Just had an interesting story to share.
When the debate comes up if you are wealthier when you "give" I think most of the logic is a load of crap. I guess I know too many people who give what they really don't have to give, but are stuck in poverty with that belief. & too many people who do quite well but don't give a dime. I think those who give of themselves are probably happier as a whole. But for one, in my immediate family there is not a lot of cash giving going on. But everyone is pretty happy and well off. I think they are giving people in general though & probably why I find myself justifying that I just bend over backwards to help my friends and family and we have always been very big on volunteering, etc. Which to me is more important/rewarding than giving a ton of cash.
Which reminds me the amazing has happened. When dh lost his job I tried to get him to do some volunteer work to keep occupied, as waited for our first child to be born. Volunteering is not something his family ever had him do and he had no experience in, at all. I am not sure he was very game, but he was going a little stir crazy. Finally he found a gig at the public TV station. Originally he ran the cameras and stuff, and with time they let him do less (bummer) - just the way it is - volunteers can only do more menial things I guess - ??? But he told me the other day he was thinking he wanted to give $1k to the TV station. I almost fell over. Who is this guy? LOL. He has also been devoting TONS of time to the station as back to my last post it seems they have been having a lot of flakes, and dh seems to be the first they call when there is a no-show volunteer (since he lives close and will actually show up). So he has been logging in the hours. Oh well, when you feel passionate about something... We aren't going to, but he said he had thought about it next time we get a windfall or something. I am not even sure if I am so keen, but I am touched by his generosity. (Well either that or he has been working WAY too many pledge breaks - they are getting to him).
But anyway, I got off track a bit.
My mom however has taken to paying the bridge toll for those behind her when she drives up to visit us. She does this on occassion, and I liked the idea so much I have thought about it on a couple of occasions. Every time (rare) I come over the same bridge there is no one behind me. LOL. Figures. It kind of loses its meaning when you can't get a "thank you" wave.
But the last 2 time my mom came to visit she said each time her toll was paid for her by the car ahead of her. Isn't that sweet? Funny how sometimes what goes around will literally come around. She said no one had EVER paid her toll before.
I guess there could be something to it.
Well, if you want to make someone's day - pay their toll for them.
In other news, um, I think I am going to Japan in a couple of months! Well, apparently my dad and sister are going in October, no one told me, and well I do have my passport from the cruise (that I never got to use since it arrived after the cruise). My mom just mentioned today and I said "HUH?" She said I could go (expenses paid) but I have to talk to my dad first. He went there when LM was quite little (a few months old) and I am sure he invited me and he had such a wonderful trip I hoped I would be able to go along some time. I wasn't going to travel with an infant OR leave him either at the time, so I declined. I figured there would be ample opportunity in the future (figured I'd be invited). I should be peeved I wasn't invited, but I think he got sick of asking me with babies because I kept saying no. He could have realized I may be a little more free now though...
IT works out perfect because dh's family is taking him and the kids to Florida in October and I could not (& didn't want to) go. So we both get our own family trips. Japan sounds far more exciting. Never been to Asia. I can't believe I might be going in just 2 months.
My dad has been to Asia many times for business and has a friend out there. I am not even sure where in Japan (how pathetic). But he was just out here for a week and so I was extra shocked, I had no idea they were going back there this year as well.
I don't think dh is too jealous either because he has been to Asia many times. Last was to MAlaysia for a month for work (he worked for a Malaysian company). I don't think he had a good time. He also had an aunt who lived in China many years (nun/missionary). It's always a really fun game to take the white lady out and have her start talking Cantonese in the Chinese restaurants and such. Always gets quite a response - LOL. Well, dh says knock myself out. He is not much of a traveler. I am not sure I am, but I have much more sense of adventure.
Though I do have to rethink this a bit. Rooming with my sister a week. Oh we might just KILL each other. Small price to pay I guess. (We're okay as long as we don't have to be in the same room or city or town - she is just one of those people it is IMPOSSIBLE to get along with).
We'll see...
Pay It Forward
August 13th, 2007 at 09:52 pm
August 14th, 2007 at 12:59 am 1187049559
August 14th, 2007 at 02:33 am 1187055216
August 14th, 2007 at 03:15 am 1187057703
August 14th, 2007 at 04:52 am 1187063569
August 14th, 2007 at 02:00 pm 1187096454
I wanna go to Japan.
August 14th, 2007 at 02:29 pm 1187098147