Home > Oct 6 & 7 - Movies & Eating Out

Oct 6 & 7 - Movies & Eating Out

October 9th, 2024 at 03:08 pm

October 6

$14  Movies


MH & I went out to the movies.  The $14 was just for my ticket, I suppose.  I don't go to the movies much and usually MH racks up enough rewards to cover my handful of tickets.  

We got a free car charge at the movie theater.  It was mostly enough to cover the roundtrip fuel to the farther away theater, but we probably eked out a few extra free miles.  



October 7

$1  Soda

**103F Degrees**


I thought I was going to report a NSD.  Then I remembered that I grabbed a soda in the drive thru this morning.  I don't like/drink coffee and Dr. Pepper settles my stomach.  So if I feel a little "meh" or need an extra umph, soda is my drink of choice.

I expect there will be some extra eating out and soda the next few weeks, re: extra work and extra time in office.  I will have to abandon my work-from-home days for a while.  Which is just more energy (that I don't expect to have) to figure out food for work, etc.  Will see how it goes.  Of course, the flip side of that is we always spend less money (overall) when we are busier with work.  

As of right now, the forecast for Tuesday is 99F degrees.  🙄  Hoping for some normalcy after that.  

Oh yeah, and I spoke too soon about DL(19).  He ended up eating out with friends on both Sunday and Monday. 



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