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My hubby is killing me over here...

April 20th, 2007 at 03:50 pm

Okay, he has only done something SO stupid once in our marriage.

Anyway, irony is I was teasing him about his stupid PS3 and how he just had to have it and wouldn't spend a dime otherwise all year, but well he has spent a few dimes otherwise - LOL. So I already blogged, that I am sure he could do it, he doesn't usually buy much at all. BUT at the same time, how long until the next best thing? He got super aggravated with me for teasing him...

Well anyway, it was 2000 when we were getting ready to move into our big house, and saving our pennies for a down payment, wondering if we would be able to sell our old home, etc., when he went out and bought a $2500 projector. We had only been married a little over a year but I thought we were seeing pretty eye to eye. But honestly, I don't even think he asked me. It was like, BTW I ordered a projector. BEcause it was a deal TOO GOOD TO PASS UP!!! He was sure it was a typo and he didn't really think it would go through or something (ordered online). Yeah, I Was livid. Anyway, back then we really had more money than we knew what to do with. So as annoying as it was. Mostly the principle that he made a $2500 purchase without telling me. Whatever. Believe me he has done nothing like that anywhere close since.

But this morning I Was laying in bed. I had gotten up and done my "How To" post at 4am because I couldn't sleep. & then I tried to go back to bed (felt pretty wide awake) around 6 because had gotten no sleep the night before (baby had a horrid night). I figured I really needed sleep. Well, I did. Dh came and tried to wake me at 7am, and I said no way. So he woke me up again later and I was pretending to sleep - I just did not want to wake up - LOL. But oh yeah - he had a way to wake me up. HE says, "How much do you love me?" Oh lord, I am thinking. I am awake now. So I open one eye to show I am awake. "What now!?!" So he proceeds to tell me there is a HDTV on sale at Fry's for $1k and he HAS to have it because there has never been such a deal on such a t.v. Being a realist I am just like, no way in hell. In 2 years we can buy something twice as good for 1/2 as much. But then he keeps insisting that no - this t.v. is such a good deal, we will never find a t.v. anywhere on par for this cheap ever - not even in 2 years. I am just rolling my eyes at him. But clearly something in his being has to have this t.v. and I do love him. So I told him pretty clearly he could buy his precious t.v. but he has to get a job to pay for it because my wage simply can't support it. I told him, he was killing me, on top of my job and overtime I was bringing money on the side. & I Was frankly tired of doing all this not to get ahead but just buy him more crap. When was the last time he brought in a dime?

So he runs off to the t.v. store and I am just annoyed right now. Then of course he starts saying we need a new entertainment center and blahblahblah. IT never ends!!! My god!

You know if he would get a job it wouldn't be as big a deal. HEck, I would like it if he would. If he would keep it to fund our retirement a little too. But today I am just really skeptical if he will come through. He insists if he buys it he should be able to sell it at a profit if we change our minds. So whatever. I know the odds are slim he would give it up. But the clock is ticking on the best deal ever had, so it is buy now, think later.

& you have to understand projector #1 was to curb his appetite for HD? IT has, but so did projector #2 which is barely 2 years old!!!

I am just extra annoyed because we just paid off the car. I just wrote the check. Could this have come up a week earlier? We just came into a lot of money. But why does he get to spend it all and I am left to square one, worrying about how to fund our retirement?

Mostly I think this means that preschool is entirely out the window for the little one. I had set aside about $1k for that, to give dh a little break. But uh uh. HE doesn't deserve it. I am sorry that LM can not go hang out with his brother and all one day a week, but apparently a t.v. is more important than anything. Gah.

I only hope and pray it is such a good deal there that there are no more left when he gets there. So he doesn't have to work a job all summer to pay for a t.v. when he couldn't even get a job to pad our retirement a little.

Apparently he has the 7-year itch. 7 years since he pulled this crap. Anyway, I know I have been very, oh ,we always see eye to eye and discuss things. I think this is just a little bit much because he just got his stupid very expensive PS3 too. It is just too much right now. He is driving me absolutely insane! Thank god he doesn't always pull crap like this. But well, he is wearing on my last nerve.

The thing about us is that through college I lived on my own and footed most the bill. He didn't work any less hard - he was always working many jobs, but he stayed at home and had no bills, so had completely 100% disposable income. & he really got to keep up a lot of that lifestyle when we first married. But frankly, he just doesn't *get* that he has to choose. That is what it comes down to. We agreed to live on 1 income and have a more relaxed lifestyle. But suddenly the rules are changed. Suddenly he wants to spend his nights and weekends working so he can keep up this lifestyle. & though I would feel better if he would just get a job. IT aggravates me all the same. Sometimes I wonder if he could really live through tight times. He is frugal, he works hard, he never buys with debt, etc. But he is not getting that though cash is in the bank, it is not there to spend! Sometimes I am amazed he did not come out a bigger spoiled brat the way his parents handed him so much, and times like these I see that he has - he is a big spoiled brat. Wink He got a lot of the work ethic, be frugal, buy cash, etc. But mix that in with a little spoiled and there you have it. A guy I can live with on a tight budget 90% of the time, but who every once in a while, his brain goes entirely out the window. Seriously this is the guy who nagged me about eating out at Taco Bell last weekend when we could pack a lunch and I told him not to start with me, if I wanted to spend $10 at Taco Bell for a family meal I darn well was going to - LOL. I was annoyed he as nagging me baout a small splurge when he had just bought his PS3.

So I don't know, could I have said no? Well, I did try to say no. We'll see how it turns out.

6 Responses to “My hubby is killing me over here...”

  1. tinapbeana Says:

    seriously, you're married to my husband!!! here's the question: does he wind up not being happy with some of his splurges after he gets them? i hate that about my DH sometimes: he finds something that he HAS TO HAVE and we sit down and work out a way to get it, and then as soon as he has it it turns out to not be exactly what he wanted after all. ARGH!!!!

    here's hoping the TV situation works out whichever way is best

  2. nance Says:

    Men and electronics! No wonder there is so much money made by the tech companies. They know that they have men that NEED new stuff every couple years to keep them in business.

  3. monkeymama Says:

    Well I guess that is the good thing. He will be very happy - he has been wanting a HDTV for over a decade. So in that regard I don't think it will be a waste. The problem is something bigger or better will come along soon enough though every purchase comes with the promise it will keep him happy for years - LOL. Whatever, I know better. But he seriously wanted to buy a $10k HDTV when we first met and part of me is relieved the HD is only $1k. & 2 projectors or about $4k later. Still beats the $10k HDTV that would be pretty obsolete today. I guess. Not that convinced either - LOL.

  4. Broken Arrow Says:

    Haha, this entry is just so hilarious in so many ways! I'm busy right, but I'll have to come back and read it all.

  5. Broken Arrow Says:

    I see you've made another entry about it, so I'll comment there instead....

  6. livingalmostlarge Says:

    I love my hubby and call him my frugal superman. Seriously he is. But in November about 2 days before the Wii comes out he says I want it. I was like what? You want to go and stand in line? Please no, I'm too old for that. He's like please, please, please.

    So in my blog I write about how we buy and flip 4 Wiis and keep one. I didn't know I was going home to or else I would have told my brothers and brought home the Wii for my nephews. But then I'd have to put up with the nagging for it.

    He's a 30 year old kid! Anyway he doesn't ask for much, but still you do realize that because he makes good money he can afford this crazy toy. By the way he's just finishing Zelda. And begging for $50 paper mario. Sigh. I luckily forgot to buy it while at Costco this weekend, so until we go again it's on the backburner...

    Arrgh, and no Zelda is not the only game we have, we have like 4-5 games for the Wii. I can't believe we spent so much on a system. And we still don't have a second nunchuck.

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