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My Kids are Rich...

July 8th, 2007 at 03:00 am

Well I got fat checks for the kids today so I popped on my online Vanguard account and set up their UGMA/UTMA accounts. Very fast and easy. Woohoo.

I had some money in my bank to spare so just took care of it. Was eager. I set up auto investments so $50 is going to each account every other month.

They may get a few more dollars before the end of the month as neither of them have had their birthday yet. 2 birthdays next week. I'll just hoard it up and deposit the rest (if any) at the end of the month.

The kids' net worth is now about $6k. Most of it is in a 529 plan. I am jealous. LOL. If they don't spend a lot on college, like we didn't, they are going to have a nice nest egg when they get out in the real world. That's the part I am little jealous of. Wink

It is funny I read that MSN article on a bunch of financial tips (someone mentioned here) and one of them said yeah, take care of yourself first (retirement first), but investing a mere $25/month for college now can make a huge difference. I missed that one the first time but I must have taken it in subconsciously because it was around the time I read that article I figured I could budget $25/month/kid.

I don't really plan to do much more in the near future. Between this and the 529 (& all their gifts) I don't plan to put any more money in their name or in a 529. When our IRAs/401ks are maxed we'll working on building our taxable accounts and/or paying off the mortgage. A paid off mortgage is worth $15k/year which will go a long way for college if need be. I don't want to over-save in the kids' name. I want them to appreciate that they aren't going to get everything handed to them in life. If the rest is in our name we can spend at our discretion - college, help them buy a house out here, or just leave them to their own devices and retire early. That doesn't sound so bad...

4 Responses to “My Kids are Rich...”

  1. Amber Says:

    Way to go on saving for your kids, I think it's great

  2. LuckyRobin Says:

    So is that $6K together or each?

  3. monkeymama Says:


    Makes it $3k/each.

  4. scfr Says:

    That's great!

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