Home > Quickies


April 2nd, 2007 at 01:09 am

*Played as joke on my parents. We actually love April Fools but I get lazy with age. Brings out the kids in us I guess though. In reality I felt too sick today to work on their taxes as promised. But they did not know that so I called and told them they owed $15k. I was trying to pick a number high enough to shock them, but since they expected to owe I Wasn't sure how much. I did good - my mom said she was freaking out. My dad was confused, but I got them good. Wink I didn't prolong the torture too long. They probably think it is worse that I haven't looked at it yet though. I am trying to talk them into extension. But they aren't going for it. But they might have to at this rate.

*Just updated my net worth. Short on time so did a quick excel sheet for 3/31. Did a column with house and one without because it skews everything so much. But without house it landed at a few dollars short of my current salary. Too funny. 30 with 1 years salary. But it will be even more by the end of the year - still have 9 more months of being 30. Not bad, not bad. I didn't even include the cash equity we paid into our house like I usually do. Just thought of that. With that we are well over 2 years salary in net worth. Over time will mean more. For now I am making a good $25k less than when we both worked (which was only 1 year or so at that level) but a good $25k more than the last few years so it is really hard to pinpoint where we should be, how much we really need to live on and so on. But I am pinpointing our expenses at around $50k/year which makes me want to grow our net worth about $25k/year - seems reasonable and yet a little aggressive at this point. Reasonably aggressive.

*Tonight we will splurge on dinner out. I wish I Was feeling better and my taste buds would enjoy more, but I don't remember the last time we all went out to eat on our dime. Maybe in December for birthdays - I don't know. So it should be fun. Then again the little one is really grumpy this weekend. So we'll see. We had a good month overall so figured what the heck. I think we are breakeven on the budget...

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