I give up.
I am tired of trying to plan things with friends and groups and being stood up. Every playdate and night out I have planned in the last 2 months has been canceled with less than 24 hours notice (more like 1 hour if I was lucky - for most of them).
I am just FED UP with the human race.
The mommy politics don't help. With friends like these who needs enemies.
I am extra frustrated today because a good friend I have seen little of since she moved across town, well this is the second weekend in a row I got stood up. She asked if I wanted to try next weekend? You mean rearrange my whole schedule a 3rd weekend in a row to be stood up again? Blech.
I think the kicker is I just joined a new Moms' group through meetup because I was just beyond peeved with my old group with things recently, and I just popped in today to see they had planned a BBQ for 20 people or so and only one family showed up. ???? I now realize a new group won't really solve the problem. People are just idiots. No consideration in the least. I think they said something like 10 no-shows. Bloody hell.
It doesn't seem like it that would be that hard to get along with the human race, but for me it really is. Good thing I have a swell family I guess.
So is this a common thing or just a rude California-er thing. ?????
Oh yeah I am saving tons of money because I never get out any more...
I was going to take BM to a play too but he decided not to nap 3 days in a row. I decided going to a play at 7pm with no nap was NOT a good idea. LOL. I try to plan anything fun lately and that is about how it goes...
I think a lot of it can boil down to everyone over-extending themselves. I am sick of cracking out the calendar and planning things months in advance. As un-spontaneous I am I just like more laidback friendships. Pop by for a bit one night or whatever. A spontaneous night out... This planning months in advance and getting stood up anyway just gets really old.
Common Decency...
August 13th, 2007 at 06:03 am
August 13th, 2007 at 06:51 am 1186984280
Mental telepathy is not, and never has been, part of the job description.
August 13th, 2007 at 12:23 pm 1187004203
August 13th, 2007 at 01:43 pm 1187009020
August 13th, 2007 at 01:44 pm 1187009096
August 13th, 2007 at 05:04 pm 1187021056
I can't believe 10 out of 20 people didn't even bother to call or change their RSVP (not even last minute). I think that is just the final straw for me. Even though I wasn't involved in that - just disgusted me about the group as a whole.
Obviously commitments are not taken seriously.
Well in a sad way I am glad it's not just me. But a sad state of soceity all the same.
August 13th, 2007 at 05:20 pm 1187022027
I stopped asking for RSVPS (cause they don't work) instead I just don't buy anything perishable to share, and figure if people come they come if not, no work was done.
I seem to run a 1 family a night, figure it all balances out. I NEVER plan a one guest only if I can avoid it, too much work for what prolly will be canceled.
On the other hand if I invite 20, one of em aught to make it.....