Home > Take-Home Pay vs. fixed expenses update

Take-Home Pay vs. fixed expenses update

January 6th, 2007 at 04:26 pm

Updating for 2007.

Mortgage - 1300
Homeowners Fees - 70
Property Tax - 350
Home Insurance - 150
Utilities - 400 (water, phones, cable, electric, sewer, garbage)
Car Payment - 215 (gone soon enough!)
Car repairs/maint.-50
Gas - 300
Auto Insurance 150
Groceries 500
Health Insurance 675
Life & Dis. Insur. 60
Dental Checkups 85 (no insurance)
Loans (Other) 0
Child Care 0
TOTAL $4,305
OR 81%..

Down from 84% in 2006.

Hey - improvement.

Leaves 6% SAVINGS
6% preschool
1.5% gardener
5.5% discretionary

I am both so frugal and so not frugal it is amazing. HAving 80% of my income spoken for by fixed things is not frugal. HAving 5% of my income to spend outside of the "necessities"/big bills is quite frugal I think.

But this is just based on my salary - there are a lot of extras which make it possible to save, one being my overtime pay. It just don't count all that stuff because it is not steady or certain. But makes our savings stance look much less bleak since for now anyway we save all the extra...

Forging ahead.

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