Home > Oh my - a size 10!

Oh my - a size 10!

January 5th, 2007 at 05:25 pm

I was a little worried yesterday because I have been waiting to lose weight - or to see where I land anyway - before buying some nicer clothes/suits for upcoming tax season. Only time of year I really see clients and have to really dress up.

After my last pregnancy I gained 15 pounds easy, my hormones were just whacked out - this is part of the reason I stopped breastfeeding earlier - which I pointed out in the preparking for kids thread - you can plan all you want to breastfeed to save money but it doesn't always work out. I Was having bad bladder, hormone, and weight issues and it all went away the second I stopped breastfeeding. So my son was only breastfed 6 months, though I had planned a year and had made it a year with my first. Oh well. My sanity and my physical well being was more important at the time. I couldn't even work full-time to support my family I Was such a basket case. I went to PT for months and luckily have a very understanding boss. But once tax season rolled around I just quit breastfeeding - if I had known how immediately better I would have felt I would have quit sooner... I still have really weak pelvic muscles and baldder issues but it was so much worse with the hormones. It wasn't even wetting issues like people would imagine, my bladder was literally falling out of place - and it is not a comfortable thing. IT still is out of place to a big degree. The thing that amazes me is the doctors always brush it off as mild. I can't even imagine what a severe case would be like. I will most likely need surgery when I hit menopause, and the hormones whack out again, but I did see they had new laser surgery techniques to tighten the pelvic muscles, I am keeping my eye out. In the meantime I can not even imagine putting my body through another pregnancy which made dh's surgery a little easier to do - such a final thing. I am not sure I Could handle it with my weak muscles - they are about obliterated.

Anyway, so I go and and on and on - LOL - but last year I bought some bigger clothes. & they are too big right now, since I lost about 10 pounds, my regular clothes too small. So I need to buy, if nothing else, a nice suit top, I like to just wear those with skirts and dresses. Since my pant size varies so much it seems just on the time of day - hehe.

But I walked into work monday and was slammed with all these last minute things and I had to go out to a bunch of clients. I Was freaking out if I really had anything suitable to wear. So at the last minute yesterday morning, on a whim, I tried on an old size 10 suit jacket. Didn't even expect to fit it over my shoulders, and by golly, it fit!!!!

The great news is that I don't have to do as much shopping as I thought I needed to do - woohoo.

I was wearing this before I ever had kids - like 20 pounds ago. The funny thing is it looked all loose and saggy over my chest but I Could barely button it. Welcome to my body. But it looked very nice just left open so yay! IT's a little tight, but good enough.

The downside is I noticed it is dry clean only. I know I rarely wear it so maybe it has never been washed. I don't believe in dry cleaning. I usually wash all my dry cleaning clothes, which I try not to buy in the first place. But I am looking at this jacket trying to think if I ever really neevr washed it - it looks quite nice and clean. I don't know if I Should risk putting it in the wash.

Just hope nothing spills on it or anything I guess. Otherwise it should get through tax season just fine wihtout a wash - only need to wear it a handful of days. Phew.

4 Responses to “Oh my - a size 10!”

  1. tinapbeana Says:

    cool!!! re: the jacket: if it's not wool or silk, lightly spritz with generic febreeze and toss in the drier on low heat. freshens right up!

  2. monkeymama Says:

    Great idea!!!!

  3. LuckyRobin Says:

    You should go see a uroligist about your bladder. They have this surgery where they can put your bladder in a sling and attatch it to...the wall of something...I forget...and it holds it back up in place where it needs to be. I had it done when I was 33 and they were in there doing surgery anyway for other stuff and it made a huge difference in everything. I wish I could remember what it was called, but I'm sure the doctor would know if you said bladder sling.

  4. monkeymama Says:

    Yeah - that is my option for now. It is not that bad though - they don't recommend it for now. But the new laser stuff does look cool.

    But if not laser or newer techniques I will most definitely need a sling when I hit menopause - have already discussed it. I guess flucutating hormones really makes it worse - why it is worse as you age.

    Wow you had it done young!!! But I guess that makes sense - if I had to have surgery anyway I would go for it now. But for the most part it is an "old lady" thing.

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