Home > NOT Impressed - School Photographers

NOT Impressed - School Photographers

May 11th, 2009 at 10:03 pm

Gotta love this.

I am sure for many of you this is not new.

Our school did spring pictures and we did not order any. So we get a package of pictures of our son, and a bill for $50. Oh, that or return them if you don't want them.


Okay, dh puts up with little crap and usually I am like, whatever. But this just REALLY pissed me off.

We discussed complaning to the school and shredding the pictures. Like hell I Would take my time to return them and play their little game.

Anyway, this happened right before we left Friday so we were griping to our parents (one who is a teacher) and they were like, "Oh no - you HAVE to return them. It's standard practice." Seriously? I was completely floored that this is "standard practice."

Against our better judgement we just returned them today. So the company can shred them. Gee, great. Knowing that just about every photograph company does this changes things a bit, I guess. The thought hadn't crossed my mind. (Though I assure you I wouldn't lose any sleep if they didn't get returned for any reason).

Then out of curiosity I did some poking around online. I came across this discussion, which I think summed it up pretty well:

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Isn't amazing how many people FALL for this? Who feel guilty and send money for things they never ordered (because they lost it, etc.)? Can you imagine what kind of world this would be if this were really a LEGAL practice? If all businesses this this?? IT's not LEGAL!

We will still complain.

I kind of regret sending them back. I assume they will just get shredded though. Now that I think about it why do I want pictures of my kids out there, etc.???

& it amazes me that people believe they are morally obligated to pay for pictures they did not order.

You have a moral obligation not to "steal" the photos - like scanning them and returning them - for sure.

But paying for an unsolicited service? I don't think so.

I had to share because it saddens me how many people fall for this stuff. Ugh! IF they really want the pictures, is one thing. But paying out of guilt for something you didn't order? They really do prey on uninformed consumers.

BTW, the pictures were crappy!

If they want to send proofs and an order form, that would be fine with me. But this is just really crappy if you ask me.

I thought you had to watch out for credit card companies and used car salesmen. I guess I'll add school photographers to the list.

5 Responses to “NOT Impressed - School Photographers”

  1. MICLASON Says:

    At school they send you the proofs (clearly marked PROOFS just below the chin, so even if you scanned it, your photos would be ruined), and from these you may choose and send the $$$ IF you want any.

  2. NJDebbie Says:

    I must confessed, I bought my son's spring portraits like that. He looked so cute!!! I totally hear you and I'm sure that they make a ton of money using this business practice.

  3. princessperky Says:

    I would complain quite a bit, to the teachers, the administrators of the school and whoever else you find.

    The school makes a profit on every package sold, so they want those cute faces going home to convince folk to pay up.

    Quite frankly I find it irresponsible of the govt to support the practice. Our tax dollars paid for the teacher to sort out the pictures, send them home, and deal with the returns. (not to mention the 'class time' spent in line waiting for a turn to get photographed)

  4. north georgia gal Says:

    Our school used to do this...Now they mail the order forms to you ahead of time and you have to prepay! I don't know which is worse! We might end up with pictures that are horrible and then have to go through the hassle of returning them!

  5. Valerie Says:

    i wouldn't pay and would do the same thing. send them back...with a "note".

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