Home > Oct 1 - Bad Work News

Oct 1 - Bad Work News

October 2nd, 2024 at 01:07 am

October 1

$   7  Patreon (MH)

$105 Groceries


Ugh!  The other shoe dropped.  Had major work drama in May.  I think that some of my coworkers thought I was being overly dramatic but I knew my assistant would likely quit after that.  She gave her very short notice today.  (What is up with these very short notices??)  At least when awesome admin left (her spouse gave no notice; they moved out of state for his new job) at least she stayed on and worked as much as possible.  She's a people pleaser and probably helped smooth the transition more than she should have.  In this case, I was too shocked to really process that I will have to train someone from zero.  What a mess.  The way she told me, it just really threw me for a loop.  Though otherwise not completely surprised.

A very rare work break (in addition to plans to pass off a lot of my work to this employee) just became a big mountain to climb.  Which would be less of a big deal if it wasn't constant mountains. 

Blogging relaxes me, and is appreciated today.  But I am also now more skeptical about my badwith this month.  I realized today when I looked for an old "expenses tracking" post (to copy and paste) that I gave up the last October tracking I tried because MH's grandfather passed away.  I just gave up mid-month.  That doesn't make me feel too warm and fuzzy.

In other news, we put away the grocery credit card for the year.  We maxed out our rewards on that card.  

The weather is absurd.  102F degrees forecasted for tomorrow.  The plus side is that we are done with summer rates.  Instead of paying $0.35 per kWh during peak peak times (which we mostly try to avoid) we get to pay just $0.16 for non-summer peak hours.  Which will probably still equate to an absurd electric bill because we aren't usually running the A/C in October.  But it will be a little more reasonable and less sweltering in the house.  

I did buy some ice cream (Saturday?) when I saw the weather forecast.  I am going to go turn off my brain and eat some ice cream.

Note:  Labeling this as 'Daily Expense Challenge so that it's easy to find in the future, but I am not considering this a 'challenge' and don't have a goal to limit spending.  Just sharing more minutiae about where we are at these days.

9 Responses to “Oct 1 - Bad Work News”

  1. Tabs Says:

    I haven't really been caught up with what's going on with everyone here, but whatever it is, I hope sure hope things improve.

    As for short notices, I have noticed a lot of social media posts by gen Z complaining that many companies out there can fire "at will", so they are asking why they should give the same "courtesy" with 2 week notices.

    Again, I don't know the age of this ex-assistant of yours, but I don't think there is a lot out there with feelings of loyalty to their jobs, especially with those who are younger.

  2. PatientSaver Says:

    Either way, those electric rates are great. Here in Connecticut, I'm paying $8.99 per kWh and I shop around regularly for best rates.

    I absolutely, unequivocally agree with the Gen Z posts saying that if employers can fire at will, employees should not feel compelled to give 2 weeks notice. This has been a longstanding double-standard, and while I am retired now, things like that really gall me.

  3. MonkeyMama Says:

    @PS - Are you sure about that rate? That sounds about 20x higher than anything I've ever seen. I thought you must mean $0.899 but that rate looks like it would be a lot lower than average in your state. (The topic of electric rates comes up a lot in my EV Groups).

    My employee who gave even less notice is not Gen Z. But her husband was really burnt out and hated his job. But he had to stay 5 years to get his student debt paid for. He just didn't have it in him to stay another day.

  4. MonkeyMama Says:

    P.S. I am grateful not to have PG&E. PG&E is insane expensive, as well as unreliable.

  5. rob62521 Says:

    I think the days of decent notice are gone because people don't worry about how they will come off. Good look with training someone new. Hope it is someone who works out well for you.

  6. patientsaver Says:

    Yes, I'm afraid my state has one of the highest rates in the country, but this rate that I'm showing you is actually decent for right now.

    I've posted a copy of a portion of my bill for you in a separate post since I can't attach screenshot here.

  7. Anonymous Says:

    As of October 2024, Connecticut's electricity rates are:
    Residential: $.25 per kilowatt-hour (kWh), which is 50% higher than the national average

  8. Dido Says:

    Sorry to hear you had the last minute employee notice! I hope now that 10/15 is past you can get a little rest and that things are not quite so crazy.

  9. MonkeyMama Says:

    Thanks Dido. 10/15 doesn't mean anything re: my job. (I haven't worked in tax since 2018.
    & even then it was just a small part of my job).

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