Home > Oct 19 - A lot of Purchases

Oct 19 - A lot of Purchases

October 24th, 2024 at 04:52 am

October 19

$40 Groceries

$30 Donation

$15 Target

$10 Car Wash

$9 Movies

$9 Comedy Show


MH had asked me to pick up a bell pepper at the grocery store, and to cook two meals.  I decided to make sloppy joes & potatoes for dinner tonight, and will make chow mein on Tuesday.  I picked up noodles, veggies, hamburger buns, and milk.  Milk was also a request from MH.  It's a new thing.  No one in my house really drinks milk, but now suddenly DL(19) is really into milk.  I think initially he was hoping to bulk up a bit.  (LOL.  I just can only laugh.  Good luck at that.  With these genes?)  So that's new and that is expensive.  His initial motivation was to add calories but now he just really likes drinking milk.

Oh yeah, and salmon was on sale for roughly half off.  That was unexpected.  I will probably make for lunch Sunday.  MH doesn't like fish, so that didn't really help re: the couple of meals he requested that I make for the family.  But DL(19) will love the fish treat.  

& I picked up strawberries because they were on sale.

MH told me he could push off a big grocery store run until mid-week, if I got him that pepper.  (He tossed a pepper this week because it had a bug in it.)

While out, I decided to get my car washed.  It seemed a little excessive when I decided to run it through, but there was some streaks of bird poop on my car.  In the end, the water seemed very dirty and maybe it was well needed.  I'd have to look up when my last car wash was.  Not particularly necessary in our non-snow climate.  We mostly just wash when we do a lot of out-of-town trips (when the cars get really dirty on longer drives) but I rarely drive the hybrid out of town.  

I did a donation (per sidebar goal) when I saw someone from my more distant past had passed away.  It was a 'donation in lieu of flowers' thing.

While out, I ran to Target for some drano.  They had the kind that cuts through hair, which is why our sinks clog.  All they had were smaller bottles but I bought a second one presuming the kids' bathroom would need it.

MH went out to a comedy show that was way past my bedtime.  11pm?  Apparently he also bought a movie or some movies.

& DL(19) got his paycheck.  It was $1,500 for a full month.  He is planning to buy a bike and a computer.  I put it on my calendar to help him open a high yield savings account (where he can park more than just $500) in November.  Right now he's about where he has peaked in the past ($3,000 cash).  

Edited to add:  DL ate all of the meat and potatoes.  When I asked MH if he had put the food away or if DL had just eaten it all, he told me he thought I put it away.  He also complained about not enough potatoes.  I told him he was preaching to the choir.  😁  But yeah, I was expecting some leftovers.  It's good I got the salmon for an extra meal.

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