Home > STUFF - Take 2

STUFF - Take 2

July 15th, 2012 at 07:42 pm

UGH! I can't believe my post just disappeared!! I had put a lot of thought into my post, so I am really annoyed. I usually save every few minutes as I type, so once I saw it totally disappeared I had to walk away for a while. (Not sure how THAT happened!)

Okay, take two!!

I also can't believe I haven't posted in like a week! It's just been busy busy here with kids' birthdays and such.


SO, as you know by now, I attended an SA meetup on Friday.

Like Ray, I felt like I was catching up with old friends. Really dear friends. I didn't expect that at all - but I guess we have come to know each other really well over the years. & certainly no lack of things to talk about!

What is nice is that I had already met Laura and had an idea what some of the others looked like (from Facebook photos and such). I think it's probably kind of overwhelming to wrap your brain around meeting five faceless people, otherwise!!

Anyway, we had a blast!

3 Responses to “STUFF - Take 2”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    It is frustrating when what you typed "disappears." Glad you didn't throw something at the computer and calmed down to retype it.

  2. Thrifty Ray Says:

    i hate when that usually does when I type and then get distacted, then come back to finish. Some of my best posts have been lost in cyberspace!!

  3. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Ooh I hate that when it happens. Especially when in my next post I can't remember what all was in the lost post and mention something without any background.

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