Dh signed up for some website that gets you free movie passes for advanced movie screenings.
He saw a free movie last night. That went well. He could take a guest but he knew I would not be interested. But it's a good find since the kids are old enough we can easily take advantage without having to find a babysitter. In fact, I read a tip that we both should sign up in case any family movies show up (since we could all 4 technically go in that case, if we can each bring a guest). Kung Fu Panda is being screened this week as well but we found out about it too late. & the catch is that they just want to fill the theater so they over-book and you have to show up early. I imagine that one might get crowded. The one dh went to last night was not crowded at all.
He heard about this website when waiting in line for the Star Wars movie.
I feel like dh did one of these not that long ago but he said he doesn't remember going to an advanced screening since college. I could see why they canvas the colleges for this type thing. He tells me he has definitely never seen a website for free movie tickets/advanced screenings.
Free Movie Passes
January 14th, 2016 at 02:23 am
January 14th, 2016 at 02:52 am 1452739963
January 14th, 2016 at 03:18 am 1452741497