Dh's family just got back into town and asked if we had heard about the double murder in our neighborhood. Wouldn't necessarily have heard, I don't always follow the local news very carefully, but fellow blogger Tripods68 had posted about it earlier:
Anyway, dh's cousin bought his current house from them(the victims) around 1999. So he knew them. How bizarre. They arrested the son a few days ago for the murder. Dh's cousin had met the son as well. I guess they had helped him with some stuff around the house, and said they were VERY nice, and he had kept in touch with them, etc.
Very sad!
& what a small world we live in sometimes. I mean the population around here is well over 1 million. So I was very shocked to hear that dh's cousin knew them. Small world indeed.
December 21st, 2008 at 01:38 pm 1229866702
December 21st, 2008 at 09:09 pm 1229893798
We had a local young man murdered recently fighting back a burglary in his home. He worked with a friend of ours as a UPS driver. Unfortunately he was growing marijuana indoors at his house and that was what the burglers were after. Arrests have been made.
December 21st, 2008 at 10:46 pm 1229899561