Home > Oct 9 & 10

Oct 9 & 10

October 13th, 2024 at 07:38 pm

October 9

$47  Groceries

$27  Haircut (MH)


MH & I both went to the grocery store today.  I picked up some cheese and deli meat (as planned).  MH picked up some bread, milk, and other odds and ends. 

Temps dropped down by 10 degrees and I didn't even turn on the A/C upstairs on this day.  Woohoo!

Both MH and DL got haircuts this week (DL paid for his haircut).  MH was annoyed because he received a targeted ad online and went for the '$13' haircut.  When he went in they said that was for Nevada only and they wouldn't honor it.  I was surprised he didn't push it (he generally would) but he just complained to me about it.  I told him that I once went in stupidly with a coupon for another place (similar name) and they honored it (which seemed really unnecessary).  It evens out.


October 10

$6  Lunch Out


I was dreading today.  Had an ortho appointment in the morning and presumed they might remove the metal brackets from my teeth.  Which is no big deal but of course they had to put one on my one sensitive tooth.  That is the one I am dreading.  In the end, it was irritating because they did not take them off.  They gave me 90 more days of invisalign and I should be done at my next visit.  Woohoo!  But they don't know 100% and wanted to keep the rubberband brackets on 'just in case'.  It's a good indication not to get too excited about it.  But if all goes well, I will be done right on schedule (exactly 20 months).  

And...  The rest of the day was training new employee, who is an extreme extrovert.  No matter her personality, it just sounded exhausting.  I am happy to report that the day overall went very well and there was nothing to dread.  Felt very positive at the end of the day.

The ortho appointment caused much chaos.  I planned to just run home and pack lunch after the 9am appointment, and was planning for it to possibly run long (if they started scraping brackets off my teeth).  In the end it was a quick appointment and I quickly figured out a better logistical plan.  I usually switch the invisalign trays before bed so they don't bother me.  Starting a new tray at 9am meant I was going to want a softer lunch.  I decided to just grab a fast food burger.  Which would just take time out of my work day.  So I finally figured out if I just worked from home for an hour I could re-charge my car and knock out some work in peace.  Then I wouldn't have to take a break to drive into work *and* a break to go run for fast food.  I was able to just grab some lunch on my way in.  The day ended up working pretty well and it was nice to break up the day.

1 Responses to “Oct 9 & 10”

  1. Tabs Says:

    One of the things I never got over through the years is my fear of dentists. I am dreading mine but of course, I do need to see them soon haha. In any case, good luck with your ortho, hopefully it won't be too much of a disruption in your life.

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