Home > I'm in 2 Wills too...

I'm in 2 Wills too...

September 24th, 2007 at 09:38 pm

Sorry, all this will ralk reminded me.

Both our parents this year updated their wills. I believe dh is not the executor of his parent's will and I am now executor of my parent's will.

I was going to say lord knows why we are "it" but I guess the whole accountant thing plays into it. (My parents actually had a friend who was a CPA chosen as their exector for the last 3 decades or so). So I guess it begins. I deal with a lot of that stuff at work - very elderly clients. It is a weird shift to think that now friends and family will be looking to me to help with all the administration financially and all when they are gone. I hope it is many more decades before it matters...

We also had an interesting discussion about pooling money (or keeping gifts/inheritances separate). A discussion with my mom. Will have to remember to share later since short on time.


I had some thought last week to pay the IRS with a check from my money market cash account. That was sweet. I Think I popped it in the mail last monday and it has yet to clear my account. They post interest tomorrow too.

On the flip side I would have lost at least 2 weeks interest between transferring the money out well before the 15th, making sure I had enough time, blahblahblah. I earned like $2 mor ein interest this way. Big Grin Maybe more if they keep taking their sweet time. (Though then you start to worry if it got lost in the mail. I try to avoid the mail lately because of terribly slow mail. But if I got the postmark it doesn't matter. So um, maybe this is a really good strategy in conjuction with slow mail. Now that I think about it!)

1 Responses to “I'm in 2 Wills too...”

  1. scfr Says:

    Hmmm ... I'll bet there are a lot of us here on this site in the same boat. In my mom's will, I'm executor and trustee for my DD brother. I'm also her health care directive designee (can't remember the exact legal term right now). In my younger sister's will, I'm the alternate executor (after her husband). My other 2 siblings don't have wills yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if they asked me to be executor too if they ever make them. I guess this means I'm not allowed to die first! Smile

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