Home > Spend Update

Spend Update

January 9th, 2007 at 06:15 am

Jan. 8 - $16.30 Groceries
Week 1 total: $374.24

Items bought new in 2007:
Nintendo DS accessories (2) (dh)

Items bought used in 2007:


Groceries: Dh was sick today so I ran home around noon and popped by the store since we were all out of milk (Seriously like 1/4 of our grocery budget is MILK and dairy (yogurt, cheese) - we are going to start mooing soon - though it is getting better as kids age and rely less on milk. I just look forward to in 6 months when baby switches to 2% so I can stop buying whole, 2% and fat-free since we all drink something different - it is ridiculous! Then it will be fat-free for us and 2% for the kids I guess - a little better).

I got food for 2 meals (dinners), splurged on some sourdough bread on sale, and about $6 for milk. All for $16 - I was pretty pleased overall...

I also had to run back to get Big Monkey by my work at 5 and I didn't get much done so it was a bad spend day. Likely no OT this week with 1/2 day off today and the gas today was a bit much. So it was a spendy day.

Dh never gets sick, but man, this last year has not been good. I do not know if I should be worried. Compared to normal his immune system is so compromised. Then again he never stays sick very long or gets very sick, so it seems to be working okay. ????? But it is crazy when I am the healthy one and he is always sick - it is bizarro over here.

1 Responses to “Spend Update”

  1. LuckyRobin Says:

    The person who spends the most time with the kids is usually the one who gets the sickest. Especially if those kids are in preschool, daycare, or regular school. Little germ factories in sneakers, and its not always the kids who get sick, they are often just the carriers.

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