I told my mom the other day we were going to move LM our of his crib soon. Just been dragging our feet. I could tell she thought I was crazy. I just said, "you don't know how many people I know whose babies/toddlers fell out of their crib." We have the setup and rather do the transition before he gets hurt. & we had moved BM before 2 to make way for LM, so this seems "late" to us.
Anyway, yesterday was hell. BM was sick. Something nasty going through preschool that everyone got. & then LM was in a mood again. I am this close to taking him to the doctor; I am just concerned how he has been so upset ever since his last shot. I can see a lot of regular 2yo phases but they have been so suddenly amplified this last week or so.
Anyway, to not help matters, he climbed out of his crib yesterday at naptime. We already have the toddler crib in his room so dh put him in the bed and put up the gate we used with BM for a good year or so until he was potty trained and needed roam of the house. There is a big difference between a 2yo & a 3yo though. So LM climbs over the gate (quietly enough dh didn't even notice) and walks downstairs. Just flipped him out. He already wasn't in a good mood but just became a battle of the wills. We keep him contained downstairs with a big gate. If he really wanted to he could take it down, but we leave it up just as, "you need to stay in this room." So yesterday he was intent on knocking that one down too. Oh my. So when I came home he screamed and screamed and screamed. Through dinner he wouldn't eat and screamed and screamed and screamed. With much effort he finally calmed sown and ate. Then he was happy as a clam ( can you say manic depressive? Gah!).
Anyway, we were freaking out what to do about the bed situation. This weekend we may look for an alarm or something so we can know when he opens his door or something. Last night was okay. We left up the little gate and put another one just past it. (Another variation I have heard is to put 2 gates on top of each other, but that's complicated and doesn't stop real climbers). So anyway, he could get into dh's office or the bathroom (through 2 doors) and he could knock down that gate if he really wanted, but I figured if nothing else that would wake us up. Last night worked out well. He climbed over his gate and went straight to the other one but just stopped to scream. I think in the dark he had no idea how to knock it over - or he just freaked out (this gate is much taller). Either way, whatever. It worked for last night. I am still keen for an alarm or something more long-term. We also have those doorknob things we should set up. (For now we have all lever knobs upstairs. My parents gave me their old round knobs and we were going to switch them out but never saw the need I guess in the long term. Now I think round knobs with childproofing would be great for the bathroom. Or at least the roundknobs since LM hasn't figured them out yet, but so BM can use the bathroom).
BM is a huge climber and very bright but he never really got out of bed or tried to climb over his gate. Just really bizarre. I would pin LM as more obedient, less adventurous, and less of a monkey. But yeesh. Either I pinned him wrong or we should have just moved him sooner when he was too young too question the authority of the gate. LOL. Think that may be a lot to do with it.
Dh said he'll break down the crib today and I'll put it on Craigslist this weekend. What a milestone - no more cribs! I think we paid $100-$200. It's cute and all but has some chipped paint. I might score a decent $50 with the mattress and all.
I got the crib new at Wal Mart or something. The toddler bed I got used from a friend for $20 way back. Dh has a point that we should keep the nice mattress we got for the bed and put the crappier mattress in the crib. Never would have thought about it, but good point. Well make the transition easier for LM too if he gets to keep the same mattress.
Well he slept pretty good last night and only tried to get up once. We'll see. A pretty decent first night in the land of big boy bed and freedom.
The only reason we got a toddler bed was BM was so little when we moved him. Though soon after I regretted it. We could have just put the twin mattress we had on the floor. But now it's good because we have a bed for LM. BM still falls out of his bed so much (rail and all) I am not keen on a "real" bed for LM for a long while. We'll probably buy a mattress next year and go bed shopping the following year or something. Hoping BM will outgrow his rail by then.
So yeah last night I was frantically trying to baby proof LM's room. Luckily not much in there. Then I figured I should scour the bathroom.
I lost another pound and I have been not eating well at all. I swear it is the loss of birth control. My doctor said I was crazy and it couldn't be but I gained a lot of weight very suddenly with it. One week out and the results are amazing. I can't describe it other than I feel like I have been extremely bloated for 2 years and the bloat is going away. Almost 3 pounds in 1 week. I still hit the gym 3 times a week but no dieting on the eating end. In fact I ate out 3 times this week which is unusual, so I have been eating worse/more than usual.
My mood has improved tenfold too. I was really preparing myself for the fact that the weight wouldn't magically drop off and that I have to consider that it is really the postpartum hormones and all that, which I have had a time with since baby #2. But yeah this is why I was so intent on dropping birth control. It has really been up in the air for me - how much is postpartum hormones and how much is BC?
Well, time will tell more. But getting my old metabolism back would be pretty sweet. & being less moody too. So far BC is looking pretty guilty, and I am so glad to be done with it.
Crib for Sale
September 14th, 2007 at 02:59 pm
September 14th, 2007 at 03:40 pm 1189780824
Sympathy for the bedtime struggle..my youngest still comes to see me once or twice a week, and he has been in a bed (toddler) for almost a year. We cheat..one floor, we let him come to us, and just roll over and go right back to sleep with him between us...eventually if he doesn't stay out on his own we will have that 'final battle' but not yet.
September 14th, 2007 at 05:56 pm 1189788969
It's about to get a lot worse as my 2 year old (about to turn 3) is almost potty trained. He can go through a nap without an accident so the next step is night time. That means put down one side of the crib or get him a big boy bed so he has access to the toilet. I'm afraid we'll start having to fight the same battle of stay in your room and be quiet. It wears me out thinking about it.
I can't imagine selling the crib as both boys have used it. I think I'm emotionally attached...but I would like to sell it and put the money toward debt.
September 14th, 2007 at 08:24 pm 1189797860
Since you were blogging about housing prices, your title "Crib for Sale" put me in a different place when I clicked on it.
September 15th, 2007 at 02:51 pm 1189864260
LM was MUCh better last night. In a better mood. Phew. Slept through and all that too. (How lucky am I?)
September 15th, 2007 at 11:45 pm 1189896337