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This & That

October 9th, 2019 at 03:45 pm

I did an Amazon return at Kohls the other day. I had never done that before. They gave me a 25%-off coupon for Kohls, for one transaction in-store. I was going to look around anyway so I used it.

I don't know any of the details, if you can only return certain things to Kohls or what. But it sure makes it easier to shop on Amazon.

Today I paid a handful of annual bills. When I went to pay to renew the registration on MH's car, they were trying to charge a $5 fee for using credit card. UGH. Apparently this was a change that only went into effect during the last week or so. Bummer, that I didn't pay sooner and squeak that one through. We've been spoiled. I don't remember them charging any credit card fees during the past decade or so. I haven't decided how I will pay that bill. I don't know if some of the other government agencies have followed suit and if I will find more surprises.

I honestly don't know how I am going to pay this bill now. I declined paying by echeck, but I know logically (and from personal experience) that mailing a check is far less secure. *sigh* I set it aside to flip a coin later.

MH and I are planning a somewhat impromptu getaway. We are going to LA for 2 nights (just before Thanksgiving) and then we want to stop by Hearst Castle on the way back. I suppose we can make this somewhat a "Top 100 Movie" field trip as we have been talking about it more after watching Citizen Kane. The original plan was one night in LA, but we are staying two nights for free (minimum stay with MIL's timeshare). The third night we will stay in Pismo Beach, and then we can see Hearst Castle on the way back. The extra night makes it a more slow/relaxing trip. The cost will mostly be gas and food (and one hotel night). I will probably just earmark one of MH's paychecks next month since we already maxed out our vacation budget for the year.

We will probably do a somewhat repeat trip for Spring Break, since we want to check out the one college in LA. But that trip will be with kids.

4 Responses to “This & That”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    I'm pretty sure you can return anything from Amazon at Kohl's. Where we live now it's a 40 minute drive to a Kohl's. I have had to return two items to Amazon. It's free, they provide the label, and then you can schedule it to be picked up for free as well. For this season that is far easier!

  2. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    I've been to Hearst twice. Such a fascinating place. Enjoy!

  3. CB in the City Says:

    I think you can only use Kohl's to return items from Amazon itself, and not second-seller items you got through Amazon. That's the only restriction I know of.

  4. rob62521 Says:

    I think a lot of places are charging for the use of credit cards. I renewed my driver's license and used a credit card and had to pay a fee. I notice that many of the gas stations charge less if you pay cash than you do for using credit.

    Years ago when we had a booth at an antique mall, whenever someone used a credit card to pay for our stuff, we had to pay a fee for them to do so.

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