Home > Success!


November 17th, 2010 at 07:52 pm

Got my CU's online deposit to work.

No more trips to the deposit paychecks! Will be real nice...

It took a little trial and error to get it to work, but not too bad.

Dh had some cash from his focus group, so will have to run to the bCU to deposit that.

Dh didn't see what the big deal is, (since I usually go on the way home, or he goes while he is at the grocery store or gas station right there), but he often forgets to make deposits for me, which makes me anxious. I think this will make life much easier. & considering we don't use our scanner much, might as well utilize it more.

We scanned it last night, and it showed up in my account around 11am today.

3 Responses to “Success!”

  1. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    Cool. I would like it if our credit union would allow that means of deposit. Most of our deposits are electronic from other accounts, but once in a while we have a paper check.

  2. Homebody Says:

    Wow, I cannot even get my Quicken connection to work with my new credit union account. Thanks for reminding me, I need to call them!

  3. dmontngrey Says:

    I really think that's a neat concept! Too often I have little rebate checks that pile up until I get off my butt to take them to the bank. My bank is IN the grocery store too! Can't make it any more convenient really. I'd love it if they went with online deposits.

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