will probably be a more reasonable expense level when our mortgage is paid off (and kids are grown). Also, if we can achieve these net worth gains, I know they will just grow with time, as investments compound. All this to say, my goal for the next 5 years or so will be to grow our net worth by $50k per year. In 5 years I will probably re-evaluate and hope to push that goal up to $60k or $70k per year. Maybe averaging $60k per year, for this next decade.
It was nice to have a strong start for Year 1!
Estimate Net Worth Change for 2018 (Year 2):
Mortgage: Paydown $8,000
Investments: Contribute $8,000
Retirement: Contribute $11,000
Investment Returns: $14,000 (would need 4% gain)
Real Estate Increase in Value: $9,000 (would need 2% appreciation)
I don't get too hung up in the "year over year" changes, as I am more concerned about the next decade as a whole. Just to say that I more than well aware that the market can go the other way (been there done that).
I've updated sidebar to reflect this 10-year plan.
Posted in
Just Thinking,
Budgeting & Goals,
Financial Independence by 50
January 1st, 2018 at 04:28 pm
Received $50 bank interest for the month of December.
Credit card rewards:
--Redeemed $25 credit card rewards (cash back) from our gas/grocery card.
--Redeemed $70 cash back on Citi card.
--Redeemed $10 cash back on dining/gas card.
Savings (From my paycheck):
+$ 200 to investments
Snowball to investments (MH Paycheck):
+$ 600
Mid-Term Savings (cash saved for non-annual expenses/emergency):
-$ 500 Computer (for DL)
Short-Term Savings (for non-monthly expenses within the year):
-$ 720 Home Insurance
-$ 535 Disability Insurance
-$ 450 Flood Insurance
-$ 240 School Lunches (5 months x2)
-$ 215 Umbrella Insurance
-$ 115 Auto repairs
-$ 90 Dental
-$ 76 Medical
December was a bit of a mess. Not sure what to do with that, but trying to summarize the way I usually do.
I abandoned saving anything. Not for any of the usual reasons (we didn't spend anything substantial on the holidays). But I was doing a credit card reward and paid ahead several large bills. It made my life complicated in December but I knew we'd have some extra cash inflows to offset. Usually it's just so much at the end of the year that I try to spread it out or pay bills closer to due date (though most the rest of the year I generally try to stay more ahead of the curve). So the outcome is we had a huge cash outflow in December, but I have got all the bills paid ahead and won't be cash flowing $2,000 in January and February. (I just looked at last year and saw I put off most these bills to January and even February last year).
It hurts for now, but we will quickly build up cash in the next few months.
I've been slowly getting further ahead on bills. The mortgage is paid one full month ahead. Credit cards are paid in full the end of every month. Getting these end-of-year bills tamed I think is the last stop for me. I am fully transitioned to just paying bills when I receive them (or even earlier in many cases). This is what I did in early adulthood, but with online bill pay and cutting our income in half, I would more and more just set the bills to pay on their due dates. (I liked that I could get the bill paid when I received it but could set the due date to later and utilize the float). With more means, I've been going back in the other direction. Rather than save more cash and into an emergency fund, I am giving us some space and buffer.
When sitting down and trying to get to December balanced out, I abandoned all savings for this month and used credit card rewards to cover bills. In the end I had $200 left in the checkbook, so I went back and put that $200 into investments. That was all we saved this month. We did receive enough cash for Christmas to cover the rest.
I did also throw an extra $225 at the mortgage. That was what I had decided at some point (to get below $159k), and I had enough cash to cover that.
I did also donate my work Christmas bonus ($200), per our annual tradition. I earmarked this sum entirely for the local animal shelters.
One other note: I believe that our flood insurance (FEMA) is the only bill I *have to* pay by snail mail. I initially held onto the bill because I wanted to throw it on a specific one-time credit card (for rewards) and then got lazy and ended up mailing it closer to its due date (maybe a couple of days before, but I remember it sitting here for maybe two weeks in the meantime). Wouldn't you know it? It got lost in the mail! (Which is precisely why I avoid snail mail for anything important; this is the second hugely important item to be lost in the past 2 months). Anyway, I think I got it squared away about 3 weeks later, but in the meantime my mortgage holder was freaking out I didn't have proof of insurance. & lord knows I did not enjoy going without flood insurance for 2 weeks.
So anyway, all this to say, I am paying that bill the minute I get it next year, or about 30 days earlier. Yeesh!
Big picture: I am about $1,750 short of sidebar goals for the year. (I've updated sidebar). This is equivalent to the amount we redirected to spontaneous Europe trip. I am fine and happy with how the year shook out. Our savings goals are always very aggressive, and I am okay with directing that sum to a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
EDITED TO ADD: I forgot that 50% MH's check went into his 401k, or $600. I guess in the end we invested more than I was thinking when I typed this up.
Posted in
Just Thinking,
Budgeting & Goals,
Credit Card & Bank Rewards
November 29th, 2017 at 02:20 pm
Received $49 bank interest for the month of November.
Snowflakes to Investments:
--Redeemed $50 credit card rewards (cash back) from our gas/grocery card. But... Paid annual $95 fee. I will subtract $95 from snowflakes/investments.
--Redeemed $83 cash back on Citi card.
--Redeemed $10 cash back on dining/gas card.
Other snowflakes to investments:
--$12 Savings from Target Red Card (grocery purchases)
Snowball to investments (MH Paycheck):
Savings (From my paycheck):
+$ 200 to investments
+$ 300 to cash (mid-term savings)
+$ 900 to IRAs
Mid-Term Savings (cash saved for non-annual expenses/emergency):
-$1,850 Medical Expenses
-$1,400 Home Maintenance
Short-Term Savings (for non-monthly expenses within the year):
+$1,300 to cash
-$5,300 Property Taxes
-$ 430 Life Insurance
-$ 349 Auto registration
-$ 30 Dentist
I mentioned in my last (monthly) post that these past two months would be a bit of a wash. Lots and lots of bills paid this month.
For the most part, all bills are paid for 2017. Any charges past this point won't be cash flowed until 2018. The only exception is if something comes up that has to be paid for in cash.
Posted in
Just Thinking,
Budgeting & Goals,
Credit Card & Bank Rewards
November 5th, 2017 at 06:43 pm
Received $52 bank interest for the month of October.
Snowflakes to Investments:
--Redeemed $25 credit card rewards (cash back) from our grocery card.
--Redeemed $61 cash back on Citi card.
--Redeemed $7 cash back on dining/gas card.
Other snowflakes to investments:
--$5 Savings from Target Red Card (grocery purchases)
--rounded up $2 for an even $100 snowflake deposit
Snowball to investments (MH Paycheck):
Savings (From my paycheck):
+$ 200 to investments
+$ 300 to cash (mid-term savings)
+$ 900 to IRAs
Mid-Term Savings (cash saved for non-annual expenses/emergency):
-$300 Trombone purchase
Short-Term Savings (for non-monthly expenses within the year):
+$1,300 to cash
-$ 85 museum membership (renewal)
-$ 275 auto insurance
I think this month will end up being the polar opposite of next month. I literally deposited $4,300 into savings/investments this month. We save about $4,000 in a month that MH works and that we don't have any one-off expenses. (Rare, because there's usually some non-monthly expenses). But I am also replenishing savings for pre-paying some big expenses for credit card rewards.
Next month: We've already racked up $4,000 in medical bills and home repairs (and includes some smaller expenses). Will pay property taxes for the year, so that's $9,000 outflow right there.
This is the 4th year that I am just pre-paying property taxes, by paying it all up front (the second installment is not due until April). This is just done from a simplicity standpoint. If interest rates ever rise I guess I can re-evaluate, but I think we are building enough wealth at this point in our lives that I'd prefer simplicity over a little extra bank interest. But I probably only feel that way because interest rates are only 1%.
Posted in
Just Thinking,
Budgeting & Goals,
Credit Card & Bank Rewards
September 30th, 2017 at 03:44 pm
Received $53 bank interest for the month of September.
Snowflakes to Investments:
--Redeemed $25 credit card rewards (cash back) from our grocery card.
--Redeemed $30 cash back on Citi card.
--Redeemed $7 cash back on Visa/dining card.
Other snowflakes to investments:
--$5 Savings from Target Red Card
--$115 dividends reinvested
Snowballs (not invested):
--$200 cash from credit card reward
--$1,025 gift cards received (cc rewards)
Snowball to investments (MH Paycheck):
Savings (From my paycheck):
+$ 200 to investments
+$ 300 to cash (mid-term savings)
+$ 900 to IRAs
Mid-Term Savings (cash saved for non-annual expenses/emergency):
-1,000 Europe trip
-3,000 to fund mortgage goal ($$ came from OT)
MH paycheck:
-$340 to Europe trip
Short-Term Savings (for non-monthly expenses within the year):
+$1,300 to cash
-$ 325 van repair/maintenance
-$ 240 school lunches (partial year)
-$ 183 Medical expenses
-$ 150 Vet
MH is back at work after summer off. I just set his 401k back to 50%. Could use more in accessible investments, but I think our taxes are going to be pretty ugly this year. I couldn't change it before first (very small) paycheck, which is fine since I wanted to use towards trip expenses anyway. But will just go aggressive at 50% for the rest of the year.
We did buy a musical instrument that I wanted to fund with MH's check, but nothing else is on the horizon. (We charged this in September, so will pay for it in October). I think we are kind of on pull back mode (on spending) after extravagant trip to Europe.
September was a work month for us. MH is getting back into the swing, and I was SLAMMED at work. So it was more reminiscent of tax season when we don't really have time to spend money. Making lots of money, but no time to spend. I guess this was compounded by the credit card reward windfalls. It was a big income month.
I mentioned in a prior post that I felt confident enough with our cash/expected expenses to fund mortgage goal. This is OT money I deposited in April and that I transferred to our mortgage this month. (If nothing else, wanted to see how Europe trip shook out before tying up all that cash).
Posted in
Just Thinking,
Budgeting & Goals,
Credit Card & Bank Rewards
September 19th, 2017 at 09:23 pm
It's too early in the year to call it (for 12/31), but we have surpassed our 2017 net worth goal. Woohoo!
As of today, Net worth is up $60,000:
--Investments up $43,000
--Home Value up $10,000
--Mortgage Down $7,000
Will see how the rest of the year shakes out.
I went ahead and transferred my overtime monies ($3,000) to the mortgage. So I put the big "X" on my sidebar goal. I've had the cash since April, but I wanted to see how some of our home improvements shook out and how trip shook out, etc. In the end, trip was not of any significant consequence. We haven't gotten to home improvements yet, but the "biggie" will have to wait until December. That is a large cash infusion month for us, so I just let it go. (Will probably have a lot more cash before we get to it). I still don't have MH's MRI bills (all of them) but I received one and I don't have to pay it until November. So I decided I could live without this $3,000 cash through the end of the year. (I am being way super uber cautious, but that is just how I roll).
The market has been so WEIRD. Our home value has been pretty stagnant for the past four years.
Anyway, our specific home model is more rare and rarely goes up on the market. There is one pending sale behind us that has been remodeled to the hilt. It's GORGEOUS! If we were going to live here for decades I might be tempted. I mean it's my style and I love the colors, etc. (As is, we only plan to stay another 6-10 years? Don't plan to stay in this neighborhood at all, so I guess that part makes it easy to resist).
So it will be interesting to see what that ends up selling for. They were asking about $500k. For reference, we paid $290k. $650k was the peak. Things are starting to barrel towards $500k, but that is starting to feel like bubble territory again. Higher prices are probably a direct result of a mass exodus from CRAZY expensive Bay Area (now twice expensive as when we bailed). I've been surprised how slow that is to hit, given mostly stagnant home values for so long, but as California real estate tends to go: When it hits, it hits!
Anyway, I increased our home value by $10k (up to a $450k sales price), for net worth purposes. It seems likely that I will bump this up more as the year progresses. (Will see what this particular home sells for when the sale finalizes, and then what follows after that. No one seemed particularly scared off by the high asking price; it sold in a flash).
EDITED TO ADD: FINAL SALES PRICE $10K BELOW ASKING. This is about +$35k to my current valuation of our house (450k), but I will hold off and see how this affects future sales.
In the interest of privacy, this isn't the house. But our neighbor remodeled very high end with a black/white/grey theme. O.M.G. My favorite color is black. I guess I like black and white when it comes to home decor.
It's kind of crazy seeing my house (which is pretty much my dream house already) in this style. It looks AMAZING. But I just don't care enough to invest in this. Plus, my husband HATES dark colors and would never go for any of this. So I am sure that is also a big factor. I am saving some of the MLS pictures for future inspiration. This is the general idea:

Honestly, I couldn't even find a kitchen that compared, on the internet. They did a really nice job. Makes me wonder how much they spent (or if someone in that house is an architect or designer).
Posted in
Budgeting & Goals,
Home Ownership
September 1st, 2017 at 01:12 pm
Received $55 bank interest for the month of August.
Snowflakes to Investments:
Redeemed $50 credit card rewards (cash back) from our grocery card.
Redeemed $45 cash back on Citi card.
Other snowflakes:
--$15 (sold old sleeping bag on Craigslist; kids outgrew) ~ I set this money aside to pay for gymnastics (it's cash only)
--Redeemed $11 cash back on Visa dining/fuel card. Since this was mostly trip expenses I just applied this snowflake to our trip.
Savings (From my paycheck):
+$ 200 to investments
+$ 300 to cash (mid-term savings)
+$ 900 to IRAs
Short-Term Savings (for non-monthly expenses within the year):
+$1,300 to cash
- 600 auto insurance
- 400 kids' birthdays ($200 x 2)
- 305 dentist (cleanings x2 + chipped tooth)
- 120 van repairs
In addition, we pulled the following from mid-term savings:
- 215 Plumbing repairs
- 200 new pots and pans (couldn't cover after all this murphy)
- 150 fix car stereo**
{Note: MH has no wages during summer months}.
**I'd generally pull this from short-term savings (car repairs) but we've maxed out our repair fund already this year. Which is unusual, but we do have an older vehicle that didn't need *any* work last year. It makes sense from a multi-year view, but is exceeding our annual allotment. This is why we have other savings.
I'd probably cover something like pots and pans from short-term savings, but it's also fairly maxed out at this point. I still have some space remaining for insurance, dentist and property taxes, but the misc. and the car repair portions have been spent. I need to leave enough cash for the more fixed expenses I know of.
As far as Murphy goes around here, this was somewhat muted, but just a lot of little annoying things.
As an aside, I am always bemused when someone talks about keeping their old cars and doing without modern conveniences like blue tooth. Like it's either/or. Seriously?? You can keep OLD cars and update them with modern technology. In another situation I might have replaced the car stereo, but the stereo is not very old and the vehicle is 12 years old. We figured it made the most sense just to replace the face plate on the stereo, which solved all of our problems. If I thought I'd keep this vehicle another 10 years, it might have been worth investing in a new stereo system.
I don't know where we stand on the Murphy front. I've already had more problems with the van upon our return from our trip. *sigh* We've not been home long, but hopefully things settle down a bit.
Technically trip expenses will sort out in October, but I think I will start transferring money and paying off expenses today. Travel rewards card is not due until October, but I have the cash and I just want to get everything paid off and accounted for.
See last post for Europe trip details. (I just realized this post covered that one up).
Posted in
Just Thinking,
Budgeting & Goals,
House Stuff,
Credit Card & Bank Rewards
August 3rd, 2017 at 02:38 am
Received $50 bank interest for the month of July.
Snowflakes to Bills:
Redeemed $25 credit card rewards (cash back) from our grocery card.
Redeemed $53 cash back on Citi card.
Redeemed $3 cash back on Visa dining/fuel card.
Other snowflakes:
--$10 (sold old skateboard on Craigslist; MM got a new/bigger one for his birthday) ~ I set this money aside to pay for gymnastics (it's cash only)
Savings (From my paycheck):
**skipped $200 to investments**
+$ 300 to cash (mid-term savings)
+$ 900 to IRAs
Short-Term Savings (for non-monthly expenses within the year):
+$1,300 to cash
- 500 Dentist/Medical/New Glasses(DL)
{Note: MH has no wages during summer months}.
**Interest should bump up to $55 per month. I found a savings account that pays 3%. (This month was only a partial month, so a little less).
**I am always a month behind on savings withdrawals because anything I charged in June will be settle up in July. July was a birthday/Murphy month and also had a $600 insurance bill come due, so that will reflect in next monthly update.
Because it was so expensive this month (which reflects more in August), I decided to skip funding investments this month. It's not something I do lightly. But I seem to be doing this (skipping investments) about once per year. I don't mind cutting ourselves some slack since we generally err on the over-saving.
I redirected our snowflakes to cover bills. (I do usually invest snowflakes).
I've already paid all of the August bills (which were mostly July expenses).
I guess not much else to report. August and September will be spendy months. August will be paying off all this birthday/Murphy spending (which I've already done). September will be paying for August Europe trip.
Posted in
Just Thinking,
Budgeting & Goals,
Credit Card & Bank Rewards
July 1st, 2017 at 06:15 pm
Received $39 bank interest for the month of June.
Snowflakes to Investments:
Redeemed $50 credit card rewards (cash back) from our grocery card.
Redeemed $48 cash back on Citi card.
Redeemed $5 cash back on Visa dining/fuel card.
Other snowflakes to investments:
--$15 Savings from Target Red Card
--$7 refund from Amazon (some sort of settlement)
--$140 Dividends
--LESS: $70 diverted to Europe Trip
Snowballs to Europe trip:
--$481 credit card reward (travel credits applied)
--$200 credit card reward (cash)
--$200 sale of old TV
--$ 70 Diverted from Snowflakes
Note: $0 cash out-of-pocket needed for Europe spending this month
Savings (From my paycheck):
+$ 200 to investments
+$ 300 to cash (mid-term savings)
+$ 900 to IRAs
Short-Term Savings (for non-monthly expenses within the year):
+$1,300 to cash
- 425 Misc. Expenses**
- 90 Dentist
{Note: MH has no wages during summer months}.
**Misc. Expenses: Had some time to do some catch up shopping, and had some little things come up. Bought a (fancy) sleeping bag for MM(13) because he had a field trip coming up and outgrew his old one. I figure he will keep this one for a LONG time. Gave some money to the kids' school to top off our "hours" requirement. We were generous with Mother's Day gifts this year. MM needed some clothing. (These were all May charges, which is when my work let up a bit).
With that, I've pretty much exhausted our short-term savings. The second half of the year will all go to property taxes, insurance, car maintenance, and the dentist. For summer, I will keep pulling form short-term savings and will just figure it out at the end of the year. In Fall, will have to pull from MH's paycheck if anything comes up. (I expect his paycheck to cover kids' clothing, and stuff like that. Since they are growing and we need a bigger clothing budget now that they are getting to be adult sized and I can't just buy everything on clearance for $3). What this means is a very tight summer. We pretty much did all our splurging for the year already, so this is the flip side of the coin.
That said, it is some give and take. We are still at "peak liquidity" and will continue to be as long as no huge expenditures come up. I am probably going to spend a lot on MM's birthday (taking 6 kids to the expensive water park). It's not the kind of thing we do very often, but it seems silly to say "no", given our current means. In the end, the admission is way cheaper than I expected, but I imagine the food in the park is where they get you.
I am still working on 3% savings account. Having some technical difficulties on that. Will probably have the money moved over around July 5th.
I decided to just pull from snowflakes this month, to cover the rest of the Europe money. If we can still add $400-ish to investments, then it is all good.
{I still will work on selling a couple of items from around the house. Will just invest the snowflakes like I usually do, or can maybe use for some fun summer money}.
Posted in
Just Thinking,
Budgeting & Goals,
Credit Card & Bank Rewards
June 7th, 2017 at 04:26 pm
MH finished up work last Friday. His summer chore list is VERY long. (Next week he is taking DL to the dentist and the optometrist, and DL will get shots too. The cars both need oil changes. We have a couple of bigger home improvement projects to get through. Not BIG, but we've mostly done nothing but painting and very basic maintenance, so they feel "big").
DL's last day of school is tomorrow. I am so relieved we made it! I haven't blogged much about his moods because he's been back to his old self. He just doesn't do middle ground well. He's either like the "perfect kid" (mature, responsible, and wise beyond his years) or the "falling apart" kid, but there's just not been much in between. Absolutely nothing to report. We've learned that he doesn't handle change well (even 100% happy/good change), particularly with the mix of pre-teen hormones. I am just a little wary about our Europe trip since we leave about 2 weeks in (school year). We wanted to give him time to get settled, but it is around the time when he fell apart last year. He will have 7 new classes and teachers, and they did actually completely change the school schedule. So it will be a lot of change, but maybe being comfortable at the new school and knowing all the kids will be enough. I don't know if he will have some of the same teachers again. That would help. I suppose for drama and art he would. & PE.
{The in-laws will watch the kids at our house, while we are in Europe, so the kids won't miss any school. Is why I worry about DL since it will be a bit of a change-up. In any normal circumstances he would be totally fine. The kids often spend time apart from us.}
We've mostly got through Phase 2 of Europe trip. Phase 1 was booking hotel/airfare (Purchased because crazy cheap, paid for in cash). Phase 2 is booking tours and paying for those with credit card rewards. I am surprised that I only have to come up with about $275 cash for Phase 2. We booked two long day tours, plus a day trip to Paris. Phase 3 will be food and transport while we are there, and whatever admissions we end up paying. We have 3 full days covered already, plus a few days dedicated to free museums, so I expect the bulk of the (admission type) costs to be covered already.
Total out-of-pocket so far: $2,875
I am guessing we can keep the entire trip down to $2,000 per person. This includes non-stop flights & staying in a luxurious hotel/apartment.
Since I got the cash part down to $270 for Phase 2, that reminds me that we can probably get $200 for old TV. Maybe I will work on selling some other things to come up with that last $70. I don't think we really have much, but was just thinking (the other day) that we can probably sell DL's fancy sleeping bag (outgrown). Will see what else we can come up with. Plus, MH is home, so he can spend some of that time and energy on listing and selling.
This reminds me, I have a bag for charity. I keep missing the charities that come around, since I had been so busy for work. The bag may have been sitting there for several months. Anyway, a charity is coming by Friday and I will be sure to set out the full bag.
Another charity is coming by Tuesday and I thought maybe I could make it a goal this weekend to come up with something for that. It just hit me today that MM(13) will be done with school uniforms this week. Woohoo! {He has to fit for *two* more days. Boy, it was getting close!} Since this was the last uniform year for either kid, is not a lot. I bought the bare minimum for this school year. & I threw some smaller/backup polo shirts into that charity bag, about a month ago. He had clearly outgrown those. But I will be sure to wash and bag up the rest this weekend. I am sure that my clothes could also use another pass. I am sure I can find something.
FrugalTexan mentioned Kasasa(?) bank accounts for higher interest rates. I don't know if I heard of them before, but quickly ruled out because too many hoops to jump through (direct deposit and numerous debit card transactions). But I share if you are okay with those hoops and haven't heard of it. (FT can chime in more in the comments!)
This is what I posted end of April:
I had a CD mature this month, so a little less interest income. Since we do want to replace our vehicle, I think I will keep this CD money in our savings account. There is that, and I am also just completely exhausted with work. Maybe in a month or two it will sound appealing at all to jump through hoops to earn more interest. For now, I am over it.
{The "jumping through hoops" I was thinking to was just having to open a new bank account. I didn't have the mental energy for even that. But in addition, I can generally find a very high interest rate for some of my cash; those just come with a bit more hassle}.
Because of FT's comment, she kicked my butt into gear and I looked around a bit. I came across MH's old CU offering 3% interest! (You have to live or work in that region, so I doubt it's anything that anyone else will find very useful. If you are in the Bay Area and want to know about it, just leave a comment). Since we no longer live or work there, we can still join because I knew my in-laws had an account. I had to get their account # to join. They are super peeved that the interest rate is only available to new customers!
As to jumping hoops, they won't let me set up that 3% account online so I will have to call later and see what the deal is. *sigh* {That I can't just do this online, I find super annoying. It's just becoming more of a time suck}.
Then a couple of days ago, My Money Blog did a "Best Interest Rates on Savings" post. There was some in there that I had not seen. I always like it when someone else does the work for me. Which is probably the other reason I had been dragging my feet on this front. Anyway, I share because it is very helpful:
Text is http://www.mymoneyblog.com/best-interest-rates-on-cash-savings-june-2017.html and Link is http://www.mymoneyblog.com/best-interest-rates-on-cash-savin...
If I can't get this other 3% account to work, then I guess I will look at some of the bank accounts mentioned in this blog post.
Posted in
Just Thinking
May 31st, 2017 at 06:44 am
Received $36 bank interest for the month of May.
(I did lose higher interest CD, but I guess that is offset by parking OT in savings.)
Snowflakes to Investments:
Redeemed $25 credit card rewards (cash back) from our grocery card.
Redeemed $26 cash back on Citi card.
Redeemed $7 cash back on Visa dining/fuel card.
Other snowflakes to investments:
--$7 Savings from Target Red Card
Savings (From my paycheck):
+$ 200 to investments
+$ 300 to cash (mid-term savings)
+$ 900 to IRAs
Short-Term Savings (for non-monthly expenses within the year):
+$1,300 to cash
-1,000 London Hotel
- 140 passport expenses
- 100 wireless router (issues with old one)
In addition, we pulled $600 from mid-term savings to cover the rest of the hotel.
We've already tapped out our regular vacation budget. We had no plans whatsoever to fly anywhere for the foreseeable future. I still really think we will revert to our modest vacation budget (future years). Knocking out Europe with $2,600 hotel/airfare was just too good to pass up. We could have paid less, but were willing to splurge on the unexpectedly affordable hotels. We didn't even look at anything with less than 5-star reviews.
Our short-term savings is pretty weak right now. We usually vacation in the fall. & we only prepaid the hotel because of the favorable exchange rate. (I decided to hedge my bets on "most favorable exchange rate in 30 years"). Anyway, usually we build up more before we spend down, but I expect the timing to just work out a little differently this year. It doesn't really matter. It will all even out by the end of the year.
The rest of our London expenses will come from savings, or MH's job. We've allocated about $500 from his job since we will save $500 by not traveling during his work season. Credit card rewards should cover most of our tours.
Posted in
Budgeting & Goals,
Credit Card & Bank Rewards
April 29th, 2017 at 03:30 pm
Received $35 bank interest for the month of April.
Snowflakes to Investments:
Redeemed $50 credit card rewards (cash back) from our grocery card.
Redeemed $65 cash back on Citi card.
Redeemed $4 cash back on Visa/dining card.
Other snowflakes to investments:
--$20 Savings from Target Red Card (made a big purchase)
--$40 Insurance refund
Snowball to investments (MH Paycheck):
Savings (From my paycheck):
+$ 200 to investments
+$ 300 to cash (mid-term savings)
+$ 900 to IRAs
+$3,000 OT to savings (will fund my mortgage goal)
Short-Term Savings (for non-monthly expenses within the year):
+$1,300 to cash
-$1,000 airfare London
-$ 500 life insurance
-$ 400 Drama Camp
I had a CD mature this month, so a little less interest income. Since we do want to replace our vehicle, I think I will keep this CD money in our savings account. There is that, and I am also just completely exhausted with work. Maybe in a month or two it will sound appealing at all to jump through hoops to earn more interest. For now, I am over it. (Now that I think about it, I haven't done one of those since MH was unemployed. We've had this "nice and simple" CD for 22 months. Though my exhaustion speaks more to my work situation than his. So we will see in another few months).
I had a complete DOH moment today. American Express is really finicky with their gas rewards. They often don't give rewards for gas stations they clearly label as "fuel" on their statements. ??? I has a DOH moment today as I recalled we might have gas rewards on other cards. We do! In the end, we can get 3% back on our CU Visa. It will take me a while to remember, but MH is really good at keeping track of all this madness. I'd rather use our credit union than the big banks, any day. So this is good.
My last entry I mentioned OT status, so nothing new there. I don't know when I will literally transfer the $3k to our mortgage. Maybe soon, since I also have all this cash that had been tied up in a CD. I just need some time before I tie up money indefinitely. I will put it to the mortgage sometime between now and January 1.
From short-term savings, I paid off the London airfare. I did also fund drama camp, apparently a full month earlier than last year. Drama Llama LOVES his drama camp.
Neither kid was interested at all in other summer classes. We didn't push it. I think us parents just need a break. We will have a very lazy low-spend summer. It sounds absolutely divine!
Posted in
Just Thinking,
Budgeting & Goals,
Credit Card & Bank Rewards
April 2nd, 2017 at 04:09 pm
Received $40 bank interest for the month of March.
Snowflakes to Investments:
Redeemed $25 credit card rewards (cash back) from our gas/grocery card.
Redeemed $53 cash back on Citi card.
Redeemed $0 cash back on Visa/dining card.
(Didn't eat out)
Other snowflakes to investments:
--$4 Savings from Target Red Card
Snowball to investments (MH Paycheck):
Savings (From my paycheck):
+$ 200 to investments
+$ 300 to cash (mid-term savings)
+$ 900 to IRAs
Short-Term Savings (for non-monthly expenses within the year):
+$1,300 to cash
- 280 Auto Insurance
- 140 cell phone for MM
- 100 car maintenance
Other Snowflakes:
--$25 Focus Group
I didn't invest this snowflake; I donated it to DL's school.
MH's work has been slow, which is nice because my work has been *completely insane*.
I still needed to get $1,400 "tax savings" over to our investments. For now, I am just hoarding MH's paycheck to that end. I have $1,000 to throw at that today and will probably have $400 in another couple of weeks.
It probably works out that I will get that funded by April 15th. Around then I should get my OT for the year and we will have to look at our tax situation and figure out the rest of the year.
Posted in
Just Thinking,
Budgeting & Goals,
Credit Card & Bank Rewards
March 1st, 2017 at 03:57 pm
Received $38 bank interest for the month of February.
Snowflakes to Investments:
Redeemed $50 credit card rewards (cash back) from our gas/grocery card.
Redeemed $74 cash back on Citi card.
Redeemed $5 cash back on Visa/dining card.
Other snowflakes to investments:
--$8 Savings from Target Red Card
Other snowflakes to investments:
--$20 Citi Price Rewinds (price match for computer parts)
--rounded up $3
Snowball to investments (MH Paycheck):
Savings (From my paycheck):
+$ 200 to investments
+$ 300 to cash (mid-term savings)
+$ 900 to IRAs
Short-Term Savings (for non-monthly expenses within the year):
+$1,300 to cash
+ 260 insurance refund
-$1,342 Insurance (various)
-$1,200 Auto Repairs
-$ 90 dentist
-$ 95 Windows OS (for new computer)
-$ 50 Professional Fee
Edited to add: I later realized that I forgot to update short-term expenses paid out this month. It was a spendy month! (I hadn't realized or particularly thought about it because most of these expenses were charged around Jan. 1 and paid off Feb. 1. But I include in February because that is when I transfer the funds out of my savings account).
One of the insurance bills that I paid was my disability insurance. In the past I have had a $4,200/month benefit without having to have a certain income. I can "up" this to $5,000 monthly benefit now. I really should make this a priority.
I noticed that our gas rewards aren't calculating correctly, so will have to keep an eye on that.
I did receive $1,000 tax refund and have yet to literally deposit that into our investments. It works out because we usually charge health insurance around the 29th, but it went through a few days early with the short month. We actually didn't have any big bills on our credit card this month, but the health insurance was charged twice (1st and 28th). So I will just use the $1,000 to float that. Will put it to investments in April. Just kind of worked out in an easy peasy kind of way.
I am still in a groove where I just pay all the (cash) bills on the first of the month, which includes paying off all prior month credit card charges. Then I don't have to think about it again for another month. (I am just not into automating things. I have to look over things carefully, and this may also be largely driven by not having direct deposit. Lord knows when I actually get my paycheck sometimes, like if we are on a vacation).
March and April are big savings months for us. MH is back at work & all my OT gets paid out in a lump sum every April. Plus, we are just both super busy with work, so we aren't spending money. It is always interesting to see how those months shake out. But then we generally relax and enjoy the rest of the year.
I do have a CD maturing mid-month and will have to figure out what to do with that. I've seen some good options, but will just depend what's available when I get access to the cash. I'll let you know what I find.
Posted in
Just Thinking,
Budgeting & Goals,
January 29th, 2017 at 03:42 pm
Received $41 bank interest for the month of January.
Snowflakes to Investments:
Redeemed $5 credit card rewards (cash back) from our gas/grocery card.
Redeemed $90 cash back on Citi card.
Redeemed $6 cash back on Visa/dining card.
Other snowflakes to investments:
--$4 Savings from Target Red Card
Savings (From my paycheck):
+$ 200 to investments
+$ 300 to cash (mid-term savings)
+$ 900 to IRAs
Short-Term Savings (for non-monthly expenses within the year):
+$1,300 to cash
-$1,120 insurance (various)
-$ 200 dentist
-$ 100 school lunches (for rest of school year)
All of the expenses above were December charges that we paid off in January. So this wraps up 2016.
Not much to report for January. MH had no income this month.
Posted in
Just Thinking,
Budgeting & Goals,
January 1st, 2017 at 10:01 pm
I think this is my last post for the day. I am getting to all my financial updates, since I have time today.
We did really well on net worth for 2016. Up $60,000 for the year. Our goal was to increase net worth by $42,000.
We paid down the mortgage by $8,000. The rest of our net worth gain was investments.
Home Equity is at $250,000.
Cash/Investments have surpassed the $300k mark.
I don't know if I have ever said specifically, but I have a very comfortable emergency fund for next job transition. (It's been a BIG goal for me, and we made it!)
ROTH IRAs and Traditional IRAs seem to be about 50/50, as to their balances. We do not contribute to ROTHs given our current tax situation. But we heavily funded the ROTHs while my spouse was not working (low tax rates). I would guess that the Traditional IRAs will pull ahead in 2017, since we are contributing to those.
Our savings rate was 30% in 2016. 25% of our income went to long-term investments and retirement. The other 5% went to cash savings.
If we paid off our mortgage, we'd be debt free and we would have $150,000 in investments. We'd have to cash out our ROTHs, cash, and taxable investments to do this. We could leave college money and Traditional IRAs intact. I suppose it's feasible (for the first time ever), but not wise. I don't think we would seriously consider this unless our mortgage was in the $50k range. & we wouldn't cash out our ROTHs to pay off our mortgage. So we have a ways to go. I just know that we will ponder more as this number gets bigger.
Our household income hit six figures for the first time. I am just counting "salary" for this purpose. I really thought we had an income around $100k last we both worked full-time. But it turns out we had peaked at $99,000 (per old tax records). This year our salary income was something like $100,200. We just squeaked by. So I guess that is kind of an exciting milestone. Of course, our income is kind of the same as it has been. I just did the math, and once you figure how much less OT I worked and how much less money we made in side hustles, economically we made the same amount in both 2015 and 2016. So while pretty much everyone generally reacts like we are suddenly "made of money" with MH working, it's more as I expected: We are the same financially either way. We've just replaced some side hustle income with wages. & the wages are WAY less efficient, of course, but the motivation has been for resume and "future employment" versus more immediate financial gain.
My long-term goal has been to get to a point where our net worth increases by our expenses every year. I figured if we could do this in our 40s that we would consider "financial independence" at 50.
Of course, this would be an average of a $60k increase per year, since our annual spending is at the $60k level. But I am fine with aiming for $50k since this will probably be a more reasonable expense level when our mortgage is paid off (and kids are grown). Also, if we can achieve these net worth gains, I know they will just grow with time, as investments compound. All this to say, my goal for the next 5 years or so will be to grow our net worth by $50k per year. In 5 years I will probably re-evaluate and hope to push that goal up to $60k or $70k per year. Maybe averaging $60k per year, for this next decade.
Estimate Net Worth Change for 2017:
Cash: Increase $5,000
Mortgage: Paydown $8,000
Investments: Contribute $9,000
Retirement: Contribute $15,000
Investment Returns: $13,000 (would need 4% gain)
Of course, it also seems likely that the value of our house will increase significantly next year. It's been rather stagnate for a few years, but things are starting to take off in recent months. It looks like a $60k net worth increase is feasible, factoring home equity gains. OF course, almost anything is feasible. I don't get too hung up in the "year over year" changes, as I am more concerned about the next decade as a whole. But this is just what I am starting with.
I had said that maybe I would change my blog focus to "countdown to financial independence" when I turn 40 (last month). But... It's still too far away and nebulous with way too many moving parts. So I am laying out our more long-term plan. I feel that there are way too many unknowns to start a countdown at this point. It's just a very loose plan, for now.
The loose plan will be to get our kids through college, to have $1 mil in investments, and to downsize into a paid-for home (smaller than what we have now, and lower maintenance). We should be able to achieve this in 10 years.
Posted in
Just Thinking,
Budgeting & Goals,
Financial Independence by 50
January 1st, 2017 at 09:43 pm
I am copying and pasting sidebar, to memorialize in my blog. Brief Commentary below.
2016 Goals
[X]$11,000 to IRAs 2016 (MAX)
...($10,850 @ 12/1/16)
...$10,800 savings;$50 credit card rewards
...We save $900/month
[X]$5,000 to savings
...($5,287 @ 12/1/16)
...We save $300/month, plus interest.
...Topping off with snowballs
[ ]$7,500 to investments
...($7,000 @ 12/31/16)
...$2,416 from monthly contributions; $2,084 snowflakes; $2,500 tax savings
...We save $200/month, plus snowflakes
...Will also invest tax savings when contribute to Traditional IRAs
[X]$3,000 to mortgage
...($3,100 @ 12/31/16)
...$3k per year to pay off in 15 years (from last refi); also ensures that we pay more principal than interest
...Funded with overtime
Note: Savings goal ended up with a little extra to top off the IRAs, so the IRA goal was met.
2016 was fairly similar to 2015. I just fell short of investment goal by about $500. (Same thing happened in the prior year).
I am VERY happy with how the year shook out. We also had about $6,000 in unexpected vacation expenses. So it does not bother me that we fell a little short of our financial goals.
Edited to add, because I forgot this one:
[/]50% of dh's income to 401k
...This is the max that he can contribute
We did 50% for most of the year, but not all year. We did what we needed to do for our taxes. Otherwise, I *much* rather put that money towards our mortgage or keep some of it liquid for college. So I do not consider this a goal fail. We ended up putting about 1/3 of dh's salary into 401k. We also put 1/3 into MM(13)'s school DC trip, which I think we only entertained seriously because MH was working. If you want to know why we did not achieve 50%, that is the obvious answer. But lack of tax motivation (at year end) was also part of the equation.
Posted in
Budgeting & Goals,
January 1st, 2017 at 08:11 pm
Received $41 bank interest for the month of December.
Snowflakes to Investments:
Redeemed $50 credit card rewards (cash back) from our gas/grocery card.
Redeemed $95 cash back on Citi card.
Redeemed $10 cash back on Visa/dining card.
Other snowflakes to investments:
--$15 Savings from Target Red Card
--$ 5 American Express Credit
--$ 1 Citi Price Rewind
In addition, I added $16 to investments to get up to a total of $7,000 contributions for the year. I fell short of my goal, but figured I could round up $16 to make it even.
Other snowflakes:
--$85 Craigslist sale
Savings (From my paycheck):
+$ 200 to investments
+$ 300 to cash (mid-term savings)
+$ 900 to IRAs
Short-Term Savings (for non-monthly expenses within the year):
+$1,300 to cash
-$143 Auto Expense
-$470 Dentist/Ortho
Short-term savings was otherwise drained for the year so I pulled the following out of mid-term savings:
-$500 computer expenses (MM)
-$250 Sketchfest tickets (3 shows)
Posted in
Just Thinking,
Budgeting & Goals,
November 30th, 2016 at 01:56 pm
Received $39 bank interest for the month of November.
Snowflakes to Investments:
Redeemed $25 credit card rewards (cash back) from our gas/grocery card. But... Paid annual $95 fee. I will subtract $95 from snowflakes/investments.
Redeemed $64 cash back on Citi card.
Redeemed $7 cash back on Visa/dining card.
Other snowflakes to investments:
--$17 Savings from Target Red Card
--$40 Focus Group (survey)
Savings (From my paycheck):
+$ 200 to investments
+$ 300 to cash (mid-term savings)
+$ 900 to IRAs
Savings (From dh's paycheck):
+$ 500 to Investments
Short-Term Savings (for non-monthly expenses within the year):
+$1,300 to cash
-$200 Tahoe Weekend
-$200 Monterey Weekend
-$185 Auto Expenses
-$200 Medical
-$325 Life Insurance
-$5,400 Property Taxes
& with that, we have drained short-term savings for the year. Still choosing to pay ahead property taxes, paying just once per year for simplicity.
Our fiscal year should be over. I paid all of the December bills already. Mostly expecting any expenses this month to affect our 2017 bottom line. Anything that comes up in December will most likely be charged and paid off in 2017.
I will update sidebar through December since I will fund December savings tomorrow with 12/1 paycheck. It's just the investments that I do at the end of the month and it looks like I will need to top off a bit. Oh, and I don't plan to pay extra $3k to mortgage until the end of December. Just making sure no surprises come up before I part with that money.
Posted in
Just Thinking,
Budgeting & Goals,
October 30th, 2016 at 03:39 pm
Received $43 bank interest for the month of October.
Snowflakes to Investments:
Redeemed $50 credit card rewards (cash back) from our gas/grocery card.
Redeemed $62 cash back on Citi card.
Redeemed $7 cash back on Visa/dining card.
Other snowflakes to investments:
--$8 Savings from Target Red Card
Savings (From my paycheck):
+$ 200 to investments
+$ 300 to cash (mid-term savings)
+$ 900 to IRAs
Savings (From dh's paycheck):
+$ 500 to Investments
Short-Term Savings (for non-monthly expenses within the year):
+$1,300 to cash
-$860 Auto maintenance/insurance/registration
-$280 Medical Bills
-$255 Hotel Deposit (40th Birthday)
-$185 Donations (just random stuff that came up)
- $50 School Expenses
In addition, I pulled $350 from mid-term savings to cover some tree trimming and shrub removal.
Our fiscal year is just about over. I paid all of the November bills already. Mostly expecting any expenses this month to affect our 2016 bottom line, but anything that comes up in December will most likely be charged and paid off in 2017.
This month was pretty boring on the financial front. As planned, we funded our VR splurge with MH's income. (I've already paid off October charges, so it's paid for). The other 50% went into his 401k.
That reminds me, I also sold the knee scooter. We had paid for it with focus group cash that MH had received the day before we bought the scooter. Since we had paid $150 for it, we just listed it for $150. it sold easily at that price. Net cost was $0 to use it.
I decided to just use that cash for MM's gymnastics, since they only take cash. This should cover him for the rest of the year (particularly with all of the holidays). I also used some of the cash for a school fundraiser. I will account for gymnastics somehow when I do the 2017 budget. But for this year I was able just to wing it.
Posted in
Just Thinking,
Budgeting & Goals,
September 30th, 2016 at 05:18 pm
Received $40 bank interest for the month of September.
Snowflakes to Investments:
Redeemed $25 credit card rewards (cash back) from our gas/grocery card.
Redeemed $41 cash back on Citi card.
Redeemed $6 cash back on Visa/dining card.
Other snowflakes to investments:
--$6 Savings from Target Red Card
Savings (From my paycheck):
+$ 200 to investments
+$ 300 to cash
+$ 900 to IRAs
Short-Term Savings (for non-monthly expenses within the year):
+$1,300 to cash
-220 school expenses
-188 Medical Expenses
-110 Large Purchase**
-90 Dentist
-40 Took kids/friends to fancy pool
**MM was going to reimburse us partially for a shared electronic purchase. I think we just forgot in the chaos. I'll check with MH on this.
Edit to add: MM reimbursed us $55 for large purchase
July Flashback:
In August we really need to get moving on some home improvements. I know I am procrastinating because I don't wanna. *sigh*
August Flashback:
No movement on this. I can't imagine readying for contractors in my current state. Though we have lost MH's free summer time to deal with this, work is really slow for me this time of year and I can handle it. I need to at least start getting some quotes in September.
September Update:
No progress on this front because life is chaos right now. I don't see how/when until things settle down a bit.
MH is back at work. He got a nice raise but is working less hours. It almost evens out, though making a little bit less.
For this month I am just putting his paychecks (3 weeks) towards replenishing our checkbook for vacation expenditures & gymnastic spending.
Next month he will put his 401k back to 50%. He's pre-ordered a VR system, which will take all of his income in October. November income will pay for the hotel on my birthday. I guess that except for the 50% 401k thing, we are just splurging his income most the rest of the year. (We have cash for these things, but we are also working on saving up for some big expenditures, so it will be nice to just cash flow our big splurges).
Until I typed this out, I thought we had maybe gotten used to the extra cash flow and were over-spending a bit. In the end, I was $750 short in the checkbook, after MH being off work for 3 months, which is easily explained by $250 vacation overage plus about $500 of gymnastic spending. Now I just feel silly. We have enough float in the checkbook so I was just kind of muddling through in the interim. I had forgotten that I hadn't otherwise planned for the gymnastic expenses.
I was expecting that MH's income would cover the kids' extra-curriculars. In the past we've covered with other windfalls or they just haven't been significant expenses. I can't say they were a big financial priority. But now we are in a better place to afford this type stuff. I think a lot of it will be moot given the kids' school changes for this year and next. So any bigger expenses will probably be rather temporary. For the next calendar year I can plan ahead better.
Overall, I'd say that this month was chaotic. Probably too much stress spending.
More fun spending is planned for October. MH and I are going to Tahoe this weekend, and next week we are taking the kids to Monterey. (Instead of the usual big October break that we usually take advantage off, the kids have only one day off together. {Which is why we moved our DC trip up to June}. Though technically MM is skipping his math class so that we can go to Monterey during the week).
Posted in
Just Thinking,
Budgeting & Goals,
Vacation Lifestyle
August 30th, 2016 at 04:42 pm
Received $41 bank interest for the month of August.
Snowflakes to Investments:
Redeemed $50 credit card rewards (cash back) from our gas/grocery card.
Redeemed $43 cash back on Citi card.
Redeemed $4 cash back on Visa/dining card.
Other snowflakes to investments:
--$10 Savings from Target Red Card
Savings (From my paycheck):
+$ 200 to investments
+$ 300 to cash
+$ 900 to IRAs
Short-Term Savings (for non-monthly expenses within the year):
+$1,300 to cash
-900 Auto Insurance and Maintenance
-300 Staycation Spending
-165 70th Birthday Party
-100 Kids' Birthdays
Other Snowflakes:
--I did earn $250 in gift cards but have yet to be able to redeem them.
--Dh earned $150 cash from a focus group. We invested in a used knee scooter/walker and I am hoping we can sell it next week. When we sell it we will probably buy a used violin for Drama Llama. I don't expect that to cost an entire $150. It seems more sensible to buy used than to rent.
Kind of a boring month financially. I have some medical bills that will charge next month. Most the expenses above were for July spending. August has been more of a "stuck on the couch" month for me, and busyness with back to school.
July Flashback:
In August we really need to get moving on some home improvements. I know I am procrastinating because I don't wanna. *sigh*
August Update:
No movement on this. I can't imagine readying for contractors in my current state. Though we have lost MH's free summer time to deal with this, work is really slow for me this time of year and I can handle it. I need to at least start getting some quotes in September.
This week we are taking the kids to the Doctor (well visits/shots), putting new tires on the newer car (replacing low quality stock tires before rainy season) and I got a referral for tree trimming and dead shrub removal. I am pulling a list of contractors to call but I don't know if we will get to that this week. As long as we are steadily ticking things off the list, it can wait a bit longer. Physically, I might be up to dealing with readying the house this weekend.
P.S. Also labeled this post in the *one income* category since dh had no income during June/July/August. His income is more in the "snowflake" range anyway. (If he had a larger income I don't know that I'd differentiate on or off months, but I am definitely feeling the difference without the extra breathing room). I am not even entirely sure he has a job still, so I guess that is some of it.
Posted in
Just Thinking,
Living on One-Income,
Budgeting & Goals,
July 30th, 2016 at 02:24 pm
Received $39 bank interest for the month of June.
Savings (From my paycheck):
+$ 200 to investments
+$ 300 to cash
+$ 900 to IRAs
Short-Term Savings (for non-monthly expenses within the year):
+$1,300 to cash
Nothing was pulled out of Savings in July.
July was kind of a crazy spendy month, but that will be funded with August income. We spent $1,500 on auto insurance, auto maintenance, auto repairs, birthdays (3), and our trip to San Francisco. I will deduct all this from short-term savings next month.
I decided to apply snowflakes to bills this month. That was my instinct last month but I stuck to the investments. This month am going to take a break since the budget needs a breather.
Snowflakes to Bills:
Redeemed $25 credit card rewards (cash back) from our gas/grocery card.
Redeemed $75 cash back on Citi card.
Redeemed $12 cash back on Visa/dining card.
--$20 Savings from Target Red Card
I also received a random $50 settlement claim check.
I did round up the mortgage payment by $9 since that got us down to the next $xxx,999. I could care less about round numbers and would rather see a lower number in the thousandth place!
I just tend to round up when I make a large extra payment (one or twice per year). I guess I felt I should snowflake something this month.
In August we really need to get moving on some home improvements. I know I am procrastinating because I don't wanna. *sigh*
P.S. Also labeled in the *one income* category since dh had no income during June or July. His income is more in the "snowflake" range anyway. (If he had a larger income I don't know that I'd differentiate on or off months, but definitely feeling the difference without the extra breathing room).
Posted in
Just Thinking,
Living on One-Income,
Budgeting & Goals,
July 2nd, 2016 at 01:29 pm
Received $40 bank interest for the month of June.
Snowflakes to Investments:
Redeemed $25 credit card rewards (cash back) from our gas/grocery card.
Redeemed $182 cash back on Citi card. (Lots of travel expenses this month)
Redeemed $20 cash back on Visa/dining card. (More travel expenses)
Other snowflakes to investments:
--$6 Savings from Target Red Card
Savings (From my paycheck):
+$ 200 to investments
+$ 300 to cash
+$ 900 to IRAs
Short-Term Savings (for non-monthly expenses within the year):
+$1,300 to cash
-$2,000 Airfare (Entire vacation budget)
- 725 Dentist (3)
- 20 Vet (shots)
More spending than saving this month. Pulled the following amounts from long-term savings:
-$1,300 MRI
-$2,700 8th Grade Trip
-$3,000 Family DC Trip
It probably won't get much better. In July we will work on some big home improvements.
I suppose for this month it should be called "June Spending".
Posted in
Just Thinking,
Budgeting & Goals,
May 30th, 2016 at 02:52 pm
Received $42 bank interest for the month of May.
Snowflakes to Investments:
Redeemed $50 credit card rewards (cash back) from our gas/grocery card.
Redeemed $70 cash back on Citi card.
Redeemed $5 cash back on Visa/dining card.
Other snowflakes to investments:
--$8 Savings from Target Red Card
Savings (From my paycheck):
+$ 200 to investments
+$ 300 to cash
+$ 900 to IRAs
Also, redeemed $208 Barclay card one-time bonus.
Savings (From dh's paycheck):
+$ 230 to Investments
Short-Term Savings (for non-monthly expenses within the year):
+$1,300 to cash
-$400 Drama Camp (summer)
As to dh's paycheck, I turned off the 401k mid-month. I think because we had so many bills coming up. (I don't remember exactly why I turned it off when I did). So we put 50% to 401k first half of the month, and that's it. I used his check to cash flow some of the May/June craziness. Turns out he will only get one paycheck in June so I am so glad I did that. I'll turn the 401k back up to 50% as necessary for tax purposes. Taxes were the only reason we put so much into his 401k, but in the meantime my OT was not as much as usual and his work has been slow, so don't need to put so much in the 401k. (Is not a financial priority at all, to fund his 401k, since we have more than enough saved for long-term retirement). So I will see where we are at in the Fall and what is more efficient. If we can use his fall paychecks to pay for some of BM's class trip, that would be great. At some point I know I will have to put 50% into his 401k again(maybe October - December, or something like that. He has the summer off).
The savings drain will be pretty big for the next two months. Will pay for BM's class trip and our vacation. Oh, and I got dh's MRI bill too. That's $8k+ right there. Fun Fun!
Posted in
Just Thinking,
Budgeting & Goals,
May 15th, 2016 at 02:46 pm
I wanted to do a reality check on our spending for this year. I just had to spend a minute or two running reports in Quicken to gleam the following.
2016 Stats through April 30th:
--Spending is $15,580 for 1/3 of the year.
This is $3,132 less spending than same time frame last year.
Major difference is that we paid $3k for Japan trip in spring 2015.
I'd say we are pretty consistent. The Japan trip was clearly a one-off.
One thing I was concerned about is if we were justifying more spending with dh working. I'd say the answer is no.
In fact...
--Gross Income is up a mere $326. Versus the same time period last year.
Factoring taxes, I'd say our net income is lower.
Is dh working for the money? Clearly no.
{I made less OT money and didn't chase as many credit card type rewards}.
Other Stats:
--Net Worth is up $20,000, from January 1.
--If we paid off our mortgage today we'd have $125,000 left in savings/investments.
I think we have crossed the line to feasible. This would leave our Traditional IRAs and kids' college money (gifted) intact.
Is not something we will consider until we can do so without raiding our ROTHS. But, we are getting there... It's starting to snowball down the hill. We went from $0 to $125k in just 3 years, and that should just continue to accelerate.
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Just Thinking,