Viewing the 'Just Thinking' Category
February 18th, 2016 at 08:17 pm

As is the overall weather trend in recent years, the more cold it is everywhere else the hotter it is here. This past long weekend we had beautiful spring type weather. So now the trees think that it is spring. I noticed one lone tree blooming a couple of days ago, but today I noticed the blooms everywhere.
Today was a great day for money snowflakes! Technically tomorrow was the big snowflake day but our credit union gives us all direct deposits at 5am the day before. Okay then!
Redeemed a $40 Citi Price Rewind. Which is just a price match. I didn't think of it when we got our car speakers, which we did google briefly and saw we were paying less than retail. But Citi reminded me I could do a Price Rewind (since it was a big purchase) and a couple of clicks on the computer will net me $40. Woohoo! Just had to let them watch internet pricing for 60 days. So that 60 day period just expired.
I'll throw those in our investments with the rest of our credit card rewards at the end of the month. I still have to get approved and don't expect to get the $40 until next week. I just submitted my claim today.
I did also receive an insurance rebate. It was $400, or about 50% of what I paid for life and disability insurance with my professional association during 2015. I did also score an extra $25 simply because I let them deposit the money directly into my bank account. (Do you really have to pay people to get them to get their money faster??). In the past I have snowflaked this sum. But this year I am just going to deposit this into my short-term savings to offset my insurance costs for 2016. I figured if I did that I could maybe get away with not increasing my monthly contributions to short-term savings this year. It was just one of those years where everything seemed to be going up. But I will hang on here for as long as I can.
Of course, since it was a "direct deposit" then I got it a day early too.
Dh also got paid for a pretty pathetic couple of work weeks. I believe he took off one day for medical stuff and 2-3 days because work was just so slow. His net check was $160 and I already threw that at our investments. (He did also add $195 to his 401k).
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Just Thinking
February 17th, 2016 at 03:03 pm
February 15:
$11 Groceries (Target)
$ 7 Groceries (valentines candy clearance)
$16 Lunch out (w/co-workers)
$11 Ebook purchase
Dinner: Cashew Chicken
I'd probably put the ebook purchase as an allowance item for dh. (& I don't even remember the last time he paid for an ebook. ???). But he told me it was for the kids. They are way into some series that just had a new release yesterday. This is why I usually put this stuff in the allowance pile. I don't understand *at all*. So you can't just wait until it is at the library?? Ugh! I do know that the kids are enjoying this series so will just put under the "kid" category. We rarely buy them anything. They save up to buy most things with their own money.
Dh used up our Target gift card. Since he had the day off work and needed some cashews for his recipe he went and did a $31 grocery run. $11 after gift card. I had asked him to check out the reeses valentine candy on clearance. But he told me it was only 30% off and it had already been picked over.
Which is fine since I ran by the grocery store and got a couple of bags of candy, 50% off, on the way to work. I thought maybe I didn't get a discount on one bag but it turns out the Reeses hearts are just crazy expensive. Dh was going to price them at Target for me, just out of curiosity, but nothing good was left when he went to Target after lunch.
Dh did drive the kids half way to drop them off with his parents and I think his dad treated dh and the kids to lunch.
February 16:
$29 Fuel for gas guzzler ($1.73 per gallon)
$ 7 Movie Theater
Dinner: Citrus Chicken
With the kids gone we decided to take advantage and have a date night. We used the last of our movie theater gift card. We went last night because it was $5 movie night at our local theater.
I don't know that we expect to spend any money during the rest of the work week. Except dh may need to refuel at some point since he drove so many miles on Monday. There are loose talks of going out to dinner one night with the kids gone, but I am kind of over all the eating out. We plan to be out all day Saturday also. Dh has not eaten out half as much as me this month so I will just leave it up to him. Whatever he wants.
The kids are having a blast with their cousins and grandparents. (Cousins just happened to have the same week off of school). Monday it was so crazy warm that they went swimming. There is a storm rolling in today and so my dad made sure to take them on a hike yesterday while the weather was still nice. I don't know what else they have planned this week.
I don't know that we usually eat such varied dinners, but it seems that we have been finding a lot of good recipes lately. The Korean Beef Bowl that I made earlier in the month is a recipe that I found recently that takes about 10 minutes to make. So it's a nice addition to my "quick meal" repertoire. Citrus chicken is an old favorite that doesn't make any leftovers when the kids are here. So it was a nice one to make for just the two of us. We did try a couple of new recipes this month. I find it hard to believe that we will repeat anything we have already made, this month (except tofu which I left out/ruined and dh wanted to make again).
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Just Thinking,
Daily Expense Challenge
February 15th, 2016 at 02:20 pm
February 14:
$117 Groceries
$12 Kohls
$ 2 amazon (TV show streaming)
Dinner: Sweet & Spicy Salmon w/Garlic Butter Rice
Dh did a grocery run Sunday.
I made out well at Kohls though I didn't find anything suitable for work. I think it was my mood. I tried on like 30 things (which is why I like Kohls so much - they are okay with you taking in piles of clothes to the dressing room). I just felt so "meh" and "ugh" about everything. Which is too bad because I actually found a lot of nice stuff in the clearance racks. I usually don't bother to go through those, but I spotted some really pretty colors and started going through it all. Then I tried it all on and said, "UGH!" In the end I picked up 3 t-shirts. Two are a little winter-y and Christmas-y (long sleeved). & I had wanted to pick up another plain black shirt. They didn't have the nicer one I had bought last time but they had a short-sleeve one that will do. I did take a picture of a couple of shirts that were not on sale and that I think I would have been happy with. I can look online later.
Anyway, the three shirts I picked up were $12 total. I think I did pretty good. I really loved the two winter-y shirts I got, so there is that. Oh, and I scored a plastic bag! I suppose I don't know what all the rules are with that. I was thinking it must have been the first retail store I have been into this year. But now that I think about it I went into Walgreens once and they were charging for plastic bags.
Dh wants to use up our movie gift card this week (going out while the kids are gone). We discussed using a restaurant gift card that we got for Christmas but decided to keep that for when we take out the kids. It will be nice to cut down the bill when it's the four of us. I think that is all we have left in gift cards right now. Well, other than a $2 Barnes & Noble gift card balance.
Edited to add: I forgot to mention that I also have a $20 Target gift card from work gift exchange.
Dh is planning to use it today towards a grocery run.
Mid Month Spending Totals:
$283 Groceries
$19 Fuel
$4 TV Streaming
$209 Everything Else
That leaves $367 left for groceries and $68 left for everything else. I expect we will spend about that much on fuel for the rest of the month. & of course, we can always spend less on groceries to free up more general spending money.
We are very aggressive with paying ourselves first, and so we would never have money left over at the end of the month. Psychologically it's what works for us.
We are planning to take dh's Grandma out this next weekend though. That is such a one-off thing, as is our medical co-pay this month, that I will probably cover these things from our short-term savings. We do also save aggressively for that, which is just for non-monthly expenses during the year. So that buys us some wiggle room. Especially early in the year when we have not spent down any of that. But of course, if I can cover these things from our monthly budget I will do that. The more I can keep for more fun spending later and for the more random things that always pop up, the better.
On the flip side, we both get paid this week and we already paid all of our bills for the month. So 100% of our paychecks are going to savings. (The daily spending is put on our credit card for rewards. Will pay this month's charges off on the first of March, or the following payday).
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Just Thinking,
Budgeting & Goals,
Daily Expense Challenge
February 14th, 2016 at 02:46 pm
February 12:
$5 Groceries
$3 Lunch Out (moi)
Dinner: Spicy tofu w/coconut rice
The 12th was a day of inefficiency. Ugh!
I was just not feeling the leftovers I had at work and noticed I had run out of chicken nuggets (frozen) - which is my backup food and the only frozen food I can really stomach. I was just not feeling the food that day and ran to Taco Bell for a $3 lunch. While working 6 days a week I generally allow one day per week out but I had already eaten out once this week so I was disappointed in my planning.
Then dh asks me to pick up green onions on the way home. At least it's on the way! I believe he mentioned that he needed those Wednesday but he forgot while at the store. Very unlike him, but I will file this away under "adjusting to working". It was kind of a hectic week and this extra grocery trip shows that.
Oh, and of course while I was at the store I picked up donuts! I maybe resisted the last 2 or 3 times I had to run to the store for dh but I only have so much willpower. Yeesh!
To sign off on an inefficient day, dh made that tofu recipe again. Since I accidentally wasted most the last batch, it just reminds me of inefficiency early in the month.
February 13:
$45 dh allowance purchase
Dinner: Taco Rice Salad
I think dh made this dinner (BM's fave) because LM was in such a salad mood all week. It figured that LM refused to eat this dinner. He might be open to leftover salad for lunch. He was just kind of over it yesterday.
Inefficiency carried over into this day in that we had absolutely no salsa in the house. ??? We just made do. It worked, but the salad was not as good as usual. I will chalk that one up to a crazy busy week.
Dh ended up spending $45 on some annual video subscription to his favorite podcast. Is generally not anything he would waste his money on and he accordingly had to beat himself up all over it. It's early in the year and so I really don't give a flip. He's only spent $100 this year, which is within reason with our "$600 per year no questions asked" allowance spending, which works out to about $50 per month. I do think it's probably something he would not have done if he wasn't working. But is all the more reason why I don't care.
On the 13th I worked most of the day and finally had some time to read when I got home.
As to Valentines Day, we don't celebrate in the slightest. Though I may stop by the store tomorrow to see if I can get some candy at a discount. I was craving some chocolate/peanut butter the other day but figured I should wait until the post Holiday sales.
7th grade did not do anything for Valentines. 5th grade had a party but LM wasn't interested at all. I decided to purge all our valentines yesterday since I doubt 5th grader would change his mind next year. I couldn't find any so it looks like maybe he didn't participate last year and I already did that purge.
Today dh plans to do a weekly grocery run. That's the only spending I am aware of. I may run to Kohls if they have a sale today. I have just been waiting for a sale because I have some credits to use up, and I could always use some nicer tops for client meetings this time of year. I have more time today since will be working tomorrow.
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Just Thinking,
Daily Expense Challenge
February 13th, 2016 at 03:28 pm
February 11:
-0- Spending
Dinner: Free Dinner Adults/leftovers for kids
February 10:
$15 Groceries
$19 Fuel for gas sipper ($1.75/gallon)
Dinner: Crockpot Tater Tot Casserole
On the 10th the kids had a short day and I drove them home during lunch hour. LM wanted a salad for lunch (finishing off all our lettuce) and BM was complaining that we had no white bread. I told them I'd go to the store on my way home later in the day. Wednesday is generally dh's errand day since the kids are covered, but since he had a meeting at the school I didn't expect him to run errands. In the end he picked up wheat bread, but at least he told me before I went to the store for bread also. BM will have to live with wheat bread for a while.
We stopped for groceries and gas after the science fair that night. Dh picked up a can of beans (for some recipe) and some produce while I put fuel in the car. In the end we didn't need any lettuce because dh mentioned the giant napa cabbage in the fridge was just leftovers from some recipe last week. I'll use that for salad while LM is on a salad kick.
Oh, and I got some free tangerines at work, fresh off someone's tree.
On the 11th we had dh's volunteer appreciation dinner at the public TV station. They always put on a great party with good food and everything. So we just fed the kids some leftovers before we went out.
Dh won a $25 gift card in a raffle and plans to just give it to his dad as a belated birthday gift, this weekend. (His sister planned some gift they went in together for, but dh was not enthralled with her gift plan. Wasn't something he thought his dad would actually enjoy. This is something he will enjoy).
We did also score two free re-usable bags. We put a second bag in each car. That was a very nice and useful gift.
Dh told me that his weekend plans fell through. He also told me that he wanted to go see his Grandma for her 91st birthday. I was initially more like, "Have fun!" But after discussing it a bit I might try to go along. Will leave it as a maybe, for now. I did tell him he needed to just take his Grandma out without his mother or anyone else tagging along. He agreed. I know that is something she really would enjoy. So we have tentative plans to go all the way to the Bay Area to pick up the kids at the end of the next week. Maybe we can take Grandma out after we get the kids, on the way home. Might as well take advantage of low gas prices.
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Just Thinking,
Daily Expense Challenge
February 10th, 2016 at 04:39 pm
February 9:
-0- Spending
Dinner: Chicago-Style Pan Pizza
February 8:
$12 lunch out w/friend
$ 7 movie (dh allowance purchase, for his movie collection)*
Dinner: Korean Beef Bowl & Roasted Cauliflower
*Did I ever mention that my dh likes movies?
My lunch out (Chinese) created 2 days of lunch leftovers. I might take the 2nd day of leftovers home today for dh or the kids.
We were all hoping to go to a free advanced movie screening last night but we never got an invite. Still figuring how this website works. (We've pretty much gotten invites to everything else that has been publicized). It was never a given that we'd all get in anyway, so I just looked forward to reading instead. But dh bombarded me with TV instead. We had some movie to watch that he told me expired in a few days. (A rental? I had not realized it was going to expire). So I caved since we had planned to go to the movies otherwise. We watched "All Things Must Pass: The Rise and Fall of Tower Records". I was initially feeling pretty bummed because my dad used to take me to Tower records every weekend. Is where I spent most my money as a kid. IT's how and where I learned to manage my money. (For our kids, it's apps and video games). Kind of a sad nostalgia for me, that it's all gone now. But in the end the movie was really pretty interesting and summed up a lot of what we learned in business school. Tower Records does still live on in Japan. That part I like!
We also started watching the Eugene Mirman comedy special on Netflix. I think he is now my favorite comedian. !! Definitely a good TV night. (We didn't finish the special since it was getting late, but will probably have time tonight).
Today I am not planning to spend money. Dh has a meeting with the school and then it's Science Fair night for the middle school. I think it's a "too busy to spend" kind of day and dh planned a crockpot meal.
Edited to add: Might do a grocery run today. LM has discovered "salad" and ate all of our salad. & we could probably use some bread for school lunches.
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Just Thinking,
Daily Expense Challenge
February 8th, 2016 at 02:41 pm
February 7:
$135 Groceries/Household
$ 30 Haircuts (x2)
$ 2 Amazon (TV show streaming)
$ 17 Movie (Dh allowance purchase)
Dinner: Chicken Satay & Brussel Sprouts
I mostly thought February was pretty boring and we didn't have much planned. But... This week is kind of crazy! Just a lot of stuff going on.
I was also thinking that we may have the lowest gas spend month ever. We had no plans to go out of town, coupled with low gas prices. But I was wrong. Dh mentioned yesterday they were nailing down next weekend as an "out of town getting together with friends" date. (They had been planning this weekend but the Superbowl was local and they decided it was best to try another weekend). Also, since time is flying by lightning fast, we hadn't even realized the kids have a week off next week. I mean, we knew, but we didn't realize it was here already. Initially his work said they were cool with dh just taking that week off. But his mom asked if the kids had the week off and she wanted to take them. So anyway, dh and I went for a walk yesterday when we discussed this and I was wondering if he could kill two birds with one stone as to all this driving. There is a slight possibility that dh can meet his friends and parents around the halfway mark. If he meets closer to home with his friends I guess it doesn't matter so much. They have not decided where to meet, but the others live more around the halfway point. Either way we will probably only drive half way to drop off kids, but will also have to do the same to get them back, eventually.
Oh, and while the kids are gone dh wants to go to the movies. We do have a movie gift card and I have a restaurant gift card so maybe we will make use of that with the free babysitting next week.
Today I plan to spend money because I am meeting a friend for lunch.
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Just Thinking,
Daily Expense Challenge
February 7th, 2016 at 04:44 pm
February 6:
-0- Spending
Dinner: leftovers
Saturday I worked all day. Dh did not make it to the grocery store.
Maybe for the best since we can combine our errands today. There is a new haircut place by the grocery store. Since BM and I both have *lots of hair* I have the feeling dh will be waiting for us. I was surprised he was open to combining this errand, accordingly. But saves us some gas in the end. We usually aren't quite this efficient.
I gave up on the two books that I was reading because they were so terrible. This does not happen much. I am pretty easy to please. That and I usually feel obligated to see a book through. With the internet, not so much. If I am agreeing with the comments about how terrible the first half of the book was, and the people who read the whole thing said it didn't get any better... I guess these days I am more willing to abandon a book that I am not getting into. But I did take some time today to refill my kindle with library e-books.
I'll catch up on some housework today but mostly plan to veg out and read.
The weather is gorgeous and I will also make sure to get a walk in today.
ccfree's post reminds me than dh and the kids watched a free movie rental last night. I wasn't up to it.
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Just Thinking,
Daily Expense Challenge
February 6th, 2016 at 04:16 pm

I saw 20-30 turkeys while driving into work today. These guys were keeping the cars in check.
February 5:
-0- Spending
Dinner: hobo dinner (crockpot meatloaf + potatoes)
Planned spending for the weekend:
Saturday - weekly groceries
Sunday - haircuts
BM agreed to a haircut, which happens never, so I will drag him along with me.
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Just Thinking,
Picture Project,
Daily Expense Challenge
February 5th, 2016 at 10:06 pm
The Good:
Got free lemons from a co-worker. I am not much of a lemon fan but I though of an excellent citrus chicken recipe that I have, so grabbed some lemons with that in mind.
One of my retired co-workers basically has a mandarin orchard and so she would bring boxes of mandarins every winter. I miss that!
The Bad:
I took the tofu w/coconut rice to work and it was *a lot* so I decided I better take it home to share.
And... Then somehow I totally forgot that I brought it home. I think that is a first for me. Ugh! (I did not refrigerate it. I didn't realize until I packed my lunch today).
Since we keep our house pretty cool I think it was probably fine. Not that I would have eaten that in summer. But it's winter... So I put it in the fridge when I found it this morning and later called dh to tell him the deal. He chose to toss it. I probably wouldn't eat it because I can't afford to be sick. My gut told me it was probably okay and I did smell it before putting it back in the fridge. But I totally don't blame dh for being cautious about it. We can afford the loss. I just put it back because my gut feeling was that it was just fine.
So I am sure our grocery spending will reflect the food waste this month. Probably a slightly bigger grocery run this weekend.
The neutral:
My friend is up for lunch next week. & my co-workers planned a lunch for the following week. Since buying gifts and going out and yadda yadda pretty much *never* comes up at my office... I am fine with it. In fact, it's the perfect month for something like that to come up.
Usually dh and I try to go out at least every other week but that is not possible to do with his job. So I expect this is of no consequence to our overall budget. Less lunch x2. More lunch x1.
We actually very spontaneously took a co-worker out for his birthday last month (my idea) and one of my co-workers mentioned how we used to often order in, many years ago, organized by some lady that worked with us for a year or two. I think she mentioned because she missed that. I was thinking I did not remember that *at all*. ??? & I chalked it up that was early on in our one-income situation when we were flush with cash and wealth. (Our house was worth an additional $250k at the time and we had all his maternity leave savings we never ended up using. Those were some financially zen times for us). But... Now that I think about it. I was probably going home every day (around noon) to breastfeed. And/Or I was on maternity leave. I probably did not partake.
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Just Thinking
February 5th, 2016 at 02:40 pm
February 4:
$7 Groceries
Dinner: crockpot pepper steak, pasta/sauce
Did another grocery run yesterday. I didn't realize until I got home from grocery store (the prior night) that I wasn't enthralled with dinner situation for the 4th. In the end dh picked up some hamburger and tomato sauce for me (when picking up kids from school). LM and I ate pasta with a meat and tomato sauce. I have started making double batches of this dish (recently) and some of my thinking was I needed some different leftovers for the next few days.
The plus side: Everything we picked up the past 2 days was on sale. Sometimes we just get lucky like that!
Last night dh and BM went to a free advanced screening of Deadpool. Though people had lined up since noon, they squeaked by having gotten there just one hour before the movie started. They weren't really expecting to get in but figured they would try. Movies seem to be on average about once a week (in our region). But this is the first "big" film they tried. IT was in our neighborhood which was the other reason they figured they would at least try. Didn't drive too far out of the way.
My dh was over the moon. Though overall a VERY patient man, he *has to* see movies the day they come out, often times. Which is why he waited in line all day to see Star Wars. I don't know what it is. Now he can see them EARLY and FREE! It will be like Christmas all the time for him.
I do expect that today will be no-spend.
In other news, dh got paid. I don't know the lead time for his company when it comes to changing 401k elections. So I figured I'd just wait for his check and then change it, hopefully for next payday. The max he can do is 50% of income. I thought I'd just do a Target Date retirement fund, which is what I do for all of dh's retirement because he isn't much into doing more than that. I keep it simple for him. But when skimming the options I was not as thrilled with the Target date funds. I decided to go more aggressive since this is just extra retirement money at this point. But didn't really like the stock mix of the longer term retirement funds. But I noticed a general stock market index with a 0.04% expense ratio and is a good fund we would not have access to otherwise. (Vanguard, of course). So I just went with that. I expect he may put in $5k this year and maybe a little bit next year. Which may end up being like 2% of our investments. Which is another reason I don't mind going more aggressive with this small sum.
To celebrate changing his 401k election to 50%, his work place was so slow that they sent him home for the rest of the week. & he already took Monday off (which they encouraged him to do expecting a slow week). So I guess this will be a pretty piddly 401k contribution, for this week.
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Just Thinking,
Daily Expense Challenge
February 4th, 2016 at 05:44 am
February 2:
-0- Spending
Dinner: leftovers*
*Leftovers included sloppy joes, meatballs, gyozas. There was more but these were the only leftovers that I Was entertaining.
Today I Realized that I should probably get a haircut this week. It's a once or twice a year thing for me, but today we posed for pictures at work and it is client meeting season. In all that I realized it's time for a hair cut.
Of course thinking of this I remembered February is not a super low spend month for us because I like to sneak in stuff like this when we have a couple of less days in the month for gas and grocery spending. So more random spending might pop up. It's nice to have a little extra breathing room.
Accordingly, I did reach out to a friend to try to set up a lunch date this month. I've got more budget room for that and might not have the time next month.
Last night we did go to the movies. I had forgotten about that but it was $5 night and dh had a gift card (credit card reward) so it cost us $0 out of pocket.
February 3:
$6 Groceries
Dinner: Spicy tofu w/coconut rice
I ran to the grocery store on the way home to grab some fruit and dh asked me to pick up some bread. I had also been wanting to make pumpkin bread and so picked up a can of pumpkin.
We tried a new tofu recipe and it was really good! It was a hit with the kids too. Now that I think about it I think I might steal that for lunch tomorrow.
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Just Thinking,
Daily Expense Challenge
February 2nd, 2016 at 02:33 am
Dh got his MRI results today, 6 months post radiation. I wasn't really expecting much because they expected swelling at this point, and is a reason they don't check sooner. Useful results should be in more like another year.
In the end the Doctor was excited and positive. His tumor is swelling but you can see that literally it is just swelling. The tumor is the exact same shape as it was in his last MRI. Usually it grows more willy nilly. Also, the middle is starting to turn dark which is a sign that it is dying and will eventually collapse.
I really wasn't expecting that much news, and so that was awesome!
They will take a peek again in 6 months.
I am not expecting to spend much this month and so am doing daily spending tracking. Just my version of playing along. I have not told my dh I am tracking (or that I expect this month to be low-spend) and am not altering our usual spending. It should be a pretty average month for us, but I realize it's a bit of a short month and we will both be pretty busy with work, which just generally means less free time and less spending.
So here goes. Today's spending.
February 1:
$18 Lunch Out, Mongolian BBQ
$65 co pay
$82 Target stock up (groceries, cat litter, cat food)
Dinner: leftovers
I mentioned already we were definitely going out for lunch since it would be our last lunch date for months. Dh took the day off because work was slow and so we decided to go out after his appointment to discuss things.
Paid $65 for medical expenses today. Expecting about $2,000 in bills for MRI and Doctor Visit. Probably won't be due this month though. Just $65 for now.
I had mentioned to dh to pick up some cat litter and cat food next time he went to Target. He just went today since he had the day off.
I expect tomorrow will be a no spend day. Will see!
Oh, and I did get paid today and paid all the bills for the month. Which just means paying off the January credit card charges and paying the 4 bills that I can't charge (mortgage, HOA, gardener, gas/heat bill).
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Just Thinking,
Daily Expense Challenge
February 1st, 2016 at 02:19 pm
Received $35 bank interest for the month of January.
Snowflakes to Investments:
Redeemed $50 credit card rewards (cash back) from our gas/grocery card.
Redeemed $45 cash back on Citi card.
Redeemed $10 cash back on Visa/dining card. {Lots of eating out in January, with a couple of weekends out of town}
I have officially phased out 5th credit card (ROTH rewards) and so all my ongoing rewards are now just cash back. 4th credit card is Target card. I suppose I should add those savings to snowflakes too. For January it's a whole whopping $1.50 saved (I have no idea how or why we only spent $30 at Target this month. Is probably a record low. Dh manages the grocery shopping there). I'll add that to "other snowflakes".
Other snowflakes to investments:
--$25 Ting Credit
--$1.50 Savings from Target Red Card
Snowballs to investments:
--Invested $2,500 tax savings (for funding Traditional IRAs)
(Funded $1,500 with tax refund + moved $1,000 over from savings)
Savings (From my paycheck):
+$200 to investments
+$300 to cash
+$900 to IRAs
Short-Term Savings (for non-monthly expenses within the year):
+$1,300 to cash
-$750 Various Insurance
Dh did not work this month. I received a small raise that just covers increasing expenses. So I just kept our savings goals the same as prior year.
First 4 months of year is low-spend/high-save, generally. Will hoard up cash for medical expenses (dh had an MRI this month) and some home repairs. We also want to save $10k in addition for car replacement.
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Just Thinking,
Budgeting & Goals,
January 31st, 2016 at 05:07 pm
I am personally not into the "no spend" month thing. I think balance is delicate and I don't see messing with the delicate balance we have achieved with our finances. Just to say why I usually sit these things out. (I could just see having a no spend month and then going hog wild the next month, and generally feeling out of whack).
That said, February is a naturally very frugal month for us. It's a short month and pretty much all I will be doing is working. Throw in that dh is working now too and seems to spend less money than ever while working. (Which is hard to do because he doesn't spend much in the first place).
In addition to all that, we actually have a pretty busy month already planned with free activities.
So I guess it's a good month to track our spending and see how it goes. That said, if something comes up, we will splurge and enjoy because it is expected to be a pretty low-spend month overall. We have already discussed going out to lunch Monday and I have no motivation to change that. It may be the last lunch date we can swing until summer, so we are taking advantage. (Since dh now works through the lunch hour, but he will have the summer off).
When I have tracked our daily spending (in blog) in the past I have shared what our dinners were on a daily basis. I will probably just go back to that format and will do that for the month of February.
There has been a gas station in our neighborhood with really cheap gas. Been paying $1.99 all month. So we had a really low spend gas month even though we drove out of town twice.
I didn't know ahead of time but we have a plastic bag ban starting January 1. Strangely we had been making some small changes to that end so didn't catch us too offguard. Overall we use the plastic grocery bags for everything. Dh does use re-useable bags at the grocery store but that was about it. We used the plastic bags for cat litter and household trash and so liked to keep getting the plastic bags. We switched at the grocery store several years ago though because they had financial incentives to do so. Anyway, I just happened to buy some re-usable laundry bags for travel. & when we were in Hawaii they had no plastic bags and so we bought some Target canvas bags that we had just decided to use at Target once we got home. In the end, after January 1, I put one of those bags each in our cars so that we always have a bag. I had used plastic bags for my lunch but dh had gotten a canvas bag for his job that I thought was perfect for work/lunch so had switched to that. Just random how we got the Target bags, the lunch bag, and the laundry bags within a couple of months of this big change.
For cat litter I have been just using whatever I could find. I told dh and the kids to keep cereal bags and produce bags for cat litter. I think I can make do with whatever we have laying around. But I expect that we will have to start buying plastic bags for the kitchen trash.
The kids have a birthday party to attend at the park down the street today. I have been holed up at work for 7 days (took last Saturday off for our last comedy show in San Francisco, but then worked on Sunday instead). So I look forward to breathing some fresh air and getting some sun.
I had found an itunes gift card recently that I thought I had already re-gifted. I was surprised we still had it. In the end the gift card came from this family and we are going to re-gift it back. We don't have any apple products, do not use itunes, and they invited BM to this party rather last minute. He's not even really invited but more to entertain his best friend during the younger brother's party. So for all that, I am happy just to re-gift this back to them. (Plus the dad brought us this gift and the mom is throwing this party. Divorced couple). I Can't say I have ever re-gifted someone the same gift back before, but given the circumstances... I am just happy to be rid of it, and it's just a bonus that we don't have to scramble for a gift.
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Just Thinking
January 29th, 2016 at 02:06 pm
I did complete our taxes. I don't really need any tax forms except some investment information. But I wasn't thinking that I didn't have dh's W2 from which I needed his employer Tax ID for e-file. So I thought that would hold us up for a while.
In the end I poked around online and found his W2.
Yes, our taxes are very simple. (I don't need W2s because neither of has any benefits, and even if we did I could figure it out from our pay stubs. I don't need any tax forms except for "qualified dividends"; is the only info I don't seem to have on my own).
We did save $2,500 doing Traditional IRAs instead of ROTHs. I will get a $1,500 tax refund that (I will invest) and already moved $1,000 over from savings to investments. The deal is if we do the Traditional IRAs then we invest the tax savings.
Edited to add: And I just noticed we already got tax refund. So will move the other $1,500 over to investments today.
For 2016 goals I just copy and pasted 2015 as a starting point. I didn't have enough information otherwise to form goals yet.
In the end I got a small cost of living raise, which just covers cost of living increases for this year (our utilities all seemed to go up suddenly and our HOA fees went up for the first time ever). So I will keep my salary goals the same. Which are the goals in my sidebar.
As to dh, he went back to work this week, post long winter break. The last thing we really want or need is more long-term retirement funds. But it is the most efficient thing to do. I Was surprised when I ran a tax projection and his income is being taxed at 30%. Yeesh! Thankfully he does have a 401k that he is already eligible for. We discussed it a while ago before I knew the taxes would be so bad and dh was leaning more towards the 401k. I was more trying to talk him out of it. After running the tax projection dh didn't want to talk about it because he is getting some MRI results next week. He just can't think "future" until he knows where his health stands. So we will enjoy his first full paycheck for the year and figure it out after that. Historically we always delay taxes and I expect that is what we will do, even if we haven't had the formal "let's do the 401k" discussion yet. I don't see either of us throwing 30% of his income down the drain. We had abandoned ROTH contributions around the 20% marginal tax mark.
We are also still very much in the 15% tax bracket; nowhere near the 25% tax bracket. But taxes aren't exactly simple. They can be pretty whacked.
What we miss more than anything is the liquidity of dh working and this doesn't do much to resolve that. But... Our parents are in a generous stage and so this is helping us to just suck it up and fund the 401k. We might get some cash gifts this year to fund more "Early retirement" funds. If we do the 401k and we hang onto some taxable investments (gifts) then that takes away from the potential mortgage avalanche. The big picture is more important to us.
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Just Thinking,
Budgeting & Goals,
January 16th, 2016 at 08:06 pm
I am so glad to be done with the "Year of Splurge".
Last year was a lot of pinching pennies while planning all these BIG and short-lived things. Though I see the value of doing something "bigger" once in a blue moon, it is not how I enjoy living my life overall.
Now it's back to "Vacation Lifestyle" where we can do several smaller things throughout the year. Last weekend was a perfect example of that. We spent a whole whopping $260 and it was just incredible. Of course maybe this isn't fair since we paid for several shows ahead of time. But I didn't really count those since we do those every year and this was just the first time we stayed in the city and were able to do several more. (But since we ditched the kids we didn't spend any more than usual).
The "weekend away" part was $260, and was worth every penny. We could easily afford to do something like this every single month, and is what I would rather do versus saving up for one big trip only once per year.
So I suppose I will put this under the "vacation lifestyle" category.
In the end we had wanted to hit 5 shows but one was sold out before we could get tickets. It was the Friday night show, which was probably for the best since we didn't have to rush to get there.
The first night we had a late dinner and were mostly getting ready for bed. (I think dh was already in bed). When I told dh that I had just wanted to go for a walk or go do something for a bit. I usually go to bed super early but was a little nervous about having to stay up so late the next night. Going to bed early wasn't going to help with that, even if I had stayed up a little later than usual. One of the venues that we frequent for the Sketchfest was on the same block as our hotel and I had been reading off comedians performing there this weekend (reading these off on the car ride). We had joked about stalking them and also wondered if any would stay at our hotel. So we initially just discussed sitting in either lobby and people watching.
That said, when we looked up the next show down the street it was to start in an hour and was one of dh's favorite comedians. It had been long sold out, but dh suggested trying to get tickets. I figured that would keep me awake. He told me, "The good tickets usually open up last minute anyway. They hold extra seats for the talent." So we walked over not really expecting much. Well, maybe dh was expecting more but I certainly wasn't expecting much! But... they had front row seats available. !! File that away under, "It never hurts to ask." Of course, all these shows are pretty small and the front row seats don't cost any more than the back.
It was the best show we saw all weekend. I don't know if I have ever laughed so hard at a live show.
That pretty much summed up our weekend. Dh (the birthday boy) is charmed and everything went our way. All the food was great. We got free parking everywhere we went. & so how it seemed to go.
We did get stuck in the back row at a podcast recording that dh has been to a few times and always gets crappy seats for. But I was fine with it because at least we had seats! We had to rush from another show and there were a lot of people stuck standing. We got some of the last seats though we had been able to get there an hour before the show started. In contrast, on our Sunday afternoon show we didn't get there more than an hour early and we were like third in line. This was our view:

I mean, we didn't even bother to get there until the doors were supposed to open. & it was a packed and sold out show.
All the other shows were assigned seats and we had front row seats.
So we went to *five* shows, ate at several restaurants, and met up with some friends. Birthday Success!
$130 Restaurants
$60 Hotel parking (free timeshare stay, otherwise)
$70 for spontaneous show
TOTAL $260
(See my prior post for some pictures of our weekend).
Posted in
Just Thinking,
Vacation Lifestyle
January 14th, 2016 at 02:23 am
Dh signed up for some website that gets you free movie passes for advanced movie screenings.
He saw a free movie last night. That went well. He could take a guest but he knew I would not be interested. But it's a good find since the kids are old enough we can easily take advantage without having to find a babysitter. In fact, I read a tip that we both should sign up in case any family movies show up (since we could all 4 technically go in that case, if we can each bring a guest). Kung Fu Panda is being screened this week as well but we found out about it too late. & the catch is that they just want to fill the theater so they over-book and you have to show up early. I imagine that one might get crowded. The one dh went to last night was not crowded at all.
He heard about this website when waiting in line for the Star Wars movie.
I feel like dh did one of these not that long ago but he said he doesn't remember going to an advanced screening since college. I could see why they canvas the colleges for this type thing. He tells me he has definitely never seen a website for free movie tickets/advanced screenings.
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Just Thinking
January 12th, 2016 at 05:02 am
I saw this quote today. I've never seen it or noticed it before.
I am putting that quote up in my blog because I think that sums me up pretty well.
If nothing else, we were over prepared financially so dh's long-term unemployment has never been any big deal financially. So I think that sums up the last 13 years pretty darn well. But also I am surprised when people perceive me to be more Type A because I feel way more "go with the flow". I think the truth is that, with everything, I tend to just kind of land in the middle. I'll choose either extreme as necessary. The finances are where we always over plan and I really do think most everything else is very "go with the flow". I don't know that I have ever overly planned any big life decision. I take opportunities as they come and don't over-think the big things. We've actually made a lot of seemingly very rash life decisions because of our willingness to go with the flow. You will never be happy in this life if you can't go with the flow. Life always has other plans.
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Just Thinking
January 3rd, 2016 at 01:53 pm
2015 was a big year for us. We had a peak net worth of $498k in 2005, and then our net worth went down years 2006-2011. Our house lost $400,000 in value during that time, while we were saving and doing well with the rest. Housing started to turn around here in 2012. Our house is still $250,000 below the peak, but we've been increasing cash and investments over the years.
& so it seems like it took forever, but we finally did it! We surpassed $500k net worth in 2015. Moving on up!
We also made our net worth goal, which was to increase net worth by $42k (70% of expenses).
This is what I had estimated for 2015:
Cash + $5,000
Investments + $5,000
Retirement + $11,000 (Max IRAs)
Investment Returns + $14,000 (assumes 6% returns)
Mortgage Paydown + $7,000
net worth + $42,000
& here is how 2015 shook out.
2015 Actual:
Cash + $0
Car Purchase + $13,000 (Added asset to net worth)
Investments + $6,000
Retirement + $11,000 (Max IRAs)
+ $5,500 (2014 IRA)
Investment Returns + $0
Mortgage Paydown + $8,500
net worth + $44,000
I am fine with leaving this goal the same for next year. I think it will be doable. But overall, we want to start increasing our net worth by a full $60,000 per year. Even though that is 100% of our current spending, it is actually far more than I Expect that we will spend in retirement. I'd like to get to this somewhere in our early 40s. With dh working, maybe we can get there at 40. I really do expect to hit a seven figure net worth by age 50, which we will call "financial independence." I expect our 40s to be our last final push on the earned income/growing net worth stage of our lives. I expect to earn far more from our investments by the time we are 50, and in turn I expect "work" to fall down the importance scale significantly.
I am sure if we start hitting $60k annual increases early on that those amounts will increase over time with investment compounding. On the flip side, gives us some room to still make our goal with normal market fluctuations.
2016 Estimate:
Cash + $10,000 (saving to replace vehicle soon)
Investments + $10,000
Retirement + $11,000 (Max IRAs)
Investment Returns + $15,000 (assumes 6% returns)
Mortgage Paydown + $7,000
net worth + $53,000
Wow! More than I would have expected. Maybe at 40 I will just revise my goal to $50k annual net worth increases.
Posted in
Just Thinking,
Budgeting & Goals,
January 3rd, 2016 at 12:37 am
2015 TALLY:
$525 Gift Cards (Citi, dh)
$300 Cash (Chase checking reward, dh)
$200 Cash (AmEx Card Everyday, Moi)
$200 Cash (Barclay card, dh)
Other Rewards:
**Free Prime For One Year
**$40 cash back (Amex Reward for spending $40 at Amazon)
**$85 Citi Price Rewind
Ongoing rewards (projected through 12/31):
+$200 deposit to ROTH (Fidelity Am Ex - 2% cash back; health insurance charged to this card)
+$340 AmExRewards (6% cash back groceries/3% fuel)
+$100 Target rewards (5% discount Target purchases; mostly groceries)
+$40 Visa Rewards (3% back at restaurants)
+$555 Citi 2% card (2% back everywhere)
Grand Total = $2,585
Year 2011 = $4,164
Year 2012 = $2,782
Year 2013 = $2,623
Year 2014 = $3,128
Year 2015 = $2,585
Total 5 Years = $15,282
***Mostly Tax-Free Income***
***CAVEAT - I absolutely do not recommend utilizing credit card rewards in this manner, unless you are in full control of your credit card spending.***
Posted in
Just Thinking,
Credit Card & Bank Rewards
January 2nd, 2016 at 02:46 pm
I am copying and pasting sidebar, to memorialize in my blog. Brief Commentary below.
2015 Goals
[X]$11,000 to IRAs 2015 (MAX)
...($11,000 @12/31/15)
...$10,850 savings;$150 credit card rewards
...We save $900/month, plus ROTH credit card rewards
[X]$5,000 to savings
...($5,000 @ 6/30/15)
...We save $300/month, plus interest
...Received an unexpected gift and so will stop tracking savings this year. Just want to have $5k cash more than last year.
[ ]$5,000 to investments
...($4,596 @ 12/31/15)
...We save $200/month, plus snowflakes
[X]$4,100 to mortgage
...($4,100 @ 12/31/15)
...$3k per year to pay off in 15 years; $3,100 *this year* will be more principal than interest!
...Funded with overtime
...Added $825 (gift) to get balance below $175,000
I am putting this under the "one income" category because these goals were based on my income alone. & dh brought in a whopping $2,000 in 2015, which was more of a snowball. I did not use any of his wages for the above goals.
We fell a little short of our investment goal. I am fine with that since I will have a tax refund to deposit in a month or so (getting us to $10k+ in taxable investments, which was more my "bigger picture" goal). Since the "big picture" is currently much better than I expected for 2016, I just can't bring myself to care that I Fell short of my 2015 goal by $400.
Posted in
Just Thinking,
Living on One-Income,
Budgeting & Goals,
January 1st, 2016 at 02:55 pm
Received $35 bank interest for the month of December.
Snowflakes to investments:
Redeemed $50 credit card reward to ROTH IRA.
Redeemed $25 credit card rewards (cash back) from our gas/grocery card.
Redeemed $67 cash back on Citi card.
Redeemed $1 cash back on Visa/dining card.
I was also able to add an additional $670 from Christmas cash received.
Reinvested $325 Dividends
Total snowflakes: $1,138
Savings (From my paycheck):
+$200 to investments
+$300 to cash
+$900 to IRAs
Short-Term Savings (for non-monthly expenses within the year):
+$1,300 to cash
-$1,500 to home/disability insurance
In addition to the above, added $825 to the mortgage (using Christmas money received). This put us below a $175k balance.
{This was all I did with Christmas money before check bounced. Also threw $1k to the credit card to cover recent splurges. This is why I didn't go more in the hole with that. When I get the check replaced and cleared we will fund our IRAs. Which we'd do anyway, but this just saves us from moving money around and keeps our savings account fatter}.
I believe dh made $189 this month and I didn't do anything with it. I suppose I will consider moving that over to investments. I just haven't got that far yet. (Everything is a bit of a mess because of our bounced deposit!)
Edited to add: Cleaned up Quicken a bit today and don't seem to have any money leftover, so will just use dh's checks in December to cover concerts/events we paid for. I had not used gift check for this and I did not pull from savings to cover this. He actually received $635 and we paid $625 for shows. (I forgot he had one bigger paycheck the first of December, for November work).
Posted in
Just Thinking,
December 23rd, 2015 at 02:53 pm
**I paid down the mortgage below $175k, as planned. Woohoo! I threw an extra $800 to the last payment of the year, to get there.
**I am happy with financial goals and have updated sidebar. I think financially I am mostly done with this year.
The one goal that I will fall short of is our investment goal. I am waiting for end of year credit card rewards to sort out, but I expect to get to $4,300-ish of of our $5,000 goal. I am actually feeling very okay with this. We will get our total taxable investments up to $10k with our tax refund in a couple of months. & if dh works all year we will be able to throw a lot into investments. So I was okay with the short term sacrifice (being $800-ish short) since the longer-term is looking better than I expected.
Overall, these goals were pretty aggressive and I never really expected to meet them all. I will say that often writing down the goals seems like 99% of the battle. Sometimes it just seems to happen magically. Certainly not always, but this year was more of a magical kind of year.
**I expect next year to be more of a savings year and less of a splurge year. Will see what we can do. I am thinking we can maybe save 40% of our income next year. Need to sit down and work the numbers though, probably mid January when I find out my salary for next year. A lot of our bills/utilities are creeping up, and I know we have some home improvements to tackle, plus expect a lot of medical bills. It could be a spendy year on the not-so-fun stuff. But on the flip side, we can probably boost our savings rate by about 10%, if we save everything dh makes.
Posted in
Just Thinking,
Home Ownership
December 14th, 2015 at 02:43 pm
This month is pretty quiet for us. We sit out most the Christmas Crazy.
We do have other things going on. Dh and BM saw the Mythbusters live last week. The tickets went on sale many months ago and the price was totally insane. We compromised that just dh and BM would go.
& of course they are going to one of the first showings of Star Wars. My dh really lucked out. I recall him joining a group to hold a place in line to buy tickets, back when we were in college. (The members of the group took turns waiting in line for days or weeks. Probably for Episode I). This time, he was impatient and just noticed the website was selling tickets early. (Since he kept checking before they were to be on sale. I mean like this might have been an hour early). Shortly after they were to go on sale the website crashed. So he did end up getting one of the first tickets. No huge lines necessary. & I am glad I didn't have to hear about all the frustration if he waited longer and couldn't get tickets.
He is planning to wait in line at the theater a few hours to ensure decent seats. IT helps to live in less of a nerd city. He isn't expecting the same kind of lines that there usually are in the Bay Area.
**Christmas shopping is done.
For work exchange, I drew the "new girl" for the second year in a row. So EASY though because she just got married. I ordered a personalized ornament and I also stocked up on Starbucks gift cards (one for her, and then will have some laying around for whatever).
Dh told me he didn't expect any Holiday doings with his job.
**I am noting the kids' gifts here for future reference. This is where we ended up.
--Show tickets (panel for one of their favorite TV shows)
--Shared extension pack for a favorite board game
--One practical gift/each (mostly because they both needed something)
--Stocking stuffers: junk food and mad libs, presented in re-usable laundry bags that I got for $3/each on Etsy. Which I suppose is another practical gift.
**I ended up ordering a "Grandma necklace" for my mom. I've been coveting a mom necklace for myself when I stumbled upon this one. Decided to get one for my mom instead.
There was also a gift I wanted to get my mom that Amazon wouldn't let me ship to the my address. I tried a couple of different times and wasn't sure why I couldn't order it. Anyway, in the end I received this gift for my birthday! So I am re-gifting to my mom for her birthday.
Oh, and I am going to pick up some flowers for my mom. They've been having great small-ish bouquets at our grocery store for $4. If I remember to pick up a few days before Christmas I will do well. These flowers are so fresh and they last several weeks. For the long run, may make a bit of a tradition of this so it's less focus on the material. (I just think the Grandma necklace is so special! But don't need to buy something like that every single year).
I had already bought my dad some candy and have a non-material birthday gift planned.
**Dh is figuring out whatever for his family. They are WAY into the material Christmas thing, but they also do a lot for us and so we just give them nicer gifts. Maybe $50 per person for his parents and grandma. They will give us more than $150 cash for Christmas, and so I always figure they buy their own Christmas gifts anyway.
Posted in
Just Thinking
December 13th, 2015 at 02:30 pm
So I thought we had already concluded our year of splurge. I'd say it was like 12 months of splurge, starting at the end of 2014.
But at the last minute we decided to top off 2015 with one more splurge. I don't think by itself it's a huge splurge, but it caps off a spendy year.
But let me back up first. My dh may be a videophile, but he's never been an audiophile. Just as an example, the sound system in our home theater is something dh bought in college, and the stereo speakers we have I bought when I was like 12 or 13. Don't get me wrong, these are GOOD speakers, but we are good with good. If it ain't broke why fix it.
Along the same lines, though we've never kept a car stock stereo, we have also never replaced the speakers. I'd say we've always had fairly good car speakers.
So we've absolutely never gone car speaker shopping before. BUT... This Hyundai's speakers SUCK. If we notice or care then it is probably pretty darn bad. I'd say this is my only single complaint about our recent car purchase.
Since dh has some time next week he decided to get that taken care of. (It was probably a bit much to stomach immediately after our largest car purchase ever. Needed to give it some time). Since we always upgrade car stereos I didn't think too much about it. The stock stereo in this case is more than fine and so we just do speakers instead with this car. It's all kind of the same in the end. We buy a car and we do something with the stereo. It's not a surprise financially.
We weren't really expecting to spend much because we are at the "anything is better than what we have" stage. Which overall was a pretty solid conclusion. We bought some low end speakers that sounded absolutely incredible.
But... We are also taking a gamble on some of the sound dampening they offer these days (soundproofing for the car, basically). I don't think it's anything we would invest in otherwise, but takes on a whole new meaning when you only have hearing in one ear. We are a little skeptical if it makes that much of a difference or is worth it, but is worth a try. If it's absolutely amazing then it is something we will invest in our future cars. If not, we won't bother with our next car. (I expect it will mostly greatly enhance dh's enjoyment of music in the car. BUT... If we could actually have a conversation when he is driving with is deaf ear on my side, that would be nice too).
I am probably a little extra excited because this is something *I* am excited about too. Which is not the case for most of dh's big purchases.
& thus concludes our year of splurge! This is really it!
Posted in
Just Thinking
December 6th, 2015 at 05:09 pm
*Got some de-cluttering done these past couple of weeks. Dh sold a large box of books. They seemed to take 99% of them. I put the last couple of books in the donate pile.
Dh also cleared out his office (for Thanksgiving, since guests may watch movies in our home theater/office). He handed me a bag of used gift cards. (Mostly because when you redeem $500 with Citi or Chase they often send 20 x $25 gift cards, and my spouse doesn't throw things out when he's done!) I thought I Recalled Best Buy taking gift cards for recycle. I looked it up and they do. So I put the pile in the Best Buy box (with old electronics to recycle, etc. - sometimes they take it all but sometimes they will only take a few at a time, so we just keep a box for when we are in that area).
I've got a bag going of old clothing. Mostly the kids' outgrown clothes. Two charities are coming by this week.
In the grand scheme of things, haven't put a lot of effort into it, but definitely more going out than coming in.
**I paid some of the big bills due by the end of the year and did some fiscal chores. I had to pay one bill by mail and I believe this is the *only* bill that I can't just pay online. Wouldn't you know it? They did not provide a return envelope! So here I am endlessly throwing envelopes in the recycle bin, and the one time I actually need one there is no envelope with the bill. HA!
I just used an envelope from another bill.
**Dh went out on Black Friday. He got $20 gift cards (free) from his favorite resale shop. He did the same deal last year.
I did also pick up some nice fleece pullovers from Kohls, for dh, BM and I. About $12/each. They were men's sizes and I initially just ordered a couple of different sizes to try for myself. But dh tried on the too-large one and it fit him perfect. He wore it to work, and really liked it. They were still on sale so I bought a few more. I was going to order one specifically for BM (blue for school uniform) but dh said, "Didn't you already buy a Blue medium?" We tried it on BM and it fit him perfectly. This is actually kind of genius because he will outgrow it in a minute, and the kids will very rarely ever wear a sweater. So I figure I will just share this one with the kids as they need it. In a year or two they can share sweaters with dh.
Posted in
Just Thinking
December 1st, 2015 at 03:41 pm
Received $36 bank interest for the month of November.
Snowflakes to investments:
Redeemed $50 credit card rewards (cash back) from our gas/grocery card.
Redeemed $48 cash back on Citi card.
Redeemed $2 cash back on Visa/dining card.
Savings (From my paycheck):
+$200 to investments
+$300 to cash
+$900 to IRAs
Snowballs to savings:
+ $ 85 Citi Price Rewind
+ $207 credit card reward
+ $220 freelance video work (net of expenses)
+ $300 Chase checking reward
+ $900 Dh's paychecks
I am just hoarding up cash for now. Waiting to see how things shake out 12/31.
{P.S. What a month!!}
Short-Term Savings (for non-monthly expenses within the year):
+$1,300 to cash
- 340 Auto registration and insurance
- 550 Dentist(3)
- 5,000 Property taxes
I went ahead and just prepaid property taxes again, for the whole year. It is so much simpler.
Goals for 12/31:
--6 months' cash efund (bare minimum cash for long run)
--Have $11,000 cash to fund 2015 IRAs, in addition to the above
--Put an additional $1,400 to investments
--Put an additional $825 to the mortgage
I am hoarding cash and seeing where we end up. I know at the least I can probably attain all of the above if I fund IRAs in January or February. Not so confident doing it all by 12/31, but will see.
Posted in
Just Thinking,
November 21st, 2015 at 06:28 pm
**Dh is fine with the kids' Christmas plan. The only thing was that he had a couple of practical gifts in mind, so we will get those for the kids to open up on Christmas Day. I will fill their stockings with junk food and candy (which seems to be most of what they really want). & then their big gift will be the show tickets, which we were going to buy regardless. We will figure out a clever way to make the reveal. (It's likely we will be able to get front row seats for the show. Fingers crossed!)
I don't recall ever giving the kids "practical" gifts before. Will see how that goes. Honestly, I think they will be too excited about the candy to care. We don't make a big deal about Christmas and so they don't expect much.
**I was able to put together a nice 40th birthday present for dh, today. He won't be surprised but I think it will be pretty nice.
We were able to get a free timeshare stay in San Francisco for one weekend in January. This will allow us to more easily get to 5 Sketchfest shows. (We usually get more bogged down by logistics, which is fine because we usually need to narrow down more, financially).
I really thought I'd be splurging for a hotel and some meals out. Particularly since you have to book SF so far in advance (to get the free timeshare). In recent years we have just been going to Napa more because they always have more last minute rooms, and we tend to plan these things more last minute. So I don't remember the last time we asked for a SF room and actually got one! (& this is only 7 weeks out? It's a higher-end hotel and exactly where we can walk to most everything. We really lucked out). Oh, and MIL told me she would give dh some cash for dinners out, on his birthday. So I guess I don't have to come up with much. Maybe just some parking and public transportation expenses.
I don't know that we will buy all of these tickets, but we can feasibly do 5 shows for $285. That's not bad, and is because we won't have the kids with us. In the end I think we will be able to hit several more shows than usual, while spending in the range of what we usually do anyway. I think the 5 shows are pretty reasonable logistically. They are fairly spread out.
This is pretty much dh's *perfect* weekend.
**P.S. I came up with a creative birthday gift for my dad. It costs a whopping $7. (Tour of a private antique museum, though it might cost more if he wants to spend more time taking photos. Dh was there for an event, and so is how we heard about it).
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Just Thinking
November 20th, 2015 at 02:45 pm
**We officially got our $85 Citi Price Rewind (price match). Yay! This is a good strategy to keep in mind with bigger purchases. We can always go with the *free* delivery or installation if the item costs more, and then request a refund on the price if it is cheaper anywhere else.
**This month is quite a snowball month. I am up to $1,700 already in side income. I think pretty much ALL of that is dh - he redeemed $500 in rewards, made $200 from a gig, and the rest is his paycheck. ($300 of the rewards was a checking reward for having direct deposit, so was somewhat paycheck related). If it was earlier in the year I'd probably throw all of that to investments. !! But, as is, I am waiting to see how the year sorts out before I dole anything out. We seem to be short a couple of thousand of where we really want to be on our cash savings and so I am hoarding that up and figuring it all out next month. I guess I expect more clarity next month.
I also just wrote a $5,000 check for property taxes, and we are picking up a bunch of show tickets this month. I am expecting all those tickets to basically be covered by Christmas cash (or maybe by the windfalls this month). We just got tickets for Book of Mormon and this weekend the San Francisco Sketchfest tickets go on sale. (It's always hard to narrow down - there could be several great shows we want to see, but the prices tend to be reasonable).
**We thought dh wouldn't have to work in the winter, which is great since it's a cold warehouse. We are still a little confused about that since he was initially told no work in Dec/Jan and it appears things are winding down and getting slow. But they insist there will be work next month. So, will see. Anyway, dh wanted to buy a jacket and was astounded by *new* prices. (I have no idea why he didn't just go to a thrift store, like he usually would, but maybe feeling more lack of time). I told him to check out Ross and he found a warm $20 jacket there. (I had just been there - for Christmas candy - and was taking note of the jacket/clothes section for my elder son who is wearing more adult sizes. Targets been really nice with $5-ish per clothing item, for several years, but I think Ross/Marshalls is going to be more my friend with teenagers).
We went for a walk last night and when I grabbed my coat out of the closet I remembered I had seen a coat in there I thought was dh's. So I pulled it out. It was a REI fleece that he does not remember ever owning. But he found some hand written notes in the pockets and clearly it was his. I suppose I didn't think about it before because it looked more like a light jacket at first glance, but it's probably fine for his purposes. He said he will try it out. It looks like we have 60 days to return the other jacket, so might as well see if this serves his purposes through winter, before we decide for sure.
**I am pretty much done with Christmas preparations here. Mostly because we keep things so simple. I usually post a couple of links about "Christmas Simplicity", but those links seem to be broken. I will have to find new ones.
That said, I haven't really gotten anyone birthday presents (parents/dh). For my parents I will probably just do donations in their name. I just haven't had many gift ideas this year. It ebbs and flows, and their birthdays are within a few days of Christmas. I figured the kids and I will figure something out for dh's birthday next month (we have a lot of time). Dh handles his family's December/January birthdays. (We have quite a winter birthday cluster).
& then there's the kids... With dh working I think he just hasn't been as on top of it. I was surprised he's not spotted any used deals or picked anything up for them. We have no idea what to get them. I did see the Sketchfest show lineup (released today) and we may just go with surprising them with one of those shows. A couple of their favorite TV shows are doing panels. My eldest doesn't even want anything, so that is some of it. We usually just give them one thing to open on Christmas Day. But usually the material stuff is more dh's territory.
Though I usually say, "They don't need anything!" I suppose at this age and given past tradition I don't exactly believe in not getting them one single thing to open. I do have stockings covered though (candy!). I bought some re-usable cinchable bags that I can fill with candy, and I figure they could use for dirty laundry when traveling. (Dh found one randomly at camp, that's been really nice, and I thought that might be nice with the shift away from plastic bags. Pretty much we don't own bags. We just use plastic bags. But I am working on slowly accumulating more re-usable bags). I'll talk with dh tonight about maybe just wrapping the bags full of candy and surprising the kids with a show in San Francisco. If there is any year that dh would go for something like that, it would be this year. (He's been kind of scrooge-y with working. I think some of it is already having anything he could possibly want, but the rest of it is definitely not having his usual free time. So a lot of the video games don't appeal since he no longer has time. I think his blu ray collection is also pretty complete at this point. He seems entirely uninterested in restaurant gift cards, etc. I told him, "Welcome to my World." I didn't realize working/having less time was so much of it).
**Since my birthday is like a week away, I suppose I should not be buying anything, but I saw these basic long-sleeve shirts at Kohls that I had bought a couple and liked. They were $8.99 and so I stocked up on a few more. I have in mind to replace some of the more worn shirts I keep to just wear under clothes - I have some from my high school/college years that I still use. I am thinking with any gift cards received this season that I might keep an eye out for some short-sleeve replacements. I went a long time without buying these type shirts (the ones just sitting out on shelves in the store - always very cheap), because they never seemed to hold up very long. & I suppose they aren't very flattering either, once you've aged or born a child. So maybe these are purchases that I will regret. But in the interim I am really getting rid of old stuff, and they fit surprisingly well. Which is what I do with clothes. If I find something that works well, I buy up every color that I like. Which is pretty much what I did. Maybe these won't last for decades, but hopefully they won't fall apart too quickly.
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Just Thinking