**Earned $25 credit card reward (will add to next mortgage payment).
**Earned $50 credit card reward - deposited directly into ROTH.
**American Express did mess up my rewards *AGAIN*. As they do each and every month.
BUT, I also had a mystery $25 show up in my account. ??? Never got around to complaining. So it was really and truly a mysterious $25. I just noticed my rewards balance was higher and I could redeem another $25. I even checked my spam folder to make sure I didn't miss any e-mails about a bonus reward.
So, how is that for random?
**Mortgage snowflakes totaled $85 for March:
--$25 credit card reward
--$25 mystery credit card reward
--$20 carpool savings
--$15 Internet savings
--Total $85
I will share my Ting referral code again because I am desperate for one more month free.
We did get our March bill. My dad was traveling a lot (lots of minutes and data) and has nothing but travel plans the rest of the year. But we stayed at $53 for our combined bill. $26.50 for our half. I think that is mostly what it is going to be for the rest of the year.
We will probably owe $25-ish cash for April usage (for entire family). As our credits will be all used up with the next bill. So, if I can get one more referral, it will officially make our service *free* for the first 5 whole months.
Our carpool is defunct because our carpool buddies divorced and returned to work full-time.
I've been eking out the $20 carpool savings anyway, for the mortgage, but I think I will stop adding that $20 this month. I think I just had the wiggle room since we have been paying nothing for cell service. Though of course I will just switch to throwing cell phone savings at the mortgage. As a placeholder for that bill. (The first few months were breaking even with contract termination fees and new phone purchase, but we are past that now).
It's just a couple of more months, and then next year will be a new year to figure out. I am overall pleased with the wear and tear and gas we saved this year already. For the most part we rarely picked up the kids by car the first 75% of the school year. So having to pick them up all the time the last part of the school year, is okay. Not very many weeks left.
April 8th, 2014 at 04:30 am 1396927859
April 8th, 2014 at 04:34 pm 1396971264
April 13th, 2014 at 04:09 pm 1397401752