Home > No Pink Eye Here & Fast Food Survey

No Pink Eye Here & Fast Food Survey

March 4th, 2008 at 09:48 pm

Well, LM woke up and looked good as new. But like I Said, I wouldn't have noticed anyway. Though he did clearly have gunky eye yesterday, and today he clearly had none.

Anyway, dh had gotten home so late last night that we hadn't started the antibiotics yet. We called back and they said if we hadn't started it and it cleared up, then forget about it. It wasn't bacterial then. Just keep an eye on him. Could be viral or allergies, or who knows.

Well, glad we didn't bother. Though we already shelled out the bucks for the prescription. Figured. At least it doesn't expire for 2 years. In case anyone gets pink eye in the meantime??

& we avoided giving completely unecessary medicine. Which is really a pet peeve of ours anyway. Worked out.

I also went from feeling like a dork for not even noticing to deciding I didn't notice because nothing was wrong. LOL. I mean usually my mommy instinct is right on, so it was a little disconcerting. Turns out my reaction of, "I don't see anything wrong," was right!

In other news today I went to BK for lunch. I put it on the card. I usually don't pay any attention to the receipt, but decided to keep it since it was on the card. So I noticed if you call and do a survey you can get a free sandwhich (when you order any size fries or drinks). Really not a bad deal. So I called and did the automated survey, got a code, and am off to a free sandwhich. Woohoo.

I had just never noticed that before. The receipt says you can take a survey once a month. Sounds good to me. I figure savings of $1-$2 from just ordering the sandwhich, plus would get fries and drink too.

I'll give it a whirl.

1 Responses to “No Pink Eye Here & Fast Food Survey”

  1. Amber Says:

    Glad he's feeling better but I am surprised that the MD stated to hold off

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