October 20
$0 Movies
I am trying to keep on top of things, I think just because it's been a crazy year. & maybe also in Fall cleaning mode. If August /September hadn't been so crazy, I would have been okay just chilling on the weekends during random super busy weeks.
Last weekend I didn't get through all my weekend chores but I think I pushed off a few things to the week and got them done. Which is how this weekend is going. I got a lot less rest this weekend but did manage a small nap both days.
The life balance is not terrible. I would give up my October spending tracking (sharing here) if it was too much. It is very time consuming to jot down a blog post every day. I am kind of surprised I made it this far. Will see what this week has in store.
Today I unclogged my sink and the kids' shower. I did a lot of laundry. Feeling more caught up re: new towels, new clothes, etc. I washed a new blanket that I bought some weeks ago. As I type this out... I was unloading the cat food and I think I got distracted and just left half the cat food in the box. I will go take care of that now. (DL got home in the middle of that, and was very chatty.)
{Yup, totally forgot what I was doing mid box-unpacking.}
I am not going to return anything. Apparently I just have to blog about my spending and I everything I order will magically fit well. I don't know yet if MH will keep the pants.
Edited to add: Will return one pair of pants for MH. He did like one of them and I will try to exchange the other.
MH has been working all weekend at his (unpaid) side job. He had free press access to a convention and it wasn't all 'work'. He seemed less star struck than the last one he went to. (This is why he asked me to cook a couple of meals.) Tonight MH is enjoying a 'free' movie on his unlimited pass. I doubt I have encomassed all his free movies in my blog. But when he leaves for a night movie he tells me. He also often goes to the movies after work. It's something like $20/month for his movie pass and he takes full advantage.
DL(19) pretty much ate all the food (I expected some leftovers) and so I don't know what I am going to eat for lunch on Monday. Right now I am undecided re: deli sandwich (from home) or a fast food run.