I got my first shocking bill re: inflation.
I presumed that utilities would take about a year, because we do budget billing (just pay a flat amount each month.)
So I just got an email that our budget billing was going up 33% for the gas bill.
We've also been much more relaxed with heating over the past year or so. So I didn't know how much was that we were using more gas, that prices went up, that the balanced billing is just catching up with reality.
In the end, our gas usage was down (compared to last year). Could be somewhat due to weather. It hasn't been sunny or warm at all. In that regard, is colder than I ever remember it being. But we've been getting less freezing temps. The crazy storms kept temperatures a little warmer over night.
In the end, the per unit pricing had gone up dramatically on this bill. Saw other neighbors complaining and talking about gas prices soaring.
For now, it's an extra $25/month. I will take it out of the 'breathing room' which is still very significant compared to what we are used to. I had added initially an extra $200/month of breathing room. I can live with an extra $175/month.
{Some some neigbors complaining about bills doubling and tripling! Same people also said they keep their heat at 72F 24/7. I don't feel like we have been particularly energy frugal in recent years, but I guess it's relative. We have never run the heat at night.}
In other random news... DL(17) got his ears pierced. So random! MH and the kids are (were) all kind of, "Like hell I'd ever make any permanent change to my body." Which is just how they are wired. & so this was really out of left field.
What I learned in the last 48 hours is that everything about my own ear piercings were wrong. The first thing DL(17) tells me is that he is not going to Claire's to get his ears pierced. Then I learn that you aren't supposed to use rubbing alcohol to clean the ears as they heal. You aren't supposed to turn the earrings. Etc., etc. It's a wonder us older people survived our piercings. 😁
Other than that, work has been crazed. & we went to San Francisco last weekend. Went to the first comedy Sketchfest in 4 years. Well, we skipped 2020 for whatever reason. Then the last 2 years were postponed/canceled. They did just reschedule everything for the same days/times, and so we went to the 5 shows we had paid for over a year ago. We ate very well and had a nice time. Might be the last time we use the free timeshare. We paid ~$250 for the weekend.
That reminds me, MM(19) ended up getting COVID. After living in dorms for 1.5 years, I am surprised it took this long. He was sick a couple of weeks ago? Then took a test for some other reason. I presume he is just asymptomatic and COVID wasn't what he had when he felt sick. I am sure he tested when he was sick, just because his girlfriend's sister is immunocompromised and so he has been very cautious. (His school would only require a COVID test if he knew he was exposed. They don't ask the kids to test every time they have the sniffles.) I guess in this case, he took a test because MIL was going to be in town visiting. But he told me he was probably going to take a test anyway because his roommate had COVID. I hope he continues to feel fine.
Note re: Inflation: Rent and (car)gas are most of what I hear people complaining about locally re: inflation. There is a reason that we do not have these two expenses.
February 12th, 2023 at 05:45 pm 1676223933
And that's interesting about the change in ear piercing protocol. I had mine pierced when I was 40 (22 years ago) and the rubbing alcohol/turning protocol was standard then.
Your post caused me to check my gas bill, which, like you, is on budget billing. Mine is also up $25 a month.
February 14th, 2023 at 03:28 am 1676345323