Home > Now this is a CAR

Now this is a CAR

January 5th, 2007 at 01:26 am

The funny thing is I picture Ima Saver driving this car down the road as it comes down in price. Wink

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I just saw this guy last night (on the smart public television I watch. Shhhh - you don't have to mention all the trashy reality t.v. I so adore - hehe). Anyway, the guy who started or owned this company, not quite sure, was very interesting. He is actually working with NASA on some space programs, BUT he also has designed this electric sports car. IT is COOL! Both a fancy sports car and an environmentally-friendly car??? Sounds too good to be true.

Well the price is a nice $90k or so. But he was talking about on t.v. about some cheaper models coming out in the $30k-$50k range.

I think I will go start saving my pennies. Maybe in 20 years. Wink Even $30k is way too much car for me - hehe. But when I am old and rich I am going to get me one of these...

Anyway, beyond the car, a fascinating guy. I will have to look up his name.

7 Responses to “Now this is a CAR”

  1. tinapbeana Says:

    sweet! now THAT is a sexy car! mine's gonna be either very orange, electric blue, or fusion red. maybe brilliant yellow, since i already drive a yellow car...

    we could all chip in together and share one. kinda like a timeshare Big Grin

  2. Broken Arrow Says:

    Hehe, I've been eyeing that one for a while, and let me just say that you have excellent taste. Wink

    I think there's also a YouTube video where he was pulled over by a police car. Kind of funny, there.

  3. PRICEPLUS Says:

    I drive a fuddy duddy car! Camry LE is what it is. 6 mighty cyclinders of propriety that screams married middle aged fella with kids.Big Grin Oh well it gets me where I wanna go!WinkSmile

  4. LuckyRobin Says:

    They had this car in the last issue of Discover magazine. It's so pretty. I want one! The environmental benefit would be remarkable if they could just get that price down.

  5. monkeymama Says:

    That's okay PRicePlus, I drive a minivan. I love it though. A Camry would be a very nice car too.

    I just have been itching for a sports car on the weekends anyway, and the gas mileage always reels me. So when I Saw this I got all excited. I Can't find anything online, but he did say in the $30k range in the near future (maybe not so fancy looking though).

  6. Ima saver Says:

    I want one, so will my husband!! Just think of all the gas money we will save!

  7. monkeymama Says:

    I knew you would IMA. If you buy one come to CA to pick it up and visit us - hehe. Wink I guess for now they are mostly distributing them around here.

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