Home > Flat Tire

Flat Tire

December 18th, 2011 at 12:40 am

Eh, thankfully it was only a minor inconvenience! We've actually had a good flat tire run. I had a car that seemed to get a flat tire every few months. Rolleyes It's funny how certain cars just attract certain trouble! But, in the end, it's been a long time since either one of us has gotten a flat tire. Phew!

I noticed it this morning when I tried to drive dh's car. I went to work today and so just put it back in the garage and took the van instead. I had a feeling dh would be too lazy to take care of it today, so I was relieved when he called to tell me I had the good tire iron. SO, he is out fixing it right now. (Who knows how long it was flat and if the tire is salvageable - it was flat all the way).

OF course, that tire was one that had a continuous slow leak and dh mentioned that was probably what happened. (For YEARS it had a VERY slow leak that no one could diagnose - we just made sure to fill it often). Anyway, that commented reminded me that it is not the same tire. "Um, it was the slow leak tire, but I just replaced the back tires a few months ago?"

Great! So the car has a rear driver side wheel jinx? See what I mean?

That said, our car repairs have been well below budget for the year (& for the decade?). A flat tire at home, when I don't need the car, is a pretty minor inconvenience in the scheme of things. If I have to have a flat, this is the way to do it. (Dh has nowhere to be for like 2 whole weeks, so why I thought he would be more lazy about it).


Have you all seen these Christmas light glasses? They are so cool!!! All the christmas lights look like snowmen (& they have different shapes).

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I had actually bought some after Christmas last year and had totally forgotten about them. What a FUN surprise when we got out all the Christmas lights and stuff.

Tonight we are going to wear them when we do the Christmas light rounds. I haven't used them on such a large scale - should be fun.

2 Responses to “Flat Tire”

  1. frugaltexan75 Says:

    Glad you caught the flat tire before leaving!

  2. MonkeyMama Says:

    Apparently a stick punctured the tire clean through? Oy vey!

    Have to get a new tire. Figures!

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