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Spinach Manicotti

May 20th, 2008 at 08:13 pm

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Dinner last night!

Yes, I did have a meatless day. Actually had cheese enchilada at lunch so, yes, meatless. We don't eat meat every day. (Just seems like we have been lately).

Anyway, this recipe is DIVINE. Love it.


Dh and I are spoiled this week. We had date lunch yesterday, so he could run an errand for me.

Tonight he has a volunteer appreciation dinner. So we will drop off the kids for 2 hours and get a "free" dinner. Daycare will be around $25, but will be worth it. We may even win some prize? Kids will be in daycare about 10am - 8pm. They couldn't be happier. (Weird kids. Grass is always greener... They wish they could go more - and this week they get their wish).

The local public TV station does a great job on their appreciation dinners - we always enjoy. For the longest time it was our only standing date night. One night a year out?

Not much else up this week.

Today BM had an evaluation at the school - for Kindergarten. Dh told me while they were waiting he read a sign about how they had won $10k (a teacher had won some award). NEither of us knew he could read "$10,000." Don't ask me - nothing I showed him. LOL. (Dh figured I had been showing him bank accounts or something).

We imagine he did well enough in the evaluation... He knows things we didn't even know he did. Kids are scary sometimes...

I don't think we have much planned for the weekend, though I may pull for a local hike if the weather is nice. Dh wants to drive to San Jose next weekend, so no driving for us. The car needs a break and so will the gas budget. After all the driving this month... 2 trips to SJ & a trip to LA. Yeesh.

The pool opens Monday and we will enjoy. But mostly low-key, and low-spend, in the plans. We will eat in, watch some TV, run around in the background, go for walks, and go swimming. All free free free. If the weather is awful we will hole up indoors and increase the TV watching I guess. But if not so bad we may go for a drive I guess. Just not too far... OF course if it is bad we will go to the gym. We'll still get our workout but harder for the kids to run off their steam. But these are all very low cost activities.

The calm of it all sounds rather attractive after our big vacation... The low cost sounds even better!

Oh yeah - and free lunch tomorrow - from a vendor. I honestly usually don't get this much free food. Big Grin

2 Responses to “Spinach Manicotti”

  1. sagegirl Says:

    You know, its funny what kids learn. My four year old always asks if we can go get books at "our local public library". LOL. I know he got that from watching Wishbone on PBS, because they tell you to look for books at you local public library. He has been home with hubby during the day since hubby's lay off, which I think he thought was fun originally but now the new-ness has worn off because he asked dad the other day "when can I go back to school? (daycare) So he is missing it too.

  2. monkeymama Says:

    Hehe. I don't know how many times I wondered where they picked up some strange phrase and later saw it on a TV show or in one of their books.

    I remember one day BM told grandma to bring him something (on the phone) and blurted out, "Be Quick About It!" He was like 2 and we were like, "where the heck did THAT come from?" Like MONTHS later we found that phrase in one of his books.

    They also had another book with a line about being nervous, so LM often tells me he is nervous. It took me a long time to figure out where he learned that word. (One of his favorite words when he was 2). IT is such an odd word for a 2-year-old! LOL.

    They do pick up the funniest things.

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