This weekend we should really go through the kids' toys and purge. We try to do it once a year around their birthdays (out with the old and in with the new).
BM outgrew carseats entirely last year (woohoo!). BUT, for whatever reason we still have two boosters in each car. A simple one and a more fancy one with a back and a headrest, per car. I think we have kept it for friends, cousins, and just to be on the safe side. But LM has been outgrowing the more baby booster seat (though enjoys it for long rides because it has a head rest and is easy to sleep in). He needs the "big boy booster" another year, due to new laws - otherwise we would be done.
SO, with his birthday coming up we decided to pull those out of the car. We will get an easy $20 or $30 each for those carseats - a nice haul. We still have one seat in each car so gives us options if we need a second seat ever. The van also has built-in carseats (I LOVE that!!).
July 9th, 2012 at 03:13 pm
July 9th, 2012 at 04:01 pm 1341846094
July 9th, 2012 at 04:10 pm 1341846655
July 9th, 2012 at 04:55 pm 1341849346
July 9th, 2012 at 05:09 pm 1341850198
I think fiscally there is some pretty good motivation to keep on top of things.