Home > Tracking Spend Days

Tracking Spend Days

January 3rd, 2007 at 02:55 pm

I want to track all my spend days out of curiosity. I think I will update daily, but in the grand scheme of things just keep a running total how much I spend each week. I am trying to decide how much to include of dh's purchases. & groceries and gas. I think I will list groceries and gas, since you have to go out and buy these things, and we could cut back, but none of the fixed bills I pay, and utilities and such. I was going to say maybe include only things I go out to buy, but I forget how much I buy online - ebay and all - hehe. I guess I will have to include dh's spending too. If I included just me about all I would ever buy is gas once a week but he does do a lot of household shopping.

Well here goes so far...

Jan. 4 - $32.00 Toddler Class for 1 month
Jan. 3 - $24.00 Celebratory Dinner
Jan. 2 - $61.77 Groceries
Jan. 1 - $00.00

I did skim the bill and it was all groceries.

& well I just might have to get gas today... But I am curious how many no-spend days we come up with for 2007 as a whole.

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