Home > Free Salmon

Free Salmon

April 13th, 2012 at 02:51 am

It's funny, because I was thinking it had been a while since we got a $10-off coupon at our grocery store, and the last time I bought fresh salmon I used said coupon.

So, dh was just telling me he was shopping tomorrow. I looked up the ads online, and it was "Spend $75, get $10 off your next purchase."

Woohoo! Salmon it is, and it will be FREE!

I had already decided earlier in the week that I Was going to make a nice salmon dinner on Sunday. So, weird that it just happened to be a coupon weekend.

I am not 100% sure how often they run these promotions since we seem to miss them at times. We really need to plan all our shopping around the weekends - these deals are always Fri, Sat, Sun. I'd hate to think we would ever miss a $10-off deal (we regularly spend $100, every week or so - meaning if they did these every single week they would be easy to take advantage of).

6 Responses to “Free Salmon”

  1. Swimgirl Says:

    What store?! If I remember right you are a Raley's shopper? Or is it Safeway? I'm going to piggyback on your savings research!

  2. baselle Says:

    Safeway tends to run that, but not every week. Saw the spend $75, save $10 there this week, saw it before Christmas but I don't remember seeing any time in between.

  3. Monkey Mama Says:

    Raley's, yes. For our shopping habits, it's by far the cheapest store, anyway. Safeway is crazy expensive, for us.

    I wonder if that is what they are responding to, Baselle. Trying to stay competitive.

  4. Monkey Mama Says:

    P.S. I did a little digging and they seem to be consistently running this promotion every other week. I need to keep this front of mind!!

  5. Looking Forward Says:

    Yay! Free Salmon for you! Smile
    Yeah, Safeway runs that $10 promo too, but I don't know how frequently. It's funny that Raley's is that much cheaper. I'm curious about what you buy. In our town Raley's and Safeway are almost across the street from each other. Our Raley's is huge and pretty new, but it didn't have the selection that the Sfwy store has. I have stopped in a few times and remember thinking the prices were pretty much the same, just less choices on brands and/or sizes.

  6. Swimgirl Says:

    I dislike Safeway, but go there for occasional deals. Raley's isn't close, but I will check ads and go this weekend for this deal!

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