Home > Date Night & BTS

Date Night & BTS

August 8th, 2015 at 01:24 pm

**Well, the kids were off with Grandma for a few days. Dh and I went out to the movies and to dinner. The weird thing is I don't remember the last time we went to the movies without the kids. ??? So that was a nice treat! I guess we have been so focused on lunch dates in recent years (easy and far more frugal), that we just haven't done much else.

As to where we are at now? The kids are past "babysitter" age and so maybe more evening dates in our future. Though we've probably come to prefer our lunch dates for most of the time.

BM has/had a bunch of tests at the school, Friday and Monday. Still sorting out the red tape. Is cutting into what little fun time the kids might have this summer. We couldn't do anything Monday/Tuesday after all since they have to be at school on both days. They start school next week (Wednesday).

As to "Back to School" I've got nothing to do on that front. The school is very much my style in that the provide all supplies and just ask for a donation in return. Sounds good to me! No shopping on my list for this month.

I am trying to talk the kids into haircuts. I suppose that is my BTS chore. I also need to fund LM's lunch for 1/2 year but will wait and see if he likes the school lunch at this campus. BM is on strike from the school lunch. (5th grade was okay, but 6th grade became inedible. Not sure what happened and if 5th grade is still better than 6th). In the meantime, I might not have to fund for a while since I transferred BM's school lunch balance to LM. One less thing I have to worry about right now.

The school lunches were a great deal and so it's too bad. I am disappointed they aren't buying as much.


LM had his acting performance Monday night and was absolutely on Cloud 9. I think he was still kind of ho hum on the whole thing (trying to hate it while loving it) but the performance night pushed him over the edge. He LOVED it. I think he's hooked now.

The kids' piano teacher also just retired. The timing is good because LM will have some freed up time to pursue more theater activities. Musically, I think he will be a casualty of the lack of music in the schools. Frown I just can't get him interested in learning another instrument. (I am sure he would absolutely LOVE to play in a band, and his biggest complaint about piano lessons is doing it on his own time, versus being able to do it on school time). But he is open to taking voice lessons now. I honestly don't know that he would have open to much of anything 2-3 weeks ago. Talk about timing! Or, we may just leave his time open for other theater classes and opportunities. Will see. I mentioned vocal lessons as a musical compliment to theater, and he does seem interested. (He has a good voice and loves to sing).

{BM will quit piano lessons. I just wanted them to have a music foundation for if they ever want to learn in the future. I taught piano for many years and it's pretty much impossible to learn as an adult, without any music foundation. IT's definitely not the same! I think BM has been there for a while, but we knew LM would revolt if we let him quit. We've kind of struggled with what to do with that, but this is an easy out for both kids. They've got some foundation and I will probably work with them a bit more, maybe through the end of the year}.

Speaking of acting... Dh has had some interesting developments with one of his scrips. It's slow going with endless letdowns, so not exactly holding our breath. But he has some opportunities on the horizon and the LA meeting he has this month is starting to look more promising than we expected. It's hard not to get a little excited. & as dh says, he feels like he isn't completely wasting his time. Which is maybe what he needs more than anything at this stage in the game. Motivation to keep at it...

1 Responses to “Date Night & BTS”

  1. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    That is great that LM is really getting into acting! I was never formally part of a theater group, but did participate in plays in highschool, and a few as an adult too (filled in for someone at the last minute once, etc.)

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