I guess we went back and forth, with all the family drama, but we ended up going to the cabin after all.
Had a REALLY nice time.
We are certainly the more relaxing bunch of late. They kept commenting how much easier our kids were than the 1 & 3-year-olds they have charge of. Um, yeah? Well, LM is 3. But he is easier to watch with a 5yo than to watch with a 1yo. For sure. Plus, he is just pretty independent.
So, even though it was nice to hear how easy and pleasant our kids were all weekend, I don't think the comparison was exactly fair.
Was surprised to see gas for $3.01 on Saturday (had hovered around $3.30 before then). But with our grocery store gas coupon we paid $2.76/gallon for the van. Was almost half of what we paid in the summer. Was NICE.
We fed 7 people at Taco Bell for about $19.99. What a load of food!
We had actually planned to hit up Apple Hill on the way up, but it was just packed. We changed our minds. The cabin is just minutes from there, so we went in the morning SUnday, before heading home. Were about the first ones there. We ate donuts and kettle corn and caramel apples, and the kids got their face painted and did pony rides. Kids had a blast. We left and laughed at the line coming in. Suckers! It was crazy. Actually, we all commented it was all so NOT worth the line. We wouldn't have waited in those lines to drive in, but we enjoyed our edge.
Sunday we had picked up breakfast at the store. $15 for fruit, granola bars, milk and fruit. We treated for that.
Grandma slipped us $40 for gas, so in the end I guess we came out ahead. As usual.
Was just a nice weekend. I would say simple and nice, but for all the spoiling of the kids at Apple Hill.
Was near Tahoe - just gorgeous - was like a spring weekend (weather wise) with a bit of fall in the air. The leaves have not turned so much yet, but we did see some pretty shades of orange.
Everyone was looking forward to snow - I think it will be a while, at this rate! IT was really warm up there, for October.
Weekend at the Cabin
October 27th, 2008 at 11:20 pm
October 28th, 2008 at 03:46 am 1225165580
October 28th, 2008 at 06:42 pm 1225219328
We're headed there tomorrow for a conference, and have never been before. The conference is at the Hyatt in Incline Village. Do either of you have any good recommendations for us? We're bringing the 6-year-old with us, so would love to get some insider ideas.
October 28th, 2008 at 09:09 pm 1225228147
I don't have much to say as far as insiders - I usually stay with friends or at the cabin. So I am not as familiar with the touristy spots or restaurants or anything.
Just enjoy the view! If you have time to go for a hike anywhere along the lake, would be nice.