Home > Not My Day

Not My Day

April 3rd, 2007 at 10:45 pm

Today is one of those days that I just want to go crawl under a rock and hide. Yeesh.

On the plus side, my boss told me today that the tax code is more complex today than it ever was his entire career. That makes me feel a little better. Though sometimes I wonder why I even bother. I am about to give up on the tax code - hehe.

I had the sweetest new clients come in today and about wraps up my tax appointments. I keep thinking back to them and thinking at least I had a really pleasant start to my day. I needed that.

I also left my cell phone at home and feel naked without it (fear of being stranded on the side of the road or soemthing) but had to go to the bank by my house. So I stopped home to get my cell and surprised my fam. IT was nice. I used to go home for lunch every day. Told them I would consider it once a week in the summer - it isn't very far.
Wasted gas, but the fam is so worth it! Wink

Just a weird, chaotic day. *sigh* Saw the family, super nice clients, and yet I feel like all the rest of my good intentions today have gone to hell. Yikes. Curse of April 3rd. Hopefuly april 4th will be better!

1 Responses to “Not My Day”

  1. Ima saver Says:

    Hoope you have a better day tomorrow!

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