Home > Common Decency...

Common Decency...

August 13th, 2007 at 06:03 am

I give up.

I am tired of trying to plan things with friends and groups and being stood up. Every playdate and night out I have planned in the last 2 months has been canceled with less than 24 hours notice (more like 1 hour if I was lucky - for most of them).

I am just FED UP with the human race.


The mommy politics don't help. With friends like these who needs enemies.

I am extra frustrated today because a good friend I have seen little of since she moved across town, well this is the second weekend in a row I got stood up. She asked if I wanted to try next weekend? You mean rearrange my whole schedule a 3rd weekend in a row to be stood up again? Blech.

I think the kicker is I just joined a new Moms' group through meetup because I was just beyond peeved with my old group with things recently, and I just popped in today to see they had planned a BBQ for 20 people or so and only one family showed up. ???? I now realize a new group won't really solve the problem. People are just idiots. No consideration in the least. I think they said something like 10 no-shows. Bloody hell.

It doesn't seem like it that would be that hard to get along with the human race, but for me it really is. Good thing I have a swell family I guess.

So is this a common thing or just a rude California-er thing. ?????

Oh yeah I am saving tons of money because I never get out any more...

I was going to take BM to a play too but he decided not to nap 3 days in a row. I decided going to a play at 7pm with no nap was NOT a good idea. LOL. I try to plan anything fun lately and that is about how it goes...

I think a lot of it can boil down to everyone over-extending themselves. I am sick of cracking out the calendar and planning things months in advance. As un-spontaneous I am I just like more laidback friendships. Pop by for a bit one night or whatever. A spontaneous night out... This planning months in advance and getting stood up anyway just gets really old.

6 Responses to “Common Decency...”

  1. baselle Says:

    I think its a rude West-Coast thing. I remember helping with non-profit events at work in Seattle - you invite, even say "RSVP" with a deadline and you still get folks who slide in under the wire, no-shows, or worst of all, you get a different set of folks show than the ones invited and RSVPed... and then they get huffy because they have no name tag. Wha???

    Mental telepathy is not, and never has been, part of the job description.

  2. koppur Says:

    Nope, not just a West-Coast things. I live in New England and people are just as bad out here. It just makes me hate people.

  3. Broken Arrow Says:

    Hmm. Strange. Why would people do that? Do they not take commitments seriously?

  4. mbkonef Says:

    I live in the Northeast and definitely don't think it is just a west coast thing. People seem much ruder lately than I remember when I was growing up (60's and 70's). I think many people are too busy and they are too self absorbed. Their attitude is "my time is important" but what they mean by this is "only my time counts, your time does not." Thus, if something better comes up, no problem calling you and cancelling at the last moment. A common attitude is, well, at least I called. I am currently on the outs with a long time friend for just that attitude on her part. I totally understand if someone cannot make an event but at least have the decency to call and respond! ARGHHHH!!!!!

  5. monkeymama Says:

    I think that's a lot of it - whatever better comes along at the last minute takes precedent for these people...

    I can't believe 10 out of 20 people didn't even bother to call or change their RSVP (not even last minute). I think that is just the final straw for me. Even though I wasn't involved in that - just disgusted me about the group as a whole.

    Obviously commitments are not taken seriously.

    Well in a sad way I am glad it's not just me. But a sad state of soceity all the same.

  6. princessperky Says:

    south easterner here, and I have a similar problem.

    I stopped asking for RSVPS (cause they don't work) instead I just don't buy anything perishable to share, and figure if people come they come if not, no work was done.

    I seem to run a 1 family a night, figure it all balances out. I NEVER plan a one guest only if I can avoid it, too much work for what prolly will be canceled.

    On the other hand if I invite 20, one of em aught to make it.....

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