Home > 5.7% !!!!!!!!!!

5.7% !!!!!!!!!!

February 1st, 2008 at 07:10 pm

I thought I remembered this 8-month CD being renewable at 5.7% (if that rate would be preferable in 8 months).

Anyway, then they sent me paperwork and didn't mention this option to renew at 5.7%. This was really key to making my balance transfers REALLY worthwhile. My hedge if rates went down.

Anyway, I pulled out the original paperwork and didn't see anything. I could not beleieve I did not get that in WRITING!!! I started to wonder if I Was crazy.

Anyway, so I just realized my CD matures Monday and I better call. The option now is 3.2 or something for CDs. (non-promotional anyway).

So I Called and inquired and they said yes, I Was right. In fact, I didn't even have to call, it was set to renew at that rate Monday. Woohoo!

I am quite happy with this. I am not crazy after all. & yes next time I Will get it in writing, just in case.

Everything financially seems to be going my way this week. I am enjoying!

(I guess this could be a bit of a neener neener neener post too. LOL. Earning 5.7% for another 8 months on money that is not even mine!).

5 Responses to “5.7% !!!!!!!!!!”

  1. Dido Says:

    Wow, that's great!

    I had a CD set to renew this week, and while I got the CD 9 months ago at 5.75%, the rate at rollover was 3.75% (at ING), so I transferred the money to a regular savings account at E*Trade instead (4.6%).

  2. scfr Says:

    That is great!!!

  3. Aleta Says:

    Congratulations on following that one up. Wow, 5.7 for another 8 months. That is great. I wonder how many times many of us have had the same renewable rates and didn't know it. I guess it would be a good idea to ask when you're getting a CD and like you said, getting it in writing. Good job! Hopefully, the market will look up in 8 months.

  4. Ima saver Says:

    That is great news!!

  5. monkeymama Says:

    Actually the funny thing is I didn't even have to call. It would have renewed at that rate regardless. The upside is I now know for sure I am not crazy. LOL.

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