Had a really nice lunch date with dh today.
That's it for a while because kids are off school for 2 weeks!
That said, sounds like we might get some time to ourselves since kids are staying with the Grandmas a few days after Easter.
I have another skype date with my friend tonight.
I've tried to connect with her on skype a couple of times but she hasn't responded (said she didn't get the e-mails).
She lives in San Francisco. Last we met up we marveled how she hadn't seen my youngest son since he was an infant!
So, thought crosses my mind yesterday. Gosh, I need to skype her. I know she is really busy so ask if we can do a short skype session some time.
She e-mails me back and says yes, tonight, but why not a long skpye session.
I feel like a dork. For one, I should have taken the initiative and demanded we skype sometime soon. Yeesh! It's been over a year since I saw she was on skype?
Secondly, I easily solved the problem of her not meeting my son. If we skype early enough she can see and talk to him. If not, maybe another time.
I mention because skype can be such a frugal tool.
My dh has been skyping with his friend who lives about an hour away. They are working together on some projects, and started regular skyping to collaborate, last time gas prices spiked. The habit has just stuck.
I think that's why I Was thinking about it in terms of my friend. Distance doesn't seem to matter so much any more, does it?
Now that my sister is settled in her new house, we need to get a regular skype schedule set up, too. Since she was in limbo her webcam was packed away in boxes or something - for a LONG time. Time to bug her to get out the webcam.
Hot Dates
April 14th, 2011 at 09:43 pm
April 14th, 2011 at 10:07 pm 1302815260
Now that his parents have webcams and broadband, speaking with them is free for us (costs the parents because they didn't have broadband or a webcam before, but we'd have that anyway). To see their first grandkid grow up thousands of miles away, they probably feel it's a bargain.
April 14th, 2011 at 10:55 pm 1302818145
April 15th, 2011 at 04:46 am 1302839210
April 15th, 2011 at 04:47 am 1302839266