Home > Oct 4 - Spendy Day

Oct 4 - Spendy Day

October 8th, 2024 at 02:56 am

October 4

$4 Breakfast

$48 Dinner

$45 Movies

$1 Audible


It looked cloudy outside at some point and I wondered how on earth October + clouds = 100F+ degree weather.  I guess it was only 96F degrees.  Got some reprieve.  Still forecasting 3 more 100F+ days.  

I bought breakfast, as expected.

MH got a small COLA raise today.  I did some quick math and comes out to another $50/month during months he is working. 

We probably should have ate through the food piling up in our fridge.  It felt irresponsible and wasteful re: might have to throw some food away.  But we both had a "meh" day.  & we were very indecisive about it.  It's not even that we were feeling lazy and wanted to eat out.  It's that we both felt "meh" and had no idea what we wanted to do.  & we also had an extra $50 to spend, which might be why I suggested eating out.  MH worried there was no room in the fridge for leftovers if he cooked dinner.  We decided to task DL(19) to clear out the fridge (some) while we went out to dinner.  With the plan to eat through more of the fridge on Saturday.   

Our complicated feelings about eating out generally have nothing to do with money.  We keep thinking it sounds nice to have the money to eat more.  But then when we do we often don't enjoy it (prefer the home cooking) and then it's a thousand extra calories for the same stuff we'd just eat at home.  In the end, I am happy to report that we had a very good meal that would have been difficult to recreate at home.  We were happy with the splurge.

At dinner, MH told me he had signed up for some Audible deal, for just $1/month.  I think most of the time he just gets audio books from the library.  The $1 deal is for 3 months.

Oh yeah, and I noticed MH bought some movies.  I usually don't ask him about his movie purchases.  But since I am sharing, I asked and he told me that he bought some Hitchcock movies.  

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