Home > Oct 22 - MH Spending

Oct 22 - MH Spending

October 27th, 2024 at 11:04 pm

October 22

$22  Dinner out (MH)

$100 Crowdfunding (MH)


I think today was the last 'crazy' day for MH.  Which I very much appreciate.  I left work early, solely because I told MH that I could make dinner.  I expect I will have to work late tomorrow, in turn.  It just felt like the work was piling up faster than I could get through it.   Ugh.  I thought last week would be the worst of it, but maybe this week will be the hump. 

MH went out of town to meet up with a friend for dinner.  A film networking thing, more than just a social call.  It also looks like he contributed $100 to some crowdfunding.  He has some pay it forward feelings re: his own movie.  I just have been covering 'paying it forward' from his income.  

Well, the dinner charge just come through (after I typed that last sentence).  It probably doesn't have the tip on it but his Bay Area dinner was a whopping $18.  Geez, my sandwich was expensive yesterday.  It evens out I suppose.  I thought MH might treat or it might just be a more expensive restaurant (in mega high cost land).  This frugal dinner out gives me more room to be spendier.

I am just checking the calendar and I think MH's schedule is wide open for a while.  This should lower the 'hectic' level at home.  

Edited to add:  Tip was $4.

1 Responses to “Oct 22 - MH Spending”

  1. LivingAlmostLarge Says:

    Crazy cheap dinner

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