I booked our zipline tickets. Kind of for the middle of the trip. I found a place online that sold the tickets at a total $20 discount. They charged more fees though (they don't mention that) - so in the end it looks like we saved $13. Still came out ahead, so phew. About $250 for a 4-hour adventure (includes lunch and time at a swimming hole).
I really have never done anything like this - so am very excited!
ETA: I expect a $250 Chase rebate around 11/1, so consider that won't have to come from savings. Assuming I can squeeze out another $250 - I feel lucky every time I hit 200 points that they haven't lowered the rewards for me yet.
We had our first real soccer game Saturday. Ugh! Due to a variety of factors, I just don't think sports will be our thing. The coach on the other team was downright scary. I think dh said it best when he said, "Geez, it's just a GAME."
You hear about how kids are growing up to be so non-competitive in this day and age. So I am completely thrown off by how intense soccer league is for 7-year-olds. Not only this, but we are behind the curve since most the kids started much younger.
Don't get me wrong, he has a really good coach. & BM has been a very good sport. But, I don't think we can get behind the organization as a whole.
We actually had other issues with the tee ball league, and with this whole thing, I don't think dh or I will encourage much more on the competitive sports.
It's funny because no one in my family has ever been into sports at all (but for my mom). We have much more brains than brawn. The truth is, none of us want to take any sport quite that seriously.
All that said, BM is lucky enough to have both brains and brawn. He has always wanted to get out and run around. He wants to try a little of everything, and we are happy to oblige. He will show interest in tee ball still, and probably soccer too, but no real burning desire. Which is why we will probably stop encouraging it.
It's not the end of the road for him - just the end of playing ball, probably.
Track starts in the winter (he wanted to run a mile the other day, for fun, so that is why we have been eyeing the track club - which he could have joined last year, but I thought he was too young). & dh has dreams of swim team, because he did swim team (I had no idea).
I may feel differently with age, but just think it is all way too much at this age. & I can't help but feel he will be left in the dust if he quits now.
The track team does not require you to compete, so I think I like it already. Will see!
Has anyone here done Odyseey of the Mind? They have a team at his school. Again, I just assumed he was too young last year. But apparently no.
I have heard nothing but good things about it, and is so completely up BM's alley. He will probably join the team for this year.
From their website: "Odyssey of the Mind is an international educational program that provides creative problem-solving opportunities for students from kindergarten through college. Team members apply their creativity to solve problems that range from building mechanical devices to presenting their own interpretation of literary classics. They then bring their solutions to competition on the local, state, and World level."
I think this will suit our own family a wee bit better than soccer!
In other news, we had a delightful weekend at the family cabin. Weather was just gorgeous.
Tuesday Update - Sports in not our thing
September 14th, 2010 at 05:56 pm
September 14th, 2010 at 06:32 pm 1284485537
Our schools have something very similar to OM - Destination Imagination. Every year there are more and more groups formed at our school, and I know kids and families who really love it. My girls haven't been interested so I have no personal experience. It sounds like OM might be an excellent match for your family.
Good luck in surviving the soccer season and finding what works for your family!
September 14th, 2010 at 06:55 pm 1284486912
September 14th, 2010 at 08:59 pm 1284494357
Both us parents were not willing to sacrifice Saturdays ad nauseum, (recall we were building a weekend house for 2 years ... on the weekends), so we steered our kids away from them. Also my boy is small for his age and therefore I wanted to avoid the eventual discouragements.
it's taken a little time but the kids have gotten highly involved in tennis (boy) and ice skate (girl). The tennis is really agreeing with my boy, the equipment was a drop in the bucket ($10 for a good intermediate raquet at Play It Again Sports). He took a spring after school tennis club for a month last year and made a new friend.
Ice skate is a lot more involved, and costly for equipment and shows, although the ice time/lessons are really cost effective and beat most other after school sports ($100 for 10 weeks, plus 5 to 7 more free practice sessions).
I never heard of OM, sounds great!
September 14th, 2010 at 10:42 pm 1284500579
September 15th, 2010 at 01:17 am 1284509833