January 12
$3 Donut shop
$19 Groceries
$28 gas for car
Dinner: Out of Town (separate post)
If MH told me anything about groceries, I don't remember. Too many days ago!
Used 25-cent gas coupon at gas station.
I ended up going to donut shop on Friday morning. Hadn't really thought of it, but really wanted a soda. Was thinking logically I should just go to CVS (right by MM's school). For reference, I have been driving him to this school for 5 months and have never made a stop like that. Is not a frequent thing for me. But I do sometimes stop for donuts. I decided to just grab a soda at the donut shop. Sure, a donut sounds good too. In the end, all they had was 12 oz soda cans, so not really what I wanted. But it worked in a pinch.
Buying (bakery) donuts is something no one in our house did the 13-ish years that MH was home. Is definitely a "more household income" kind of treat.
January 12 Spending
January 15th, 2018 at 05:52 am