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"I'm Happy Now!"

July 2nd, 2007 at 02:30 pm

Oh, Princess Perky's post reminded me and I figured I'd share (not to steal her thunder though!!!).

LM has suddenly started talking in terms of "yesterday" and a lot more about feelings too. IT is so cool when they start being able to communicate more abstract things.

But anyway, when I picked him up from grandma yesterday we all ate lunch together before we headed off. I took away his spoon because he kept banging it around and making a mess. Of course he was not happy and had a hissy fit. But a few minutes later he turns to me and says, "I'm happy now!" HE got over it and moved on. For the rest of the day whenever he got upset, he would announce when he was happy again. SO cute.

Considering the emotions of a 2-year-old, I am sure we will get sick of hearing this phrase soon enough. LOL. Sad happy sad happy sad happy sad happy. But I guess happy is quite a concept for a little one to get and he seems to get it!

Oh & LOL - his other new phrase is "I'm Busy." I honestly never remember BM picking up that phrase or ever really saying that either. But I imagine with a brother to share with mommy and daddy he hears "I busy" a lot more than BM did at that age. He is really enjoying being "too busy" when we try to engage him lately.

ETA: since I can't comment from this computer. Yes - I just picked up a list of my older son's first words recently and among animal sounds and small words the word "sick" jumped out of me. "How bizarre," I thought, and then I remembered I was pregnant with his little brother when he was learning his first words, and well not only the morning sickness, I would pretty much spend all my time home on the couch for about 9 months - I am just a miserable pregnant woman. So one of his first words was "sick." "Mommy sick."

1 Responses to “"I'm Happy Now!"”

  1. fern Says:

    I guess that just reinforces what everyone says, that kids pick up so much from listening to what others say, then repeat it. Funny.

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