Home > Summer Check In

Summer Check In

August 15th, 2024 at 03:11 pm

MIL was trying to outlast my kids, but she gave up.  We took over the camp account and I put down a $100 deposit for next summer.  We did let one cabin go.  It's now freed up for a younger family.

It was 55F degrees on the beach day.  I tried to talk some of the kids out of it (we needed two cars to get them all to the beach), but they wouldn't hear of it.  They had grand sand castle plans (pictured above).  I thought the picture was a good symbol of my kids' unwillingness to outgrow family camp.

MH and I had been planning a day trip to Napa.  At some point MH mentioned it would be fun to take MM wine tasting for his 21st birthday.  We went wine tasting at a castle and then did a hike through the redwood forest behind the castle.  & we had an extravagant dinner.

The original plan was to go to the culinary school for lunch or dinner.  I didn't get the reservations in time.  It's on our list this year to go back at some point (just MH and I).

Other goings on...

MH went to Indiana for a film convention.  He had a blast.  He just told me that he is pretty certain he won't go back to Ohio in the Fall (as originally planned).  It sounds like more of this movie stuff is getting pushed into next year.  It's a relief financially, but it's more money next year just being tied up for this movie stuff.

MH got a job as a producer for a local cable show.  As it always is, he's not getting paid for this.  But it sounds like there will be some money making opportunities and they do want to pay him in the future if they can.  Not holding my breath, but it's a good opportunity re: networking and experience.  

MH's movie is coming along nicely.  Slowly but surely.

DL(19) got a job!  He's been looking for 3 years...  He's had a couple of sketchy temp jobs, but has wanted something more year round and permanent.  I think considering that he gave up and just applied to anything and everything (was willing to work full-time hours this summer to get his foot in the door, though he has no need or desire to work that much).  Considering the more desperate and wide net he cast, I think this job could work out pretty well.  It is a state job and he will be making $$$$$.  I will share more details if it works out.  

It's been absurdly hot and so I have just been in survival mode.   There is nothing productive happening in this heat.

Work/school is ramping back up during the next two weeks.  With both MH and DL(19) returning to work.  MM(21) doesn't start school for a while but I think he is moving back to college in a couple of weeks.

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