Home > Oct 8 - Summer Plans

Oct 8 - Summer Plans

October 11th, 2024 at 02:01 pm

October 8

$9  Groceries

$41 Amazon

$81 Target (Groceries)


I ran to the store and got some breakfast food for the week. 

One limitation I have right now is that I can only eat softer foods (re: invisalign).   So I am not eating the usual things or what we have around the house.

I did some laundry and thought that I could throw some laundry detergent on the Target cart and probably get up to that $35 minimum for shipping odd things.  I mentioned to MH and he told me he had already filled up the cart.  He added some Halloween candy, deoderant and a few groceries.  So I just submitted the order.  The laundry detergent wasn't urgent.  Then I thought about it and thought I had something else more in my cart than just soap.  I finally realized one of the items was no longer in the shopping cart (and so wasn't ordered).  I briefly pondered canceling the order and re-submitting.  But decided to just do a second order of laundry detergent.  MH told me my other item (lip balm) had been out of stock.  But it appeared to be in stock when I did the second order.  I won't hold my breath.  Will just consider it lucky if it actually is in stock and shows up.

I am thinking of running to the grocery store for some deli meat on Wednesday.  I think I will just literally make ahead a cheese sandwich and then grab some deli meat.  Trying to think of something easy to fill up my lunches while I am stuck at work more.  

I did also make some corn salsa for the work week.  I consider it more of a salad.  MH had bought ingredients for me around the 1st of the month but I forgot.  Just happened to notice a pepper and a lime in the fridge and that reminded me.  Got around to that Tuesday night (barely).  It's a newer recipe that I have been making a lot.  A Chipotle copy cat.  Never had the original but have been told this version is much better.  I will take that to work for the rest of the week.

I guess MH bought some electronic cables (for something or other) some days ago.  It didn't ship until later and so I am just seeing it now.  He also purchased a movie and a phone case for a new phone he bought last month.  

In good money news, DL(19) told us today that he probably didn't want to go to camp next summer.  He's had some time to think about it and be more realistic.  I'd like to keep the tradition, going to the woods every summer, but can go a much more frugal route.  & I think the kids will really enjoy it, when we figure out this new tradition.  I've got a long time to cancel my reservation.  Will give it some time to be sure.

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