Home > Got My Free Bread

Got My Free Bread

May 5th, 2010 at 03:13 pm

Hadn't been in the area of the bread store, since February? Work has kept me busy!

I had earned 2 free items.

Dh just mentioned he needed to go to the store for bread (think I just asked if he was going anywhere). He said, "unless you are going to aerobics and can pick up some."

It was a rushed trip and we didn't really need anything else. It felt weird to just walk in, and walk out, with 2 free loaves of bread. Big Grin


In other news, I found my credit card. Doh!

I noticed my backup credit card, was "missing" a while ago. I remember reassuring dh that I knew it was "around here somewhere." & anyway, it's with my main CU, so I see the $0 balance on the card every time I log in to pay bills and such. I knew it was fine.

I had forgotten about it, since, but found it yesterday, in my gym bag. !! I suppose I put it there last fall when we went on our beach trip. I didn't take my entire purse, and slipped it in a bag "just in case." It is my backup card.

Doh. It is back in my purse, where it belongs.

1 Responses to “Got My Free Bread”

  1. frugaltexan75 Says:

    Yay for free bread and found credit cards!

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