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Tracking Spending Month?

October 1st, 2024 at 03:32 pm

I was thinking about detailing daily expenses in October.  It's always a good way to dive back into blogging.  I looked back and I guess it's a common month for my to share more expense details.  

Last week I would have said that where my head is at is that we are relaxing more financially and trying to find a new balance.  

Then I paid all the October bills.  *Sigh*  & was informed of another massive health insurance increase for 2025.  No idea how we survived 1000% health insurance increase early on during one-income years.  (Roundabout financing with our mortgage; is the obvious reason we still have a mortgage.)  But the plan this time around is to just hold on for another few years.  At least we will be dropping from 4-person coverage to 2-person coverage.  Just need to hang on in the meantime.

On the flip side of that coin, our net worth is up $100K for the year.  I find it hard to sweat the small stuff during recent stock market years.  It's 5 years in a row of $100K gains.  (Health insurance is not "small stuff" but pretty much everything else is small.)

I am also concerned about the long term future and the inevitable "what goes up must come down."  But like the health insurance, if we can just hang on for a couple of more years, our expenses should overall reduce drastically after that.  Re: kids grown, mortgage paid off, etc.  I think it's just so close that we can taste it.  & is a lot of our relaxing.  

Anyway, I can delve into my feelings and how all over the place they are, as I share daily tracking.  I do think it would be wise to rein things in a bit for October. 

I pay all the bills the first of every month.  I've got everything paid except the *big* credit card bill.  Waiting for my paycheck to hit today.  Then I will get that paid off.  (The rest of our paychecks during the month generally go to savings/investments.  My second paycheck and all of MH's paychecks.)  It's a rare 3-paycheck month for MH.  Rare, because of all the months he usually has off of work (re: seasonal job).  But we have some home maintenance planned this month, paid for in cash.  His extra paycheck will cover that.  (That bill is not paid yet because the work has not happened yet.)

I don't have any plans to spend money today.  I think MH is going grocery shopping.  

I don't know if I have the bandwith to track all month in my blog.  Will see how it goes.

1 Responses to “Tracking Spending Month?”

  1. LivingAlmostLarge Says:

    This is a 3 paycheck month for us as well. We are also having some large bills rolling in like property taxes and airline tickets. I now set aside $1500/month for just property taxes. Then another $1500 for sink funds of auto/home/life/etc insurance paid annually. The bills are just getting enormous. And our portion of health care is going up. So much is not covered, out of network, etc.

    I hear that DH is going to get an HSA this year and we are switching too it because our insurance blows big time and i might as well pay OOP. I mean we won't likely use it and let it roll, but it's something.

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