October 14
$6 Fast Food Lunch
$52 Target
I didn't plan well. Just noticed the cat food was getting low. I should have added that to recent Target order. So I did yet another Target order.
For lunch I just wanted to get out of the office and have a treat.
My shoes arrived and they actually fit. Yay!
When I got home, I mentioned to MH that we should go for a walk. We tend to walk most days when it is not too extreme hot/cold or when there isn't smoke. It sounds like the smoke might move in this week, so will take what we can get.
I hadn't even thought of it but once we got outside I told MH the comet was very visible around the same time the day before. A little after sunset. I can see why the comet was so bright from our neighborhood. There is nothing to the west of us. But unfortunately they put in a school (in recent years) with very bright lights. We didn't see the comet at first, though venus was spectacular. We walked a couple of blocks past the street lights and we thought we saw the comet. So we walked down a dark bike path (not very far) and then got a better view.
The moon was very bright and I wasn't really expecting to see anything. The commet was amazing! We will probably go out and try to see it again.
Edited to add: Tried again Friday (before the moon rise) but we could not see the comet. It's fading quickly as it gets farther from the sun.
October 19th, 2024 at 10:50 am 1729331433
The moon is indeed beautifully bright lately. Almost a little too bright actually.
October 19th, 2024 at 03:43 pm 1729349003