Home > November Expenses

November Expenses

December 3rd, 2007 at 03:53 pm

Kind of a boring month (phew...)

*Allowance I have to square away. Dh bought and returned some stuff along with Christmas stuff and not sure if those figures are right. I bought some clothes/books/CD. CD was for kids so will probably move that to misc.

*Auto - paid annual AAA dues & also squeaked in right at $300 for gas. I think we drove to San Jose 3-4 times and same for December. I don't intend to make many drives January - April. Phew. But still amazed we squeaked in the budget. I left it high for rising gas prices and such.

*Christmas - mostly kids and cousins. & stocking stuffers, etc. Phase 1 over. December = memberships and charity expenses.

*clothing = belts for BM, socks for me, a shirt to match BM's friends' gift - they like to wear matching clothes.

*Dining - actually were closer to our $30 budget this month.

*Groceries were rather on the high side this month, but below $500 budget. Included Thanksgiving dinner so makes sense.

*Insurance = flood & additional life insurance

*Misc. - we usually budget $150 but ebbs and flows for unexpected things and christmas and vacations and such. Tried to keep it low this month. Was just for gym, a trip to the movies, and to replace BM's melted mattress pad.

*Utilities have settled much lower with balanced billing, lower cable and newly metered water. Phew! Just got our November gas bill and it was under 1/2 of last years' bill. Thanks to mild weather mostly. I think our electric will edge upward because it was *off* for a while (charged too little) and gas will probably edge downward - with the balanced billing. (Next time they re-evaluate the monthly charge. We have separate gas & electric companies).

*Vacation - I don't have the totals yet. Will have later today. Will be another $100 at least.

Even so, with all the extra money we brought in November (focus groups and credit card rewards) we spent far less than we brought in.


I was looking at comparison reports to last year (something I didn't have enough data to play with before). It is really cool how much we have saved this year compared to last year. Will have to share that at year-end.

I really love Quiken. Shows exactly where all our money went all year, last year, etc. Since accountants tend to deal more with historical data I guess there is more of an excitement factor for me as I have more data to play with.

2 Responses to “November Expenses”

  1. Aleta Says:

    I agree with you about how much fun it is to be able to have enough data to compare the spending between the years. If gives you an idea of the percentage that you did't spend and that you saved. Visually seeing where you are gives you a bird's eye view of where you are and how you can spend less in the months to come.

  2. terri77 Says:

    That's cool. I'm a number cruncher too, though I still like pen and paper.

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